Lin Yi immediately recognized the object stuck in the monster's neck.

It was An Chengdao's knife.

"You just used these two knives to kill the monster?" Lin Yi was a little surprised.

"You think too highly of me." Zhou Kao shook his head and said,"Most of the people living here are monsters. In order not to wake up the other monsters, we must be quick, accurate and ruthless. It is best to kill them with one blow."

"I can't kill this monster in an instant."

Looking down at the ground, the monster was killed before it even had time to show its true appearance.

If there is really someone who can do this, Lin Yi can only think of one person.

"An Chengdao?!"

There were faint footsteps in the corridor, and then An Chengdao walked in from the door with a cold face.

He was wearing an ill-fitting sweater that looked like Zhou Kai's clothes.

He had a bag on his back for knives. He glanced down at the monster on the ground, and two bone-splitting knives flew out from the monster's neck in an instant and returned to the bag on An Chengdao's back.

"How did you bring him here?" Lin Yi asked in a low voice

"Without him, do you think I can save you from the monster alone?"Zhou Kai replied

"In order to kill a monster in an instant, you must have a very good understanding of the monster's structure. He has killed many monsters and is a butcher himself. He is the only person I can think of."

Zhou Kai shrugged.

After seeing Lin Yi being taken away by the monster, Zhou Kai knew that he could not save Lin Yi with his own strength. After thinking about it, Zhou Kai thought of An Chengdao on Sifang Mountain.

So, he hurried back to Sifang Mountain, helped An Chengdao rebandage his wound, and fed him medicine.

"You were right about what you said before." Zhou Kai approached Lin Yi and said,"He is indeed more like a monster than a monster."

"With such a serious injury, it is normal that he cannot move for three to five days."

"At first, I was also trying my best to save him, but he woke up the next day and was fine."

Zhou Kai thought he would have to spend some time to persuade An Chengdao to help him, but he didn't expect An Chengdao to agree immediately after listening to him.

"I remember you told me that you would be eaten by a monster on June 10, so I rushed here."

Zhou Kai's plan was simple. He knocked on the door first and distracted the monster by talking to it.

An Chengdao hid in the stairwell, determined the monster's location, and used his ability to control the bone-splitting knife to kill the monster.

"One more thing, do you know why those monsters can find us?" Zhou Kai asked.

Lin Yi shook his head. He couldn't figure it out.

"Pheromones." Zhou Kai explained

"These monsters leave pheromones on the humans they feed on."

"Through these pheromones, they can accurately find your location no matter where you go."

"Fortunately, only the owner can smell these pheromones. Now that all your owners are dead, you don't have to worry about them."

Hearing this, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since you knew this, why didn't you tell me earlier?"Lin Yi asked.

Zhou Kai pointed at An Chengdao with his chin and said,"He told me this on the way here."

"You are right, he knows these monsters better than we do."

He was very glad that he had made the decision. If he had left An Chengdao and left directly, even if he did not return to the city, he would have been found by the monsters because of the pheromones on his body.

Lin Yi looked back at An Chengdao. Perhaps because of excessive blood loss, his face was pale at this moment, but even so, An Chengdao frowned and looked serious and still looked ferocious.

Lin Yi felt that he should say thank you, but before he could open his mouth, An Chengdao grabbed the car keys from the shoe cabinet and said,"The people have been rescued. Now follow me to the butcher shop."

"Go to the butcher shop?"Lin was stunned for a moment,"Why go to the butcher shop? Are we going to run away with half a pig?"

Lin glanced at Zhou Kai, but saw that he also looked confused.

"This is different from what we agreed on."We agreed to return to Sifang Mountain immediately after rescuing the people, and then escape from this city."

"Without the key, you can't go anywhere."An Chengdao said coldly.

"Key?" Lin Yi asked doubtfully,"What key?""

"The key to leaving this city." An Chengdao continued

"This city is much more complicated than you think. Do you think you can escape from here by following the Sifang Mountain? Ridiculous!"

"This city is like a breeding farm. Without the key, even if you climb over Sifang Mountain, the final outcome will be a dead end."

""Farm?" Lin Yi was shocked."What do you mean?"

"If you know this, do you know what these monsters are all about?"

"Why are there monsters where we live? What happened in this city?"

An Chengdao didn't answer. He looked outside the corridor and walked out:"We'll talk on the way."

Lin Yi and Zhou Kai hurriedly followed.

They came to the parking lot and found Lin Yi's father's car.

After getting in the car, An Chengdao drove to the butcher shop.

"Uncle An, can you tell us now?"Lin Yi couldn't wait to know what was going on.

"A few years ago, I opened a pig farm in the suburbs. An Chengdao began to tell his experience of discovering the monster."The pigs raised in the pig farm are taken to the butcher shop after being slaughtered."

"Everything was fine until three months ago, when the pigsty door was not closed properly and all the pigs ran away."

"The pig farm is very small, and if I can't find these pigs, my work for the year will be in vain. So I started looking for these escaped pigs."

"I searched for a long time until I saw the carcasses of these pigs."

"These pigs......"Eated by a monster?" Lin Yi asked.

An Chengdao shook his head and continued,"It's not a monster, but a special device at the edge of this city."

"If you don't have the key, you will die immediately if you try to leave the city."

"This is impossible!" Lin Yi thought it was a bit absurd,"If the people in this city can't leave, what about those who are admitted to university?"

"You only saw them get into college, but have you ever seen them come back?" An Chengdao asked.

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly thought of Grandma Liu's son upstairs.

Grandma Liu said that her son was working in another place, but Lin Yi had never seen his son come back, even during the Chinese New Year.

"And, as I said, this city is a place similar to a breeding farm. Humans are the livestock being raised, and monsters are the owners who raise humans."

"In order to keep the livestock in the farm continuously, the city has special routes for entering and exiting, allowing monsters to trade livestock. But humans can't pass through these places at all."

Lin Yi understood that the special device on the edge of the city is equivalent to the electric fence around the farm.

Once the livestock get close, they will be electrocuted.

If you want to leave, you must go through the"front gate".

Monsters can tell who is human, so humans without monsters can't leave through the"front gate" at all.

"How do you know this?" Lin Yi asked

"Because, when I was looking for pigs, I found a skeleton. Next to the skeleton, there was——"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Kai's face suddenly turned very ugly.

He interrupted An Chengdao and said in a panic:"Oh no, we've fallen into a trap!"

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