
Looking at the four big words on the document, Lin Yi felt cold all over.

"Just like what Uncle An said before, the city we live in has been a breeding farm since the beginning." Zhou Kai explained in a low voice

"The humans living here are the food of the monsters, and the monsters living here are equivalent to the breeders, that is, the owners."

"When humans grow up, the monsters will eat us without hesitation. Some high-quality humans may be sent to other places in other ways to provide for other monsters."

"Other ways......Does it mean going to work in another place, or getting into university?" Lin Yi asked.

Zhou Kai nodded and said,"This is the only possibility I can think of for now."

"As for the later '798’......"Zhou Kai pointed to the number on the document and said,"I think it might be the number."

"In other words, there are at least 798 ranches like this one in this city?!"Lin Yi was surprised.

"At least 798, but I think there will be more."

Lin Yi gritted his teeth. In just a few words, Lin Yi's worldview began to collapse.

He didn't know what happened in this world. If humans were livestock raised by monsters from the beginning, then what did the knowledge they learned over the years represent? Could it be that human history was also made up by these monsters?

"These things were found by Uncle An next to the skeleton. Zhou Kai continued

"The skeleton may have discovered the true face of these monsters before he died, so he wanted to leave. However, I can't think of what happened to make a person with a key die there."

"Uncle An said that the location of the skeleton is very close to the city."

""Could it be that he was discovered by those monsters, chased after and killed him?" Lu Linhai asked.

Zhou Kai shook his head:"If that person really died there because of the monsters, we wouldn't see these things."

"Unfortunately, when Uncle An found these materials, they had been torn into pieces. Although they were pieced together, the information they could obtain was limited."

Lin Yi took out the materials in the file bag and saw that these materials were pieced together and glued together. There were many missing pieces in the materials, but fortunately, he could learn something from them.

"It records how to use the key."Zhou Kai pointed to one of the pages and said

"When you are close to the edge of the city, the center of the key will light up red. As the red light slowly spreads, until the key turns completely red, you can leave."

"In addition to these, there is also a sketch of a monster on this page."

Lin Yi flipped to the back and saw the sketch.

The sketch showed the monsters that Lin Yi had encountered.

He would always remember the appearance of these monsters, with sickle-like forearms similar to those of a mantis, tentacles like those of an octopus, but without suction cups, but covered with barbs.

There were also those disgusting insect legs, as well as two huge compound eyes and saw-like mouthparts.

The incongruous appearance made Lin Yi feel upset.

"Alien name: Mantis, wingless subclass, medium intelligence species......"

Below the sketch, there is information about this monster.

"A carnivorous creature with sickle-shaped forearms. Its compound eyes are prominent, large and bright. It has tentacles on its abdomen to entangle its prey. Its neck can rotate freely and has serrated mouthparts......."

""Touch mantis?" Lin Yi was stunned for a moment,"Is this the name of those monsters?"

Zhou Kai shrugged and said,"That's what the information says."

Looking at the information in his hand, Lin Yi felt more and more strange.

"If there is data that records the appearance and characteristics of these monsters, it means that someone has studied them. So, does that mean that as long as we find someone who has studied these monsters, we can find a way to get rid of them?"

"If we can really get rid of them, do you think this city will still become a pasture for raising humans?"Zhou Kai sighed.

Lin Yi was speechless for a moment.

"I know what you are thinking." Zhou Kai continued,"Lin Yi, what we need to do is not to kill these monsters."

"Do you know how many of these monsters there are? Moreover, according to the information, there are definitely more types of these monsters than the one we see."

"We are no match for these monsters, and what we have to do is never to kill them. All we have to do is to survive."

When Zhou Kai said this, he looked at Zhou Yun beside him.

"I just hope Xiaoyun can grow up safely and live a peaceful life."Zhou Kai touched Zhou Yun's head,"Otherwise, I've never thought about it."

Zhou Kai has always thought like this, if possible, he doesn't want to conflict with these monsters.

Even if he knows that the people around him are monsters, he just wants to survive with his sister.

That's why he pretended not to know and has grown up until now.

However, Lin Yi's idea is different from Zhou Kai's.

Lin Yi hates these monsters, because of these monsters, he was separated from his biological parents.

If possible, Lin Yi wants to know what happened in this world and wants to get rid of these monsters.

"Even if we want to survive, do you think those monsters will let us go?" Lin Yi said

"In the eyes of those monsters, humans are nothing more than food."

"They don't care what the food thinks, nor do they care whether the food they are about to eat has dreams. All they have to do is open their mouths and take the food into their mouths."

"Zhou Kai, we can't escape"

""I can escape." Zhou Kai's eyes showed a rare glimmer of hope.

He took the information from Lin Yi, pulled out the last page, and placed it on���At the top.

Then, Zhou Kai pointed to the words written in pen and said,"As long as we go here, we can survive safely."

Looking in the direction where Zhou Kai pointed, the pen handwriting was already very faint, but it was still possible to make out what was written.

It was a line of neat handwriting, which read——"The Far North? The Peach Blossom Spring? The last hope of mankind?"

"What does this mean?"

Unlike the rest of the information, only this line of words was written in pen.

If Lin Yi was not mistaken, this line of words might have been written by the skeleton before his death.

"North."Zhou Kai said,"After leaving here, we will go north. There may be a place that belongs only to humans, a place without monsters, so it is called 'Peach Blossom Spring'.’"

"As long as we go there, we can live our lives in peace."

"Are you crazy?" Lin Yi was a little surprised."This line of words was obviously written later. Besides, there is a question mark after it."

"How can we know if it is true if we don't go and see?" Zhou Kai said firmly.

Just as the two were arguing, An Chengdao, who was lying on the ground, suddenly sat up.

The three bloodletting knives in his bag flew out and hovered in front of him.

An Chengdao looked up at Lin Yi and the others, and said in a calm voice,"You can't go anywhere."

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