June 10th was the day after the college entrance examination.

It was Lin Yi’s birthday.

The family sat around the dining table, sang a birthday song, and Lin Yi made a wish for his 18th birthday.

" I hope my parents are healthy, and I hope our family is safe and happy forever!"

Lin Yi opened his eyes and blew out the candles on the cake.

" It’s so fast. In the blink of an eye, our foster child Yi Yi is already 18 years old." The mother sitting across the table stood up with a smile and picked up the knife on the table.

"Mom, let me cut the cake" Lin Yi wanted to take the knife from his mother, but his mother shook her head and walked slowly to Lin Yi.

"Yes, on the day when a livestock person reaches adulthood, the meat is the most delicious." The father on the other side swallowed his saliva and looked over

"Dad, what are you talking about?"Lin Yi was confused

" Hurry up, I can't wait to taste him" Dad ignored Lin Yi.

He opened his mouth slightly, saliva flowing down the corners of his mouth.

" Dad, I know the cake is delicious, but you are exaggerating"

" I'm not talking about cake" Dad shook his head,"I'm talking about you"


"One"My mother called me softly.

Before Lin Yi could turn around, he felt a pain in his chest. The knife that was originally used to cut the cake stabbed into Lin Yi's chest.

" Happy Birthday" Hearing his mother's voice, Lin Yi gradually lost consciousness......

"Happy birthday to you, I wish you happy every day, I wish you happiness forever!"

A familiar birthday song rang in his ears, and Lin Yi opened his eyes suddenly.

He saw the cake on the table, his parents sitting opposite the table, and the knife on the table.

Memories kept flashing in his mind. If Lin Yi remembered correctly, the knife should have been stuck in his chest.

Lin Yi was startled. He stood up suddenly, and the chair behind him was overturned to the ground. He lowered his head to look at the chest, raised his hand and touched it, and it was intact.

What happened? Why did the knife that stabbed into the chest return to the table?

No, this is not the point of the problem.

The point is why did his mother want to kill him on his birthday?

If he had been killed by his mother, why was he standing here unharmed now?

Could it be that everything before was just a picture he imagined?

However, the picture in the memory was so real that Lin Yi even remembered the pain of the knife stabbing into his chest clearly.

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you?"Mom looked up at Lin Yi and asked with a smile,"Why are you sweating so much? Are you feeling unwell?";

" No......No" Lin Yi was speechless for a moment

" It’s so fast. In the blink of an eye, our foster child Yi Yi is already 18 years old."

The moment the same words came out of his mother's mouth, Lin Yi felt his scalp tingling.

Looking up, his mother stood up with a smile, stretched out her hand and prepared to pick up the knife on the table.

"Mom!"Lin Yi grabbed the knife on the table and said tremblingly,"I......Let me cut the cake."

"Gulu" The father sitting next to him swallowed his saliva

"On the day when a livestock person reaches adulthood, his meat is the most delicious. I can't wait to taste him."

Dad opened his mouth, and saliva slowly flowed out from the corners of his mouth, just like the picture in Lin Yi's mind. The same picture, the same words.

Is all this really just a coincidence?

Lin Yi froze in place, feeling terrified.

"One" Mom walked slowly towards Lin Yi and whispered,"Happy Birthday!""

The mother's words instantly ignited the fear in Lin Yi's heart.

He began to retreat, raised the knife in his hand, pointed the knife at his parents and shouted:"No, you are not my parents!"

"you......Who are you guys?"

Although he said this, Lin Yi was still praying in his heart.

He prayed that his father would ask him what was wrong with him, and prayed that his mother would gently comfort him that everything was fine.

However, the imagined scene did not appear.

" Oops, he seems to have found" The smile on my mother's face suddenly became stiff

" Strange, he hadn't discovered it for so many years, why did he discover it now?"Dad also stood up

" What a bummer! Fear will make the meat of animals sour." Mom didn’t stop, she even quickened her pace

"Stop! Don't come over here!"Lin Yi shouted nervously

"One, don't be afraid" When approaching Lin Yi, the smile on the mother's face suddenly became natural.

Although he knew that the person in front of him was not his mother, looking at that smiling face, Lin Yi could not bring himself to do it.

"You are right, we are not your parents. We are your owners."

" Nothing is more delicious than the meat of an animal on the day it reaches adulthood."

Dad's tone became more and more excited, and even his body began to swell.

The familiar face began to distort, and Dad's skin began to tear as his body expanded.

Blood flowed from the tear, but Dad seemed to feel no pain, and a strange laugh came out of his throat.

" Strange......monster......"The scene in front of him made Lin Yi stunned.

It seemed that there was something else hidden in his father's body.

It was completely black, and its skin seemed to be covered with a thick shell.

Huge compound eyes were exposed from under the face, and tentacles covered with barbs kept emerging from the abdomen. What on earth was that?......What is it?

"One, don't be afraid" In shock, the mother had already come to Lin Yi.

She raised her hand and touched Lin Yi's head:"It will be very quick, it won't hurt at all.""

"Ah!"The fear in his heart turned into a scream and came out of Lin Yi's mouth.

He clenched the knife in his hand and stabbed forward with force.

". With a clang, the knife in her hand broke.

The blade cut through my mother’s skin, but underneath the skin was the same black carapace as my father’s.

" What a disobedient beast!"The smile on the mother's face disappeared, replaced by a kind of indifference.

Lin Yi felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Looking down, he saw something piercing his body.

Black tentacles emerged from the mother's waist and pierced into Lin Yi's abdomen.

The tentacles kept squirming, and the barbs on them pierced into the flesh.

The pungent smell of blood spread in the room, but the faces of the parents showed excited smiles.

"It smells so good" The mother's face began to twist, and the monster inside couldn't wait to get out

"Sure enough, the animals that have just reached adulthood are the most delicious!"Dad ran over.

He opened his mouth wide, bit Lin Yi's neck with his serrated mouthparts, and greedily sucked his blood.

" Happy birthday, one by one"

Hearing the same words, Lin Yi was killed again......

" Ah Zhen fell in love with Ah Qiang on a starry night--"

The out-of-tune singing sounded in his ears. Lin Yi suddenly opened his eyes and shouted in fear:"No! Don't!"

The voices around him stopped abruptly, and everyone in the room looked at Lin Yi at the same time.

" I am not dead? I am still alive?"The terrible picture kept flashing in Lin Yi's mind.

He looked down at his body and found that he was still unharmed.

"Here is......Queen KTV?"The light bulb in the room reflected a dazzling light. Lin Yi squinted his eyes and saw clearly where he was.

"Lin Yi, what's wrong with you?"The person sitting next to Lin Yi was his classmate.

After noticing Lin Yi's strange reaction, he came over and asked,"What did you say no to just now?";

"Why am I here?"Lin Yi couldn't figure it out.

He was clearly at home before, why did he appear in the KTV in the blink of an eye?

"Didn't we agree to sing after the party?"The classmate next to me said excitedly,"After singing, we'll go to the Internet cafe to stay up all night!";

"Dinner party? Singing? Internet cafe?"Lin Yi was stunned,"Isn't this what we did yesterday?";

"Yesterday?"The classmate next to me asked in confusion,"We went home after the exam yesterday."

" Finished the exam?"Lin Yi seemed to realize something. He quickly took out his cell phone and looked down. He saw the date displayed on the screen - June 9th

"I......Am I back to yesterday?

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