Looking up, although he only saw the back, Lin Yi still recognized who this person was.

"Zhou Kai?"Lin Yi was stunned for a moment.

The voice on the phone from the strange number on June 9 was Zhou Kai's.

He deliberately lowered his voice, but Lin Yi still recognized him.

"Is he really okay?"The invigilator looked past Zhou Kai and towards Lin Yi.

"He looks a little bit strange"

The look in the invigilator's eyes became a little strange. It was not a look of concern, but more like a look of greed for food.

" Or I can take him to the office to have some rest."

"Teacher, no need" Zhou Kai moved to the side, blocking Lin Yi behind him,"You also know how important the college entrance examination is to us."

" I didn’t do well in the exam, and I felt bad, so I acted like this."

Zhou Kai turned around and glared at Lin Yi

"Lin Yi, apologize to the teacher quickly"

Lin Yi stood there in a daze, he couldn't tell who was a human and who was a monster

" Do it without thinking���What?" Zhou Kai was calm and composed.

He pulled Lin Yi to his side, pressed Lin Yi's head and bowed to the invigilator.

" Say sorry to the teacher quickly" Zhou Kai secretly pinched Lin Yi's waist.

Although the pain in his waist was not as great as the moment of being killed by a monster, Lin Yi still reacted.

Zhou Kai helped him again and again, so, could he not be a monster?

Zhou Kai's appearance relieved Lin Yi's uneasiness a little.

" Teacher, I'm sorry" Lin Yi lowered his head, he did not dare to look directly into the eyes of the invigilator.

He was worried that his fear would be seen, so he could only bend down and whisper:"I shouldn't have lost my temper with you, I was wrong"

The invigilator did not speak. He stared at Lin for a while, then glanced at Zhou Kai.

" Don't you really need to take a break?"The invigilator had a cold face and didn't seem to be willing to give up.

"Thank you, teacher. I really don’t need it." Zhou Kai replied politely,"His parents should be waiting for him outside the school."

"Is that so?" The smile on the invigilator's face returned, he reached out and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder

" The exam is over. Go back and have a good rest.&#Lin instinctively wanted to dodge the hand that the invigilator extended. If Zhou Kai hadn’t been holding him and keeping him steady, his panic might have really exposed himself.

" Lin Yi, it's okay" Zhou Kai comforted her,"No matter how well you do in the exam, I believe no one will blame you."

"Why don't you thank the teacher for his concern?";

"Thanks......Thank you, teacher" Lin Yi said blankly.

Seeing the invigilator turn around and leave, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he looked up, he found that the other candidates in the classroom were still staring at him.

Lin Yi was a little scared.

Was he exposed? Are all those people looking at him monsters?

Mom and Dad are monsters, teachers are monsters, classmates are monsters, how many monsters are there in this city?

"Lin Yi, let’s go" Zhou Kai turned and walked out of the classroom.

Lin Yi hurriedly followed him, but just as Lin Yi was about to leave the classroom, he heard the invigilator's shout from behind.

"Classmate, wait a moment"

Lin Yi shuddered.

What should he do now? Ignore the invigilator's shouts and run away immediately?

But, would it be too obvious to do so?

Stay? If he stayed, he would be killed by these monsters.

When he thought of the scene of himself being killed, Lin Yi felt his heart beating fast. That kind of pain, that kind of suffocation, that kind of despair, Lin Yi never wanted to experience it again

" Calm" Zhou Kai's voice came to my ears,"If you don't want to die"

Lin Yi took a deep breath, turned around slowly, and asked softly:"Teacher, is there anything else?";

" I forgot to take your things"The invigilator smiled and pointed to the stationery on the examination table.

"Thank you, teacher" Lin Yi walked to the examination table and quickly grabbed his stationery

" You're welcome" The invigilator looked at Lin Yi's back as he left, and then said,"Remember to have a good rest after you go back. It's just an exam.......There's actually no point"

Lin Yi was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the last words of the invigilator.

He remembered that his parents had said the same thing to him.

Lin Yi had always felt that his parents were more open-minded, so even if his test scores were not ideal, his parents never scolded him.

Now it seems that they are not concerned about Lin Yi, but really do not care about Lin Yi's grades.

After all, to them, Lin Yi is just food.

No one cares about the test scores of food.

" Walk fast" Zhou Kai in front of him urged.

They did not leave the school immediately. Zhou Kai took him to the rooftop.

" When did you find out?"After confirming that they were the only ones on the rooftop, Zhou Kai asked with a cold face.

"I......"Lin Yi didn't know what to say.

Should he tell Zhou Kai that he was found dead by the monster on his birthday, June 10?

Would Zhou Kai believe it?

" Never mind, this is not important" I looked down at the rooftop and saw students who had finished their exams walking out of the teaching building one after another.

" We must get out early. If we leave too late, they might find us."

"They......" Lin Yi raised his head,"Are you talking about those monsters?";

" No monsters" Zhou Kai's expression became a little serious,"From now on, no monsters"

" You know nothing. If you want to live, you must pretend that you know nothing."

" I can't do it" Lin Yi shook his head.

When he thought about pretending that nothing had happened, Lin Yi felt terrified.

It was not that Lin Yi was too fragile, but he knew that he would be eaten on his birthday in two days.

"Zhou Kai, do you know something?"Lin Yi asked

" What is wrong with this world? Why do these monsters sneak up on us disguised as humans?";

"My Mom and Dad......Have they already......"

" I don't know more than you" Zhou Kai sighed,"But there is one thing I know very well, from the beginning, you were not raised by your biological parents.&#Lin was stunned for a moment, and his mind flashed back to what his mother said when he was killed on June 10.

His mother said:"We are not your parents. We are your owners."

"Owner......" Lin Yi murmured softly

"Owner?"Zhou Kai snorted coldly,"This title is quite appropriate."

" Real people have become domesticated animals, and those man-eating monsters have become their owners."

" When the livestock grow up, they will be eaten by these damn monsters"

"Yes, that's what those monsters call us!"Lin Yi said,"Those monsters call us 'beasts';"

Hearing this, Zhou Kai's face became serious:"Beast?";

"How do you know how those monsters call us?"Zhou Kai looked at Lin Yi

" Could it be that you have come into contact with those monsters? Have you seen what they really look like?"

Lin nodded and said,"I have seen what they look like, with my own eyes."

" My parents, Teacher Yao, and class monitor Gu Zijin, they are all monsters"

Hearing this, Zhou Kai's face suddenly changed.

He rushed up and grabbed Lin Yi's collar, gritting his teeth and said:"Why didn't you tell me this earlier! Do you want to kill me?"

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