Seeing the monster approaching, Lin Yi became more and more anxious.

He couldn't understand why Zhou Kai hadn't appeared yet, as it was only 5 minutes to midnight and he was about to be eaten by the monster.

What had Zhou Kao been doing for the whole day? Did

Zhou Kai give up on him?

Because Zhou Kai knew that even if Lin Yi died, he would just go back to the past, so he simply didn't save him?

Lin Yi wanted to cry, really wanted to cry.

Although Lin Yi could come back to life in the past after being killed, the pain of being killed was unavoidable.

Lin Yi still remembers how painful it was when he was killed.

"wait......"Wait a minute!"

Lin Yi shouted, trying to stop the monster from approaching him.

"You said you would eat me tomorrow. One hour, one minute, one second less will not be tomorrow!"

"Besides, where's the cake? It's my birthday, you should at least prepare a cake for me."

"I don't like desserts." The monster licked his lips, sneered, and the movement under his skin began again.

"It's not for you to eat!"

Lin Yi did not give up and continued to shout:"Even if there is no cake to eat, let me blow out the candles and make a wish."

The monster ignored Lin Yi, his body began to swell, and the human skin gradually began to twist, as if the monster inside was about to drill out of the human skin in the next second.

"I can't die, I don't want to die!" Lin Yi gritted his teeth, and in panic, the things that happened on Sifang Mountain flashed through his mind.

Lin Yi remembered very clearly that at the moment when the monster disguised as his mother was about to bite him to death, the time around him seemed to stand still.

Could it be that this was also caused by his own ability?

If time could be stopped, he could escape from this monster!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi shouted in his heart:"Time stands still!"

The monster did not stop, and even quickened its pace.

"Why is it useless?" Perhaps shouting in the heart is useless, it must be shouted out loud to be effective, so Lin opened his mouth and shouted:"Stand still! Stop! Stop! Yamete!"

"Yiyi, don't be afraid."The smile on Dad's face became more and more ferocious.

His mouth opened wider and wider, and Lin Yi could even vaguely see the serrated mouthparts in his mouth.

His abdomen bulged high, and the tentacles inside kept wriggling, about to emerge from under his skin.

"As a livestock, being eaten by the owner is a very happy thing. This is your blessing."

Blessing? What a blessing!

Do you want this blessing?

Lin Yi cursed in his heart.

"Ah, it’s midnight.

The last five minutes are over.

It’s midnight.

It’s June 10th.

"Happy birthday, Yi Yi."

The monster's saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth. He opened his hands and his whole body swelled up. The human skin on his body seemed to be about to burst in the next second.

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and decided to fight this monster.

Although he knew that he was not the opponent of this monster, it was better to fight to the death than to be eaten by the monster.

Even if he could not escape the fate of being eaten in the end, at least he had to disgust this monster before he died.

Lin Yi retreated to the desk and grabbed the chair in front of the desk with one hand.

As long as the monster pounced on him, he would grab the chair and smash it.

"Ding Dong——"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang outside the room.

"Someone is coming!"Lin Yi shouted hurriedly as if he saw hope.

"Never mind." The monster said,"Nothing is more important than eating you."

The doorbell continued to ring, and perhaps because it was useless to ring the doorbell, the person outside began to knock on the door vigorously.

"You should go check it out." Lin Yi said as he knocked on the door,"If the person knocking on the door doesn't leave, the noise might wake up the neighbors."

"If you attract other monsters in this building, you won't be able to eat alone."

"Uh-ah!" The monster growled angrily and quickly returned to his father's usual appearance.

"You stay here quietly, I'll be back soon." Dad glared at Lin Yi, turned and left the room, and walked towards the door.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yi quickly thought about how to escape.

There was a monster guarding the door, so he definitely couldn't go through the front door.

But they lived on the 13th floor, so climbing through the window wouldn't work.

In fact, Lin Yi had thought about all these methods. If these methods could really help him escape, he wouldn't be here now.

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and looked up at the window.

"If it doesn't work, I'll just lure all the monsters in this building here." Lin Yi said in his heart.

"When all the monsters come over, I will jump down and die. I will die anyway, so I will disgust this monster before I die."

Lin Yi walked towards the window and stretched out his hand to open the window when a familiar voice came from outside the room.

"Hello uncle, I am Lin Yi's classmate, my name is Zhou Kai"

"Zhou Kai?!"Hearing Zhou Kai's voice, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief

"Can you come later to save me next time? If you are late, you may not be able to see me."

""It's so late, what are you doing here?" Dad's voice came from outside the room.

His tone was unfriendly, but it made sense. Anyone would be unhappy if they were interrupted while enjoying a delicious meal.

However, Zhou Kai didn't care about that. He said slowly and steadily,"Uncle, it's like this."

"Lin Yi didn't take the exam the day before yesterday, and he didn't come to the graduation dinner yesterday. My classmates were all very worried about him, thinking that he might be sick, so they sent me as a representative to check on him."

"Uncle, is Lin Yi okay? Is he really sick? Has he been to the hospital?"

"Lin Yi's grades have always been among the best in our class. The college entrance examination is so important, but he gave up. It's such a pity."

Zhou Kai chattered outside the door, and Lin Yi in the room was a little confused.���

Didn't Zhou Kai come to save him?

Why did he suddenly start chatting with this monster?

"What on earth are you doing here?" Dad was a little impatient, and from his tone, you could tell that he was suppressing his anger.

"Uncle, is there something wrong with your ears?" Zhou Kai continued to speak slowly, even slowing down his speech.

"It must be because he is tired of taking care of Lin Yi."

"OK, uncle, I'll say it again. Because Lin Yi didn't take the exam the day before yesterday......"Zhou Kai repeated what he had said before.

"What on earth is Zhou Kai going to do?"Lin Yi in the room frowned.

He couldn't figure it out. According to Zhou Kai's cautious character, he would never rashly appear in front of the monster if he was not absolutely sure.

However, Zhou Kai kept talking about some irrelevant things over and over again, and Lin Yi really couldn't guess what Zhou Kai's plan was.

When he thought of this, a muffled sound suddenly came from the room, and then, footsteps slowly approached Lin Yi's room.

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and his back suddenly felt cold.

Zhou Kai is dead?

The monster simply killed Zhou Kai because it was bored?

No, Zhou Kai's ability is enhanced senses. Even if Zhou Kai can't kill the monster, he won't be killed so easily by the monster.

But why did Zhou Kai's voice disappear?

If Zhou Kai is still alive, why did he suddenly stop talking?

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, his heart full of self-blame.

Zhou Kai died to save him, he must do something for Zhou Kai

"Ugly bastard, I'm going to fight you!"

Lin Yi grabbed a chair and rushed out, but just as he reached the door, a familiar figure appeared outside.

"What are you doing?"Zhou Kai, who was standing outside the door, was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lin Yi, who was holding the chair, in confusion.

"Are you going to fight the monster? What were you doing earlier?" Zhou Kai curled his lips

"you......You are not dead?"Looking at Zhou Kai in front of him, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel surprised.

Zhou Kai is not dead? It was the monster that died? Zhou Kai killed the monster?

"Do you really want me to die?" Zhou Kai asked with a frown.

"But I just heard......"Lin Yi put down the chair in his hand.

Walking out of the room, Lin Yi saw the monster lying in the entrance.

The muffled sound he heard just now was made when the monster fell.

Zhou Kai really killed the monster, but how did he do it?

Surprised, Lin Yi suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something familiar stuck in the monster's neck.

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