He turned the boning knife in his hand to ensure that he could cut the muscle connection at the joint, thus making it unable to move.

This process was not easy for Lin Yi. He did not have Zhou Kai's control of accuracy, nor did he have Lu Linhai's strength. Therefore, even if he wanted to turn the boning knife, he found it very strenuous.

However, Lin Yi thought of another way.

He pushed the boning knife forward with force, using the strength of his body to let the boning knife cut as many muscle connections at the opponent's joint as possible.

""Retreat!" Zhou Kai's voice came to his ears.

Lin Yi did not want to fight, he knew what Zhou Kai's shout meant.

Pulling out the boning knife, Lin Yi did not hesitate and quickly retreated.

At this moment, the tentacles on Teacher Yao's abdomen stretched out to their position.

Fortunately, they retreated in time, and the tentacles still failed to entangle them.

"Damn humans!"The jagged mouthparts kept opening and closing, and angry roars came out of Teacher Yao's throat.

The successive failures made Teacher Yao very angry at this time.

"I will make your life worse than death!"

"Teacher Yao, this is not what a teacher should say to a student."Lin Yi continued his verbal offensive.

His purpose was to provoke the other party. As long as these monsters were furious, they could rely on Zhou Kai's ability to find a breakthrough.

The insect legs stabbed by Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai had completely lost their ability to move. As for the one stabbed by Lin Yi, although it could barely move, it could hardly exert any force. The swinging tentacles entangled the two immobile insect legs, and then, Teacher Yao did something that Lin Yi and others did not expect.

It used its tentacles to break the two insect legs off alive.

The tentacles did not throw away the broken insect legs, but continued to entangle them.

The two broken insect legs became the monster's weapons at this moment.

"Really cruel."Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh.

The fire on the mountain became more and more intense. I don't know if it was because of the forest fire, but a strong wind blew.

The leaves around were rustling in the wind. Along with these sounds, the tentacles on Teacher Yao's abdomen waved randomly and rushed towards Lin Yi quickly.

""Lin Yi, dodge to the right!" Zhou Kai hurriedly reminded after noticing Teacher Yao's action.

However, just as Lin Yi dodged, a tentacle wrapped around the insect's leg suddenly loosened, and the insect's leg flew towards Zhou Kai at a very fast speed.

""Zhou Kai!" Lin Yi frowned. He knew very well that the monster in front of him must have noticed something.

Just as Lin Yi thought, although Teacher Yao did not know that Zhou Kai had special abilities, he knew that Zhou Kai was the eyes of Lin Yi and Lu Linhai in the night.

However, Zhou Kai seemed to always be able to see through his attack trajectory in advance, so Teacher Yao waved his tentacles randomly, trying to create an illusion for Zhou Kai.

Teacher Yao succeeded.

The randomly waving tentacles made the trajectory of the wind chaotic. The reason why Zhou Kai could predict the opponent's attack trajectory, in addition to his vision, was because of his hearing.

Zhou Kai listened to the sound of the wind, and based on the trajectory of the wind, he determined the trajectory of the opponent's attack.

Therefore, until the insect foot flew towards him, Zhou Kai did not anticipate Teacher Yao's intention.

Facing the sudden attack, Zhou Kai closed his eyes, held his breath, and focused his attention.

He recalled the scene of training with An Chengdao in his mind. The insect foot that was flying at this time was the stone that An Chengdao threw at him.

Whoosh - whoosh - in the chaotic sound of the wind, Zhou Kai heard the only trajectory.

He suddenly opened his eyes and quickly turned sideways. He raised the boning knife in his hand, with the blade standing in front of his chest.

"With a"hiss", the insect's feet slid along the blade, emitting a series of sparks.

"Success!" Zhou Kai was secretly happy.

But Lu Linhai's shout not far away made Zhou Kai realize that something was wrong.

Because he was concentrating on facing the monster's attack, Zhou Kai ignored other things.

When he came to his senses, he sensed that the monster had changed its target.

The monster neither continued to attack Lin Yi nor Lu Linhai. Its target was Zhou Yun who was standing beside him!

""Xiao Yun! Run!" Lu Linhai shouted, and Lin Yi also ran in the direction of Zhou Yun.

However, Teacher Yao's action was too sudden, and by the time they reacted, it was too late.

This monster is not stupid, it can see that Lin Yi and the other two cooperated well.

Because of being too careless and injured, Teacher Yao was in poor condition.

Facing Lin Yi and the other two in this state, Teacher Yao did not dare to guarantee that he would win.

Therefore, if you want to kill them, you must find a way to break their cooperation.

The best way is not to attack one of the three, after all, that's what Teacher Yao did at the beginning.

When he attacked Lin Yi, Zhou Kai acted as eyes for Lin Yi to dodge, and Lu Linhai acted as hands to attack.

In order to break their cooperation, Lin Yi and the other two must panic themselves.

So, Teacher Yao targeted Zhou Yun, who had been hiding aside.

Zhou Yun wanted to run, but she couldn't outrun Teacher Yao at all.

A tentacle wrapped around Zhou Yun's legs, and when Zhou Yun fell to the ground, Teacher Yao raised his sickle-like forearm.

""No!" Zhou Kai shouted, desperately trying to rush over.

Not sure if it was because he was too panicked, Lin Yi suddenly realized that his body was getting hot while running.

This feeling was somewhat familiar, and he suddenly remembered what happened in Sifang Mountain half a month ago.

Looking up, the monster's forearm stopped falling. Not only the monster, but also Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai who were running, and Zhou Yun who fell to the ground.

Everything was still at this moment.

"It's that feeling again!" Lin Yi's body began to tremble, his heartbeat began to speed up, but breathing became difficult, as if he was about to suffocate.

"No, I can't fall here!" Lin Yi gritted his teeth and tried to keep himself awake.

He tried his best to calm himself down and make his breathing steady.

Lin Yi slowed down his pace, and as he walked, the uncomfortable feeling seemed to be relieved.

Lin Yi didn't know why, but he didn't have time to investigate.

Fortunately, everything was still, so even though Lin Yi walked slowly, he still walked in front of the monster.

Slowly raising the boning knife in his hand, Lin Yi found the joint of the monster's forearm.

He used all his strength to stab the boning knife in, but he didn't have the strength to pull it out.

Standing in the same place, Lin Yi felt suffocated again, and the state of relaxation that he had finally managed to surge up again.

Lin Yi's consciousness began to blur. He forced himself not to fall down and took the bloodletting knife in Zhou Yun's hand.

Lin Yi raised his hand tremblingly, and with the last bit of strength, he stabbed the bloodletting knife into the other eye of the monster.

After doing all this, he could no longer hold on. He felt weak all over, his feet softened, and he fell to the ground.

At the moment when Lin Yi fell, everything that was originally still returned to normal again.

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