Gu Zijin on the ground roared in pain, and his six insect legs kept struggling, trying desperately to get up.

But because he was facing the ground and was pierced by the steel bar, he couldn't get free for a while.

As he struggled, the steel bar stirred in his body, and the tentacles on Gu Zijin's abdomen quickly wrapped around him.

She tried to pull out the steel bar, and when she found that this method didn't work, she pulled her body slowly upwards, trying to climb out of the steel bar.

Lin Yi guessed its intention, so he would not give this monster a chance to escape.

Climbing back to the roof along the rope, Lin Yi ignored the pain in his waist and picked up a stone from the ground.

Lifting the stone above his head, Lin Yi smashed it at the monster downstairs without hesitation.

"With a"bang", the stone went astray.

Although it didn't hit the monster's body, it hit one of its legs.

""Ah!" the monster roared,"Lin Yi! I'm going to kill you! I must kill you!""

"I will peel off your skin and break your bones one by one!"

"You don't have this chance anymore." Lin Yi sneered and lifted another stone.

If one stone is not enough, just another one.

Lin Yi kept throwing stones at the monster downstairs, again and again.

"No......Don't throw it away!"

Gu Zijin finally realized his situation, and he stopped cursing and made a pitiful plea from his throat.

""Student Lin Yi, please let me go."

What a familiar voice, what a gentle voice.

"Lin Yi, please forgive me since we have known each other for so many years."

"Don't you remember? I was so nice to you when we were in school, have you forgotten?"

"I haven't forgotten." Lin Yi gritted his teeth,"I remember it very clearly."

Lin Yi didn't expect these monsters to beg for mercy, but he would not be soft-hearted:"It is precisely because I remember it very clearly that I will always remember how you killed me here."

"Huh?" Gu Zijin was stunned. He didn't understand what Lin Yi was talking about.

"I......Kill you?" Gu Zijin asked,"Lin Yi, what do you mean? I never thought of hurting you!"

"You don't need to know this."Lin Yi sneered and said,"As long as I remember it myself, it's fine."

He continued to throw stones at the monster downstairs. When he had thrown all the stones on the roof, he went to the next floor to look for it. The thing that was least lacking in this abandoned factory was stones.

Lin Yi kept throwing until the monster stopped struggling, until the monster died, until the sky gradually turned pale.

Lin Yi slumped on the ground, as if he had used up all his strength.

He raised his head and laughed at the sky.

Gu Zijin had killed Lin Yi here, and now Lin Yi had avenged himself here.

At this moment, all the emotions that had been pent up in his heart were vented.

Although he had only killed an underdeveloped monster, for Lin Yi, this was a good start.

""Just wait!" Lin Yi shouted,"One day, one day I will kill all of you ugly bastards!"

The sudden ringing of a cell phone scared Lin Yi so much that he jumped up from the ground. He glanced at the screen and saw that it was Zhou Kai's old phone number.

"Hello?" Lin Yi answered the phone.

"Where are you?" Zhou Kai's worried voice came from his hand.

"Back Mountain"

"Back mountain?" Zhou Kai on the phone was a little confused,"What are you doing in the back mountain?"

"Do you know what time it is now? Uncle An has already come back, why haven't you come back yet?"

"I thought you were caught by those monsters again."

Zhou Kai's series of questions touched Lin Yi a little. Although he didn't know who his biological parents were, at least he still had a few friends.

"Almost. I met Gu Zijin."

"......"Zhou Kai on the other end of the phone was silent.

After a moment, Zhou Kai asked,"Is it going to be reopened?"

"Not really." Lin Yi smiled and said,"I killed it."

"What?" Zhou Kai was a little surprised,"You killed a monster by yourself?"

"Let's talk about it when I come back." Lin Yi realized that now was not the time to relax.

He had to rush to Sifang Mountain as soon as possible to discuss the next plan with Zhou Kai and others.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi glanced at Gu Zijin downstairs.

"Goodbye, monitor."......

When Lin Yi returned to Sifang Mountain, Lu Linhai ran over quickly.

"Lin Yi, are you okay?" Lu Linhai looked at Lin Yi nervously, and only breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Lin Yi had no missing limbs."I heard Zhou Kai say that you encountered a monster, and I was shocked."

"He was just like a reckless man, and was just about to go to the back mountain to look for you." Zhou Kai also came over.

He looked around vigilantly at first, and after confirming that Lin Yi was not followed by a monster, he continued:"You are lucky, you actually killed a monster."

"The shell of an underdeveloped monster is not as hard as that of an adult monster."Lin Yi explained,"I used some tricks and won by luck." Lin Yi recounted the whole process, and after listening, Zhou Kai and others were worried for Lin Yi.

"Brother Lin Yi, are you okay?" Zhou Yun's eyes showed a trace of worry.

"I'm fine." Lin Yi smiled, looked at Zhou Kai and asked,"Where's Uncle An?"

""In front." Zhou Kai pointed in the direction they came from."Uncle An's wounds haven't healed yet, and he ran all night. While waiting for you, he fell asleep."

""Did you get the key?" Lin Yi asked.

Zhou Kai nodded:"I got the key, and some other things."

"Come on, I'll show you."

Near the cliff, Lin Yi saw An Chengdao lying on the ground.

Perhaps he heard the noise, An Chengdao suddenly sat up from the ground.

"Uncle An." Lin Yi greeted him, but An Chengdao ignored him and lay down again. There was an iron box and a file bag beside him.

"The key is in the box."Zhou Kai picked up the box and handed it to Lin Yi.

When Lin Yi opened the box and saw what was inside, he was surprised.

He rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had seen it wrong.

"This is......Key?"

In the palm-sized iron box, there was a diamond-shaped crystal.

Seeing Zhou Kai nodded, Lin Yi felt that his cognition was shocked.

"I know what you are thinking."Zhou Kai said,"I felt the same as you when I first saw it. After all, this thing is completely different from the key we know."

"Yes, when I saw it, I thought I was mistaken, and thought it looked like crystal."Lu Linhai agreed

"Rather than calling it a 'key', I think it's more like a 'jammer' or something like that." Zhou Kai explained

"Didn't Uncle An say that there are invisible devices around the city? This thing should be able to interfere with those devices, allowing us to pass safely."

"I always feel that this world is getting weirder and weirder."Lin Yi couldn't help but sighed.

"Take a look at this." Zhou Kai handed over the file bag,"After reading this, it's not too late for you to be surprised."

Lin Yi took the file bag, which contained some pieced-together paper materials.

After taking it out, Lin Yi saw a few dazzling big words - Human Ranch 798.

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