One bottle of wine was not enough to burn the monster to death, so Lin Yi threw bottles of wine from his bag at the monster one by one.

""Uncle butcher, there are more here!" Lin Yi shouted.

Perhaps because he felt that Lin Yi was too slow, Zhou Kai also came over to help.

Three boning knives and a meat cleaver kept circling over the monster's head, smashing the bottles thrown by Lin Yi and Zhou Kai one by one. The wine in Lin Yi's bag was all high-proof liquor, and the spilled wine increased the fire, which spread instantly on the monster.

The monster felt the pain brought by the flames, and the remaining tentacles raised up to try to extinguish the fire on its body.

However, An Chengdao would not give her this opportunity.

The boning knife pierced the few remaining tentacles of the monster, and the skinning knife followed, quickly cutting off all the tentacles of the monster.

The monster swung the remaining three insect legs and tried to escape. An Chengdao jumped up with the boning knife in his hand, aiming at the joints and cutting off two in succession. The only remaining insect leg was also pierced in the joint by the bloodletting knife and could no longer move.

The monster lost all its means of attack. She lay on the ground and kept rolling, not knowing whether she wanted to extinguish the fire on her body or struggle in pain.

"One by one, one by one......"In the flames, the monster slowly raised his head and looked at Lin Yi.

"One by one, save mom, save mom"

"You are not my mother!" Lin Yida yelled

"I am my mother, I am my mother." The monster squirmed, as if trying to get closer to Lin Yi.

"I raised you for eighteen years. I am your mother."

"quick......Please save mom, my body is in so much pain, please save mom!"

"Eighteen years......"The monster's words made Lin Yi furious.

He gritted his teeth, feeling an inexplicable depression in his heart.

"Yes, you did raise me for eighteen years. But that also means I was separated from my biological parents for eighteen years!"

"It's you, you monsters, who separated me from my biological parents for eighteen years!"

"I don't know who my biological parents are, I don't even know what they look like!"

Zhou Kai patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, he looked at the monster on the ground, and said for Lin Yi:"Don't pretend to be pitiful here, why do you want to raise Lin Yi, I think you know it in your heart"

"You know who my biological parents are, right?" Lin Yi yelled hysterically.

"Tell me, who are my biological parents? Where are they?......Are you still alive?"

"Lin Yi, don't go over there." Zhou Kai stopped Lin Yi who was about to approach the monster.


The monster's voice became weaker and weaker, and soon it fell to the ground and stopped moving.

"she......Is she dead?" Zhou Yun turned her head and looked to the side. She didn't dare to look at the monster's charred body.

"Dead." Zhou Kai nodded. The monster's heartbeat stopped.

"Ah!" Lin Yi raised his head and yelled, as if he wanted to vent all the grievances and resentment accumulated deep in his heart.

"Survived." Lin Yi took a deep breath, and after venting his anger, he felt a little excited.

"We finally survived the monster this time!"

Yes, for Lin Yi, after experiencing death again and again, this time he finally defeated the monster.

Although there was only one, it was also a good start.

However, just when Lin Yi was immersed in joy, Zhou Kai's face suddenly changed.

An extremely subtle sound suddenly appeared and reached Zhou Kai's ears. This sound was the heartbeat of the monster!

""No! It's not dead!"

Zhou Kai shouted hurriedly, but the moment he shouted, the monster had already moved.

My mother's face turned into ashes and scattered all over the ground because of the burning of the flames, and its serrated mouthparts pushed hard against the ground.

The monster jumped up with all its strength, and bit towards Lin Yi with its serrated mouthparts.

The sudden scene made Lin Yi unable to react. When he came to his senses, the monster had already come to him.

At this moment, Lin Yi was at a loss, and his mind was full of only one thought-I can't die!

It was not easy to defeat a monster. After a short period of excitement, will everything return to the starting point?

No, he was unwilling!

Lin Yi felt that his body was getting hot, and at this moment, he suddenly found that the monster that was about to bite him stopped in mid-air.

Something happened What?

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, then he looked up. It was not only the monsters that stopped moving.

The knives flying in the air, Zhou Kai who opened his mouth to shout, An Chengdao who raised his bone-chopping knife, the panicked Zhou Yun, and even the half-fallen leaves not far away, it seemed that everything had stopped. At this moment, the whole world became extremely quiet, and everything was still at this moment, except Lin Yi.

Before he had time to figure out what was going on, Lin Yi's body couldn't stop shaking.

He felt very uncomfortable, and his heartbeat seemed to speed up at this moment.

Lin Yi felt that he couldn't breathe, and the sudden feeling of suffocation made Lin Yi's consciousness begin to blur.

His legs softened, and Lin Yi fell to the ground. At this moment, everything that had been still returned to normal again.

""Lin Yi!" Zhou Kai shouted from behind.

But Lin Yi suddenly fell down, making the monster's dying counterattack in vain.

""Beast!" An Chengdao roared, raised the bone-chopping knife in his hand and chopped it down at the monster's neck, instantly chopping off the monster's head.

""Lin Yi! Lin Yi, how are you? Are you okay?" Zhou Kai hurried to Lin Yi's side.

Lin Yi didn't say anything. He felt like his mind was about to explode. He opened his mouth and breathed in big gulps.

"Fortunately, there is no injury. After checking Lin Yi's neck, Zhou Kai breathed a sigh of relief.

"How did you react so quickly just now?" Recalling the scene just now, even Zhou Kai, whose senses were enhanced, didn't know what happened.

He clearly remembered that the monster pounced on him and was about to bite Lin Yi's neck, but the next second, Lin Yi suddenly fell to the ground.

Zhou Kai kept looking at Lin Yi, but even he didn't see how Lin Yi avoided the monster's attack.

""Lu Linhai, who had fallen to the side, woke up. He seemed to remember what happened before he fainted, and suddenly jumped up from the ground.

"Monster! Lin Yi, Zhou Kai, run!" Lu Linhai shouted, but when he looked closely, he only saw the monster's mutilated body and its head that had rolled to the side.

"monster......Dead?" Lu Linhai was stunned for a moment, then he noticed An Chengdao walking towards them.

"you......Everything is fine?" Zhou Kai was a little surprised

"I'm fine." Lu Linhai shook his head.

He saw An Chengdao not far away and asked,"Who is this uncle?"

Lu Linhai didn't know An Chengdao, but he noticed the blood-stained bandage on An Chengdao's waist.

"Uncle, you're injured!"

Lu Linhai was about to go over to take a look, but before he could lift his leg, a boning knife suddenly appeared in front of him.

Not only him, but also Lin Yi on the ground, Zhou Kai beside him, and even Zhou Yun, a knife flew in front of them.

The blade was pointed at them, as if as long as they moved a little, the knife in front of them would kill them immediately.

""What are you going to do?" Zhou Kai asked with a frown.

An Chengdao didn't say anything, staring at them fiercely with a cold face.

Lin Yi on the ground gradually recovered and his consciousness became much clearer.

When he saw the knife floating in front of him, Lin Yi realized that the man who killed the monster was a fugitive.

At this moment, the stone in Lin Yi's heart, which had just been put down, was suspended again.

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