Zhou Kai's excited reaction startled Lin Yi

" You......What's wrong with you?"Lin Yi asked

" These monsters have their own rules. Unless the people who raise them discover their true identities, other monsters cannot attack them at will."

Zhou Kai looked very anxious. He glanced at the time on his phone and turned to walk towards the stairwell.

" You have come into contact with those monsters and have seen their true appearance. This means that you have been exposed long ago, and any monster can attack you."

" I helped you in the classroom, they will definitely target me"

" I can't die, I can't leave my sister alone. I must live, I have to protect her"

"Sister? You have a sister?"

Lin Yi suddenly realized that he didn't know Zhou Kai.

Although they were classmates, Zhou Kai was a loner and rarely interacted with his classmates.

Now that he thought about it, maybe it was because Zhou Kai had long discovered that the people around him were monsters, so he didn't want to talk to them.

Lin Yi understood why Zhou Kai was so excited. He didn't care about his own life or death, but he didn't want his sister to be hurt.

" No" Lin Yi stopped Zhou Kai and said,"I have not been exposed."

" Impossible!"Zhou Kai shouted

" These monsters will not easily reveal their true faces, unless they are discovered, they will remove their disguises"

" I really didn't expose......It can't be said that it was not exposed, but they didn't know" Lin Yi didn't know how to explain.

So he told what he had experienced.

" I have died three times"

"What?"Zhou Kai was stunned

" I said I have died three times......No, strictly speaking, it should be four times"

Lin Yi said:"June 10th is my birthday. On that day, monsters disguised as my parents killed me twice."

When he said this, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little sad.

When he thought that his parents, who had lived with him for so many years, were monsters who wanted to eat him, he couldn't help but feel depressed.

"After that, on the evening of June 9, I met Teacher Yao at school"

" After I told him about this, I was killed by Teacher Yao again"

" Then on the morning of June 9, I wanted to tell my classmates about the monster, so I invited them to the back mountain."

" But I never thought that my classmates were also monsters"

" That morning, I received a call from you, and you told me not to go, but I didn’t care at that time."

"What are you talking about?"Zhou Kai was confused,"Today is only June 8th"

" I know you won’t believe it." Lin Yi felt wronged

" I don’t know why. I was clearly killed by the monster, but when I opened my eyes, I found that I was unharmed."

" Moreover, it went back to the past"

" I really didn't lie, I still remember the number you called me at that time"

Lin Yi had a good memory, and he repeated the strange number he received.

When Zhou Kai heard the number, he frowned.

" Why do you know this number?";

" Didn’t I tell you that you called me on June 9th using this number?" Lin Yi said.

This strange number does belong to Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai has always been a cautious person.

Because he was worried that his phone would be tapped, he specially prepared a checked old phone and found a non-real-name authenticated phone card in case of emergency.

Therefore, no one except himself should know this number.

" Zhou Kai, please believe me, I really didn't lie to you"

" I believe you" Zhou Kai did not continue to walk towards the stairwell

"Why don't you believe me? What should I do to make you......"

Lin Yi, who had reacted, looked at Zhou Kai in confusion,"What? You believe me? You believe me so easily?";

" This should be your ability" Zhou Kai said

" ability?"Lin Yi was confused,"What does it mean?";

" I don’t know" Zhou Kai replied,"People who are raised by these monsters have a chance to evolve some special abilities."

" Perhaps God has pity on humans and has given us weapons to fight monsters."

" However, your ability......Sounds a bit tasteless"

Lin Yi actually agreed with Zhou Kai's statement.

If it was really as Zhou Kai said, whenever Lin Yi was killed, he could go back to the past. On the surface, Lin Yi seemed to be in an immortal state. However, his own power was limited. Even if he could go back to the past, he still couldn't change anything.

" If you know your ability......" Lin Yi thought for a moment and said,"Does that mean you have the ability too?!"

Zhou Kai nodded.

"What are your abilities?"Lin Yi was a little curious

"My ability is--"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Kai suddenly turned his head and looked towards the door of the stairwell.

" Someone is coming" Zhou Kai's expression was extremely serious,"To be precise, it's a monster coming"

"Monster?"Lin Yi was startled,"Is it coming towards us?"

Zhou Kai nodded

" Could it be......Are we exposed?";

"Should not be" Zhou Kai sniffed in the direction of the stairwell and said,"That monster smells like you, it's coming for you.""

" Coming for me?"Lin Yi became even more frightened,"Let's run!""

" Too late" Zhou Kai shook his head,"Lin Yi, remember, if you don't want to die, you must pretend that you know nothing."

"But......But I will be killed on June 10th."

When Lin Yi thought about what happened on his birthday, he no longer wanted to celebrate his birthday.

" That still leaves two days" Zhou Kai spoke faster,"First make sure you survive, and then we can discuss the rest."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the stairwell was pushed open.

A familiar figure walked into the rooftop from outside the door. It was Lin Yi's mother.

" Yiyi, what are you doing on the rooftop?"

Mom still had a gentle smile on her face," Mom waited outside for a long time but you didn't come out"

" You......How did you know I was here?"Lin Yiyi asked subconsciously

" I came in to look for you. I heard from your classmates that they saw you on the rooftop, so I came to see you."

As the mother spoke, she walked towards Lin Yi

"I.......I......" Lin hesitated. His mother's sudden arrival left him no time to calm down.

"Auntie, Lin Yi is a little sad"At this time, Zhou Kai stood up.

Zhou Kai was calm and said with a smile:"Lin Yi didn't perform well in the exam, so he was very sad."

" The students who had just finished the exam were talking about the questions of this exam. I was afraid that Lin Yi would be even more sad if he heard it, so I brought him here to comfort him."

Looking at Zhou Kai's relaxed look, Lin Yi couldn't help but admire him.

Zhou Kai had a serious look on his face before, but the next second, it was as if nothing had happened.

" Yiyi, is that so?"Mom looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi nodded and said,"I'm sorry, Mom......."

After knowing that his mother was a monster, Lin Yi couldn't say the word"mother".

However, Zhou Kai was right, the most important thing now was to stay alive.

Although he could go back to the past after being killed, Lin Yi didn't know how long he could use this ability.

" I might do very badly on the test this time"Lin Yi gradually got into the mood.

He lowered his head and looked like a child who was sad and blaming himself for not doing well in the exam.

" It doesn't matter." My mother said softly,"It's just one test. It won't change your value."

" So, let's go home"

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