
In a trance, Lin Yi heard Teacher Yao's painful roar.

He wanted to get up from the ground, but his mind was in a daze, and his body felt as heavy as if it was filled with lead. Even everything in front of him was still blurry, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"What did you do to me?!"

Teacher Yao kept yelling, as if she was crazy, with a roar that made people's scalps numb.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you! You lowly beasts, damn beasts!"

"Wouldn't it be better if you just let me eat you? Isn't this the meaning of your existence?!"

"Why are you resisting? You damn beasts! I'm going to kill you!"

As Teacher Yao roared, Lin Yi could vaguely see it waving its last sickle-like forearm randomly.

The tentacles on the monster's abdomen swung wildly, attacking everything around it indiscriminately.

However, every attack of the monster failed to hit Lin Yi lying on the ground.

""Brother Lin Yi, how are you?" Lin Yi heard Zhou Yun's concerned voice.

He knew he had succeeded. Although he didn't know why time suddenly stopped, at least the result was good. Not only did he save Zhou Yun from the monster, but he also made the monster lose its vision.

"Brother Lin Yi, I will take you away."Lin Yi felt Zhou Yun helping him up from the ground.

He could feel Zhou Yun's body trembling, and he didn't know whether it was because of fear or because he was too heavy.

Although the monster had lost its vision, it still had hearing.

Zhou Yun supported Lin Yi and prepared to move away from the monster. The noise he made while moving attracted the monster's attention.

The monster stopped its random attacks, and it was listening, and then carefully identified the positions of Lin Yi and Zhou Yun.

"Found you."

Another sickle-like forearm was raised high, and then fell down suddenly.

Just as it was about to hit them, Lu Linhai finally rushed over.

"Get out of the way!"

Lu Linhai pushed Lin Yi and Zhou Yun away, but he didn't have time to get out of the way.

His forearm hit Lu Linhai's back shoulder, and Lu Linhai stumbled and fell to the ground.

""Huh?" The monster suddenly cried out in confusion.

Before it could come to its senses, Zhou Kai jumped up and inserted the boning knife into the joint of the monster's forearm.

""You bastard!" Zhou Kai's eyes were full of anger,"How dare you bully Xiaoyun? I'll kill you!"

Zhou Kai jumped high and used the gravity when he fell to successfully cut off the monster's last forearm.

"How are you?" Zhou Kai quickly stepped back and came to Lu Linhai.

"I......I'm fine." Lu Linhai touched his shoulder, a hint of doubt in his eyes, but then turned into surprise.

"It's nothing, I saw that monster hit you"

"It's really okay." Lu Linhai got up from the ground, and he seemed to want to make himself look calmer.

"It just missed and hit me, that's all. It hurts a little, nothing serious."

Lu Linhai seemed to be hiding something.

"Let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s go see Lin Yi and Xiao Yun first."

"Lin Yi, are you okay?

Although his vision was still blurry, Lin Yi heard Lu Linhai's voice. They finally came over.

"Xiaoyun, are you injured?"Zhou Kai looked at Zhou Yun and was relieved after confirming that he was not injured.

"Damn sister control, shouldn't you care about me who is working so hard first?"

Lin Yi wanted to complain, but because he really didn't have the energy to speak, he could only curse in his heart.

"Sister Xiaoyun, let me do it." Lu Linhai took over Lin Yi, and the four of them quickly distanced themselves from the monster.

"Lu Linhai is still the best."Lin Yi sighed in his heart.

"Xiaoyun, what happened just now?"Zhou Kai glanced at the mad monster, then turned back to look at Zhou Yun.

"Why did the knife Uncle An gave you get stuck in the monster's eye?"

"And Lin Yi's knife."Lu Linhai noticed the boning knife stuck in the monster's forearm joint.

"I remember Lin Yi was running behind me, how come he was in front of the monster in the blink of an eye."

They didn't know what happened, they only remembered that the monster was about to kill Zhou Yun in the last second, but the next second, the monster was suddenly injured.

And Lin Yi, who was originally running at the end, suddenly appeared and fell in front of the monster.

"Could it be that Uncle An is here?" Lu Linhai looked around,"Did Uncle An use his ability to attack the monster?"

After looking around, Lu Linhai still couldn't see An Chengdao.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's leave now while this monster can't see us." Zhou Kai pulled Zhou Yun and wanted to leave.

"Can't go." Lin Yi blinked hard, and his vision began to recover.

"Although this monster can't see, he can hear. If we run out now, he will definitely follow the sound."

"If we attract the attention of the monsters outside, it might be even more troublesome."

"What do you want to do?"Zhou Kai frowned and asked

"Kill it while it's still sick." Lin Yi gritted his teeth, let go of Lu Linhai's hand, and stood there motionless.

"I agree." Lu Linhai clenched the boning knife in his hand and stood firmly beside Lin Yi.

Zhou Kai sighed and said softly,"I really can't do anything with you."

He touched Zhou Yun's head and whispered,"Xiao Yun, stay away and wait for your brother to deal with this monster first, then we can go."

Zhou Yun nodded. This time, she stayed far away.

"Can you do it?" Zhou Kai stood on the other side of Lin Yi and asked jokingly

"Yes, Lin Yi, your knife is still stuck in the monster. I see you can't even stand steadily. If you really can't stand, don't force yourself. Zhou Kai and I can do it together."Lu Linhai echoed

"Stop talking nonsense and get started!" Lin Yi smiled and���His expression became serious.

Following Lin Yi's shout, the three quickly dispersed.

The monsters, having lost their vision, could only rely on hearing to identify the location of Lin Yi and the others. However, Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai's constant running was extremely disruptive.

""Teacher Yao, I'm here." Lin Yi stood there and shouted at Teacher Yao.

He kept cursing, and all kinds of ugly words came out of his mouth.

Lin Yi knew very well that because he couldn't find Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai, coupled with his cursing, the monster would definitely be enraged and attack him.

And this was the best time for Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai to take action.

"Ah! Damn beast! Go to hell!"

The monster rushed over as Lin Yi had planned. Lu Linhai jumped hard and jumped onto the monster's back again.

"Lin Yi! Next!" Lu Linhai pulled out the boning knife from the monster's forearm and threw it towards Lin Yi.

When the tentacles from the monster's abdomen reached out, he quickly jumped away and avoided the tentacles' entanglement.

Zhou Kai quickly stepped forward, used his ability to avoid the waving tentacles, and stabbed the knife in his hand into the joint of the monster's insect legs.

When the tentacles stretched towards Zhou Kai's position, Lu Linhai seized the opportunity and attacked the monster in the same way.

"It's my turn." Lin Yi said in his heart. He took a deep breath and recovered a lot of his strength at this time.

Lin Yi exerted force on his feet and ran towards the monster.

He dodged the monster's tentacles and stabbed the bone picker in his hand into the joint of the monster's last insect leg.

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