Zhou Kai's words instantly made the atmosphere tense

"Maybe it's a monster that's just about to go down the mountain, and it may not be chasing us." Lu Linhai frowned and said

"Let's find a place to hide for a while and come out after this monster leaves."

"It's too late." Zhou Kai's face was very ugly. He turned around and looked behind him, and then said,"This monster is very fast, and......"

"And what?" Lin Yi asked

"And we all know this monster."Zhou Kai replied.

The moment he finished speaking, there was a rustling sound in the distance.

Something was jumping on the tree, and the distance between it and Lin Yi and others was getting closer and closer.

When they saw the figure clearly in the moonlight from the sky, Lin Yi and Lu Linhai could not help but stand there in a daze.

"That is......Teacher Yao?" Lu Linhai said subconsciously.

"What should we do now?" Zhou Kai's face was solemn, and he clenched the boning knife in his hand,"Do you want to fight?"

"You guys go, I'll stay and hold him back." Lu Linhai took a few steps forward.

"There might be monsters following it, we can't leave them all here."

Looking at Teacher Yao approaching, Lin Yi seemed to have thought of something.

"You can fight." Lin took a deep breath and quickly calmed himself down.

"These monsters are greedy by nature. When they see humans, if they can eat them themselves, they will never share them with other monsters."

"So, we may only have one monster to deal with."

"Three to one, fight it."

Lin Yi also thought about running away, but when Zhou Kai said"too late", Teacher Yao's eyes were already fixed on them.

Teacher Yao jumped from one tree to another. He used his high-altitude vision to see Lin Yi and the others, so even if they ran away, Teacher Yao would still catch up.

Once they ran out of Sifang Mountain and entered the city, the situation would be even more dangerous.

If they attracted other monsters, they would surely die.

Therefore, it would be better to take advantage of the fire on the mountain to lure away most of the monsters and fight this monster.

"With a"pop", Teacher Yao jumped down from the tree not far away.

He walked over with a smile on his face, looked at Lin Yi and the others and said,"Where have you been for so many days?"

"The teacher was so anxious to find you."

The familiar face and concerned tone seemed just like the usual Teacher Yao.

However, Lin Yi saw in his eyes the greed that only monsters would show when facing food.

"Teacher Yao, why are you here?"Lin Yi took a few steps forward, put his hands behind his back, and gestured to Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai.

"Of course I'm looking for you." Teacher Yao said anxiously.

"I heard from the police that you were kidnapped by a murderer, which made me very anxious. Teacher Yao said as she walked towards Lin Yi.

"As your teacher, how can you stand by and watch when your students are in danger?"

"So, after learning this news, I immediately contacted the police and cooperated with them to start searching the mountain."

"Fortunately, God has rewarded those who work hard, and I finally found you."

Teacher Yao opened his arms and walked over enthusiastically:"Come on, let the teacher see if you are injured."

Although he said so, as Teacher Yao got closer and closer, Lin Yi clearly saw the tentacles on his abdomen squirming excitedly, as if they couldn't wait to get out from under the skin.

""Do it!" Lin Yi shouted just as Teacher Yao walked in front of him.

Zhou Yun hid aside, while Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai circled around Teacher Yao from the left and right sides.

They rushed over quickly and hugged Teacher Yao tightly.

Lin Yi clenched the boning knife in his hand. His goal was clear - to attack the monster's eyes.

As he raised his hand and slashed the knife, his body swelled up rapidly as he saw the boning knife about to pierce Teacher Yao's left eye.

The skin on his body began to tear, and his sickle-like forearms pushed Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai away.

The tentacles with barbs on their abdomens quickly drilled out, trying to entangle Lin Yi's hand holding the knife.

Fortunately, after half a month of training, Lin Yi's reaction speed has improved. With a sudden kick of his feet, Lin Yi quickly retreated and distanced himself from Teacher Yao.

"What a disobedient bad student!"The serrated mouthparts broke through the skin of the face, and the pair of compound eyes emerged together with it.

"It is wrong to disrespect elders"

"Elder?"Lin Yi thought it was ridiculous.

The monster in front of him didn't look like an elder at all.

"I don't know if we are bad students, but you are definitely not a good teacher."Lin Yi bent slightly so that he could exert force at any time.

"Did the murderer tell you? Ha, if you didn't know anything, you could have died easily."Six insect legs emerged from Teacher Yao's body one after another, and he quickly rushed towards Lin Yi.

When his right arm was raised and about to swing down, Zhou Kai reminded loudly:"Lin Yi, attack left, dodge right!"

Lin Yi understood and quickly dodged to the right.

The sickle-like forearm fell and hit Lin Yi's left side.

""Huh?" Teacher Yao was stunned for a moment. He never thought that his attack method could be seen through by Zhou Kai.

In the past half month, in addition to their respective training tasks, Lin Yi and the others also had a common training - cooperation.

Zhou Kai can use his ability to predict the opponent's attack trajectory in advance. If the battle is at night, Zhou Kai's ability will play an unexpected role.

In order to make their abilities help Lin Yi and Lu Linhai, they set a set of simple commands.

For example, Zhou Kai just shouted"attack left" and"dodge right", which means that the monster will attack the left position, and you have to dodge to the right.

Just when Teacher Yao was distracted for a short time, Lu Linhai jumped up and threw himself on Teacher Yao's back.

"Teacher Yao, I remember you said that we should not be distracted when studying, so should we not be distracted when fighting?"

Lu Linhai raised the boning knife in his hand and stabbed Teacher Yao's left eye with force.

""Ah!" Teacher Yao screamed in pain, and the tentacles on his abdomen quickly rolled behind him.

However, after Lu Linhai hit Teacher Yao, he did not stay on Teacher Yao's back. He pulled out his knife and jumped down immediately, quickly distanced himself from Teacher Yao.

Therefore, those swinging tentacles did not catch Lu Linhai at all.

The reason why Lu Linhai's attack was successful was not only because of the half-month training that improved his physical strength and reaction ability, but also because Teacher Yao underestimated Lin Yi and others.

In Teacher Yao's eyes, the reason why Lin Yi and others had escaped for more than 20 days must be because they were afraid.

Even if they confronted him head-on now, it would be nothing more than a struggle before death, just a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

But he never expected that the students in front of him, whom he had taught before, were no longer the same as before.

""Now!" Following Lin Yi's shout, Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai acted quickly.

An Chengdao was originally a butcher and had killed monsters before, so he knew the structure of monsters very well.

Under An Chengdao's training, Lin Yi and his team knew the joints of monsters very well.

The three of them attacked at the same time, and the boning knives in their hands accurately pierced the joints of the insect's legs.

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