"Lin Yi, what happened to you?"

The classmate next to him noticed Lin Yi's pale face and asked with concern:"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Do you want to go to the hospital?";

" No......No" Lin Yi stood up.

He felt confused and wanted to leave here urgently. He wanted to find a quiet place where he could think carefully.

" I suddenly remembered that I had something to do at home, so I left first"Lin Yi ran out of the KTV quickly.

The streets at night were still busy with traffic. Lin Yi walked aimlessly on the road, his heart in a mess.

He didn't dare to go home. When he thought that his parents were monsters, he felt terrified.

Lin Yi couldn't face them as if nothing had happened, not to mention that the two monsters at home wanted to eat him.

If he went back now, he would definitely be exposed. By then, I'm afraid that Lin Yi would be killed again without waiting until tomorrow.

But why did he come back to life when he was obviously dead?

And, he went back to the past?

Lin Yi couldn't figure it out.

More and more questions popped up--

When did the two monsters start to pretend to be his parents?

Where are the real parents now? Are they still alive?

What should I do next? Call the police?

The police wouldn't believe this kind of thing.

Lin Yi felt that he was going crazy. He was shaking all over, and it felt like a knife was stuck in his chest, stirring his heart constantly.

An inexplicable sadness and panic spread in his heart. Lin Yi didn't know what to do next.

Unknowingly, Lin Yi came to school

" Lin Yi?"The person walking towards me is Lin Yi's class teacher

"Teacher Yao" Seeing someone he knew walking towards him, Lin Yi's anxiety was relieved.

" Why are you here? I heard from my classmates that you guys went to sing.;


" Didn't you do well in the exam? It doesn't matter, there is still a long way to go. The exam is over, so relax."

In Lin Yi's heart, Teacher Yao has always been a gentle and kind person.

He is very good to students, and he will do his best to help students as long as they are in trouble.

So, Lin Yi decided to speak out about this matter.

"Teacher Yao, I encountered a terrible thing"

"Don't be anxious, speak slowly" Teacher Yao seemed to notice Lin Yi's uneasiness and came over to comfort him.

" Teacher Yao, you may not believe this." When he thought about what he had been through, Lin Yi couldn't help but tremble,"But I really don't know what to do."

"The teacher believes in you" Teacher Yao said firmly,"Just tell me, I will definitely help you.""

"Teacher, my parents......" Lin Yi took a deep breath and continued,"No, they are not my parents. Teacher Yao, they are monsters. They killed my parents and disguised themselves as them."

"Monster?"Teacher Yao was stunned for a moment

" I didn't lie, everything I said was true"

"Are you sure they are monsters?"Teacher Yao's face turned serious,"Lin Yi, this kind of thing can't be joked about."

" I'm not kidding, they are really monsters, I saw it with my own eyes"

Teacher Yao raised his head, looked around first, and then pulled Lin Yi to a secluded corner

" Lin Yi, the teacher believes in you"

Lin Yi was deeply moved by Teacher Yao’s answer. He felt like he had found a supporter and the weight of the burden on his heart fell to the ground.

"Do you remember what the monster you saw looked like?"

Lin nodded:"I remember"

" They look terrible, their skin is like the shell of a beetle, very hard, even a knife can't pierce it. They also have disgusting tentacles on their abdomens, covered with barbs."

" By the way, they also have--" Before Lin Yi finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that Teacher Yao in front of him seemed to be a little strange. Teacher

Yao was not tall and thin.

However, now Teacher Yao seemed to have grown taller and fatter.

" Lin Yi, the monster you saw......" A strange smile appeared on Teacher Yao's face.

His mouth slowly opened until the corners of his mouth began to tear without stopping.

The serrated mouthparts emerged from his mouth, followed by the huge compound eyes.

His stomach began to wriggle, and the tentacles covered with barbs instantly emerged.

&#Is that so?"

Lin Yi's mind went blank. He had never imagined that the teacher in front of him was actually a terrifying monster.

When he came to his senses and wanted to escape, those disgusting tentacles had already tightly wrapped around him.

The tentacles kept tightening, and the barbs pierced through his clothes and pierced into his flesh.


Severe pain spread throughout Lin Yi's body. Teacher Yao moved closer and closer. He opened his mouth and bit off Lin Yi's neck.......

"Ding ding ding--ding ding ding——"

Lin Yi was woken up by the alarm of his cell phone. He sat up suddenly and found himself sitting on the bed. He looked around nervously. This was his room.

"I......I'm not dead?"I quickly picked up my phone. It was still June 9.

But the difference was that it was now the morning of June 9.

" Time is pushed back again? Why?"Lin Yi couldn't figure it out,"Does it mean that every time I am killed, I will go back to the past?";

"Yiyi, are you up?"My mother's voice came from the other side of the door," I heard your cell phone ringing"

"It's the alarm clock, I'm already up!"Lin Yi was startled

" Mom is coming in"The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Lin Yi's heart was in his throat.

He didn't know how to face the monsters outside, and he was more worried about his fear.���Look:"Don't come in, I......I'm changing my clothes!";

"You kid, I raised you from childhood, what haven't I seen?"

The mother outside the door smiled and said,"Okay, I won't go in. I'm going out for a while, and I've left my pocket money on the table."

Lin Yi was suddenly lost by his mother's gentle tone.

If possible, he hoped that all this was just a dream.

However, the memory in his mind clearly told him that all this was real.

""Lin Yi, calm down, calm down!" Lin Yi took a deep breath and kept telling himself in his heart.

He didn't want to die, at least not like this.

What exactly are these monsters, and whether his parents are still alive, Lin Yi wanted to find out.

" When I was killed before, the monster said that people who just came of age are the most delicious."

Lin Yi began to organize his thoughts:"So, as long as you are over 18 years old, you will be killed by these monsters"

" In other words, anyone under the age of 18 is not a monster"

" This matter cannot be told to adults, but I am no match for these monsters alone......."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi saw the class group in the mobile chat software.

Except for the repeater Lu Linhai who was already 19 years old, the other students were basically under 18.

" Strength lies in numbers. Tell them about this matter. Maybe they can come up with a solution."

In order to avoid the head teacher and Lu Linhai in the group, Lin Yi created a new group and pulled other students into the group

" Why is there another group?"Someone in the group sent a message

"The group leader is Lin Yi"

"Lin Yi, why did you create a new group? And Lin Hai is not in the group. I'll add him in."

"Don't pull!"Lin Yi hurriedly sent a message

"Everyone, listen to me" This may be the fastest typing speed Lin Yi has ever experienced in his life

"Don't tell anyone about this, including your parents, teachers, and Lu Linhai. Don't tell anyone except us!";

" What's going on? It's so mysterious"

"At 10 am, we will gather at the abandoned factory building in the back mountain. I have something to tell you. You must be mentally prepared. Remember, don't tell anyone."

Lin Yi got up from the bed, he leaned on the door and listened for a while, until he confirmed that his mother had left, Lin Yi walked out of the room.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang, and Lin Yi was startled.

He glanced at the screen and saw that it was a call from an unfamiliar number.

Who is this person?

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