Knife? Where did the knife come from?

Looking at the skinning knife flying towards the monster, Lin Yi felt a sense of fear.

If Zhou Kai had not discovered the knife flying behind him, or if he had not squatted down in time, the knife would probably have taken his life.

Before Lin Yi could investigate, the monster not far away let out a roar.

Looking up, the tentacles that were entangled with Lu Linhai were cut off by the skinning knife.

What surprised Lin Yi was not only that, the skinning knife did not fall down after hitting the monster, but floated in the air, continuing to attack as if it had life.

While the monster was entangled by the skinning knife, Zhou Kai quickly pulled Lu Linhai over

"How is Lu Linhai?" Lin Yi ran over and helped Zhou Kai drag Lu Linhai to a place far away from the monster.

"I don't know." Zhou Kai shook his head."But, he's still breathing."

"Brother, are you okay?"Zhou Yun also ran over and looked at Zhou Kai worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

After saying this, Zhou Kai looked up in the direction where the skinning knife was flying.

His face was a little solemn, and he said slowly:"Someone is coming"

"Is it a human or a monster?" Lin Yi asked


Following Zhou Kai's gaze, a man slowly approached under the moonlight.

The man was shirtless, muscular, with a bandage tied around his waist, and faint traces of blood could be seen.

The man looked ferocious, his face gloomy, staring at the monster with a piercing gaze, his eyes revealing a kind of hatred.

"that person......"Lin Yi felt that the man looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

He thought about it and said in shock,"I remember! He is An Chengdao!""

"An Chengdao?" Zhou Kai looked puzzled.

"An Chengdao, the butcher on Qianjiang Road, is a wanted fugitive by the police!"Lin Yi explained,"I saw a news report about him on TV."

"So, in order to avoid being caught, he has been hiding in Sifang Mountain?" Zhou Kai frowned.

"The Knife......"When he looked at the skinning knife again, Lin Yi understood immediately.

That skinning knife was the skinning knife used for slaughtering.

"Brother, look!" Zhou Yun shouted from behind, his tone full of surprise.

Looking back, something kept flying out from behind An Chengdao, surrounding him in a circle.

One, two......The things that kept rotating around An Chengdao were all tools for slaughter.

Three bleeding knives, three boning knives, two boning knives, a meat cutting knife, and a dark blue bone chopping knife.

An Chengdao frowned, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Even without getting close, Lin Yi could feel a terrifying aura from him, which made people feel a little scared.

When the dark blue bone chopping knife flew in front of him, An Chengdao quickly grabbed it in his hand and rushed towards the monster.

""Go to hell, you beast!" An Chengdao let out a low roar, and the dull roar made people shudder.

He raised the bone-cutting knife in his hand and chopped at the monster.

As An Chengdao attacked, Lin Yi saw the fear on the monster's face for the first time.

The sickle-like forearm was raised high and chopped down at An Chengdao.

But as two cold lights flashed, the two bone-cutting knives actually pierced into the monster's forearm.

"How come his knife is so sharp?"Lin Yi was a little surprised. He never thought that the monster's hard shell could be pierced so easily.

"No, it's not that his knife is sharp."Zhou Kai's enhanced vision allowed him to see more details.

"His knife stabbed the monster right at the joint."

"Joints?"Lin Yi was stunned at first, then he immediately understood.

"Yeah, why didn’t we think of it before?"

"The monster's shell is indeed strong, but no matter how strong it is, in order to ensure the movement of its hands and feet, the joints cannot be covered by the shell."

"Even if we think of it, we may not be able to do it."Zhou Kai shook his head.

"The monster is stronger than us and extremely flexible. In addition, the tentacles on its abdomen make it difficult to attack the monster's eyes and abdomen, let alone its joints."

"It is almost impossible for us to attack the joints cleanly and pierce through the gaps between the shells."

An Chengdao's attack was not over yet. As the boning knife restricted the monster's forearm, the other knives also moved quickly.

These knives seemed to have self-awareness and began to attack different parts of the monster. The three bleeding knives aimed at the monster's three insect legs and pierced through the joints.

The two bone-splitting knives cut in close to the bleeding knives and cut off two insect legs in an instant.

At this time, An Chengdao had already arrived in front of the monster. He raised the bone-cutting knife in his hand, and with a wave of his hand, he chopped off the other insect leg that was stabbed by the bleeding knife.

"Ah!"The monster let out a piercing scream, and the tentacles on its abdomen quickly rushed towards An Chengdao.

The skinning knife and the cleaver moved together, and with the help of the other knives, they cut off the waving tentacles one after another.

"Kill you, I will kill you!"After a series of setbacks, the monster was completely enraged by An Chengdao.

""Oops, get out of the way!" Zhou Kai, who had a keen sense, seemed to have sensed the monster's next move and hurriedly shouted to An Chengdao.

The monster rushed towards An Chengdao like crazy, as if it wanted to hit him to death with its body.

An Chengdao heard Zhou Kai's reminder, but he did not dodge.

He held the bone-chopping knife tightly in his right hand and leaned slightly to the left. Seeing the monster getting closer and closer, An Chengdao exerted force on his waist and swung the bone-chopping knife in his hand towards the monster.

"With a clang, the bone-chopping knife hit the monster's shell, and a series of sparks flew out.

Although the bone-chopping knife failed to break the monster's shell, it left a deep dent.

"This guy......This is too scary. Lin was stunned.

He knew how strong these monsters were.���How powerful are these monsters?

Facing such terrifying monsters, An Chengdao was not afraid and even used the bone-chopping knife in his hand to force the monster to stop.

"He is even more like a monster than a monster."Lin Yi sighed softly.

"Those flying knives......Could it be his ability?"Looking at the knife that kept attacking the monster in the air, Lin Yi was a little envious.

This ability is not only powerful, but also looks cool.

""I think so." Zhou Kai answered casually.

But soon, Zhou Kai frowned - he noticed that the bandage on An Chengdao's waist was completely soaked with blood.

The collision with the monster caused the wound on An Chengdao's waist to tear again. As he continued to exert force, blood on his waist continued to seep out.

""Hahaha!" The monster seemed to smell the blood in the air and became more excited.

She also noticed the wound on An Chengdao's waist, and the few remaining tentacles on her abdomen quickly stabbed at the wound.

An Chengdao and the monster were now almost close together. If the knives flew over, although they could hurt the monster, they would also hurt An Chengdao himself.

So, An Chengdao wanted to retreat, but the monster seemed to have sensed his intention, and it was too late to retreat now.

""Uncle butcher! Above!"

Seeing that the situation was not favorable, Lin Yi suddenly rushed over with a flash of inspiration.

He threw the bottle in his hand towards the monster. With his shout, An Chengdao saw the simple Molotov cocktail on the monster's head.

A bone-splitting knife flew upwards, and with a"bang", the bottle shattered, and the wine inside was instantly���The flame ignited and fell on the monster's head.

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