An Chengdao walked towards him with a gloomy face, his eyes still full of murderous intent.

The blood oozing from his waist had completely soaked the bandage and slowly flowed down his legs. At this moment, he looked like a demon crawling out of the abyss.

"What is your relationship with this 'alien'?"

An Chengdao stared at Lin Yi fiercely, his low voice made people shudder.

Alien? This monster?

Lin Yi frowned, thinking carefully, although this monster was indeed killed by An Chengdao, it does not mean that An Chengdao will not kill them.

For a fugitive who has killed people, there is actually not much difference between killing people and killing monsters.

"This monster......"Lin Yi gritted his teeth. Although he was unwilling, he had to say,"It's my owner."

"They have been feeding me like a pig, and when I am fat, they will eat me."

"I don't want to be eaten by these monsters, so I had planned to escape tonight while they were asleep, but I was discovered by this monster and chased after me."

An Chengdao didn't say anything, but stared into Lin Yi's eyes, as if he wanted to judge from Lin Yi's eyes whether he was lying or not.

Lin Yi didn't avoid it, but raised his head and looked directly at An Chengdao.

Lin Yi didn't want to die. He had finally defeated a monster. If he had to go back to the past again because of being killed by An Chengdao, Lin Yi would feel unwilling.

Just as he was about to speak, An Chengdao's body suddenly tilted and he fell straight to the ground.

As An Chengdao fell, the knives that were originally suspended in front of Lin Yi and others also fell to the ground one after another.

"he......He's dead?" Lu Linhai was shocked.

"No." Zhou Kai shook his head. He could still hear An Chengdao's heartbeat, but it was a little weak.

"He is not dead, he just fainted temporarily due to excessive blood loss."

Zhou Kai pulled Zhou Yun up and prepared to leave:"Let's go quickly while he is still asleep."

"Leave?" Lu Linhai was a little surprised,"Are we just leaving like this?"

He looked at An Chengdao on the ground and said,"If we leave like this, he will die here."

"What does his life or death have to do with us?"Zhou Kai frowned.

"Lu Linhai, you better understand this first. We can't even guarantee our own safety, so how can we care about his life or death?"

"Besides, do you know who he is? He is a fugitive who has killed someone! You saw what happened just now. If he hadn't fainted, we would have been the ones to die!"

Lu Linhai opened his mouth to refute, but before he could speak, Lin Yi got there first.

"We can't just leave like this."

Lin Yi looked at An Chengdao on the ground.

"Are you crazy?" Zhou Kai frowned and said,"Lin Yi, don't forget, if I hadn't discovered it in time, the first one to die would not be the monster, but you."

"I know." Lin Yi nodded,"But, there is one thing, don't you think it's strange?"

Lin Yi continued,"During this period, the city is full of news about the arrest of An Chengdao."

"However, if most of the people in the city were monsters in disguise, then could the people he killed have been monsters disguised as humans from the beginning?"

Lin Yi remembered very clearly that when An Chengdao saw the monsters, there was no surprise in his eyes, but hatred.

Coupled with An Chengdao's control over his abilities, this shows that he had known about the existence of these monsters for a long time.

"I always feel that he knows more about these monsters than we do, so maybe we can get more information about them from him."

"So what?" Zhou Kai disagreed,"Why do we need to understand these monsters?"

"Even if you know about these monsters, what can you do? Kill them? Do you know how many monsters there are in this world? Can you kill them all?"

"All we have to do is escape from here and survive in a city where no one knows us."

"Zhou Kai."Lin Yi shook his head."We can't hide forever."

"Yes, you can pretend to be calm when facing these monsters. But where is your sister?"

Zhou Kai was stunned for a moment, and then he found that Zhou Yun behind him was trembling.

Zhou Yun was frightened by the monster, not only because of its scary appearance, but also because of its almost crazy behavior and cannibalism.

"Brother, I'm fine."Zhou Yun didn't want Zhou Kai to worry. Seeing Zhou Kai looking back, she tried her best to pretend that nothing was wrong.

However, her trembling tone still betrayed her.

"What's important is not An Chengdao, but what he might know."Lin Yi continued,"That's why I decided to help him."

"The information in An Chengdao's hands may help us better face these monsters."

Zhou Kai gritted his teeth, thought about it, and felt that what Lin Yi said made sense.

"Stop the bleeding first."Zhou Kai took a look at the wound on An Chengdao's waist.

Lu Linhai took action immediately. Because there was no bandage, he could only use his own clothes. He carefully removed the bandage on An Chengdao's waist. The moment he saw the wound, Lin Yi's scalp tingled.

The wound on An Chengdao's waist was very deep. Although it was sutured, it could be seen that An Chengdao sewed it himself.

"His body is very hot, as if he has a fever. Lu Linhai pressed the wound with his clothes.

"If he has been hiding here these days, the wound may be infected if it is not treated in time."Zhou Kai said,"Do you have any anti-inflammatory drugs with you?"

Lu Linhai shook his head. He didn't bring anything.

Lin Yi looked at his backpack and asked,"Can I use wine to disinfect the wound? However, I just threw away all the wine I brought. Now there is only toilet water and wind oil in the bag."

"......"Zhou Kai glared at Lin Yi,"Do you want to save him or kill him?"

"If you want to save him, you can only......"Zhou Kai paused.

He raised his head and looked back the way they came.

Lin Yi understood what Zhou Kai meant and continued,"This is the only way."

"I know where there is a 24-hour pharmacy. It's still a few hours before dawn. I'll go early and come back early. You wait for me here."

"I'll go with you." Zhou Kai stopped Lin Yi

"It's not safe for you to go alone. If you go together, we can have someone to look after you if anything happens."

Zhou Kai touched Zhou Yun's head and said,"Xiao Yun, wait for me here. Remember, don't run around. If someone suddenly goes up the mountain, be sure to hide."

Zhou Kai looked at Lu Linhai and continued,"Lu Linhai, you stay here too and help me take care of my sister."

"Don't worry." Lu Linhai patted his chest.

"Let's go quickly."Lin Yi urged.

The two left Sifang Mountain and came to the nearest pharmacy.

To be on the safe side, Zhou Kai walked into the pharmacy alone, and Lin Yi stood across the street waiting for him.

The streets were quiet late at night. It was obviously a familiar city, but for Lin Yi at this time, it had a different feeling.

Lin Yi sighed, and when he looked towards the pharmacy, Zhou Kai had already bought the medicine and walked out.

Lin Yi was about to go over, but at this moment, a car suddenly drove up and stopped in front of Lin Yi.

The car window slowly fell down, and when he saw the driver, Lin Yi felt something was wrong.

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