The man who suddenly appeared stretched out his hand to cover Lin Yi's mouth and quickly pulled him into the alley.

Lin Yi was startled and instinctively swung his right fist at the person behind him.

The fist he swung was caught by the other party. When Lin Yi was about to continue to attack the other party's abdomen with his left elbow, he heard a familiar voice.

"It's me." The person who pulled Lin Yi into the alley was Lu Linhai. He looked nervous and whispered in Lin Yi's ear.

""Shh, don't talk." Lu Linhai motioned to Lin Yi to be quiet.

Lin Yi was stunned at first, but soon understood.

It was Lin Yi's own decision to go back to see Tian Meng, so he did not go with others, but agreed on a meeting place.

However, the meeting place was not here.

Lu Linhai appeared here, either an accident happened on their side, or Lin Yi was followed.

With Zhou Kai here, they should not be discovered by the aliens, so the latter is more likely.

Lin Yi held his breath, and soon, footsteps were heard in the distance.

As the footsteps got closer, a conversation came over——

"Those guys are useless. They searched for so long but couldn't even catch a few beasts."This is a woman's voice.

"That's right, if I were allowed to go, I could catch him in a few minutes." Then a sharper male voice

"It's because of the incident involving those beasts that I don't want to go when I think about having to share the food."

"If you ask me, the fire on Sifang Mountain must have been started by those beasts." The woman continued

"I just don't understand, these animals are useless, except for their delicious meat, they have no value at all."The man complained

"Why can't we just eat them or just keep them as pets? Why do we have to become animals and live with them?"

"There is no way, these animals are timid, and if they are frightened, their meat will turn sour." The woman sighed.

"If you are only frightened for a short time, it is okay. The slightly sour meat can improve the taste. But if you are frightened for too long,......"

At this point, the woman paused, snorted disdainfully, and then continued,"Last time, a beast was scared to death by me, and the meat tasted terrible."

"Have you said enough? A deep male voice interrupted their conversation.

"The leader said that we should not talk about animals outside of eating time."

"If you are discovered by the leader, do you still want to live?"

"Isn't it just for the few of us here?" The woman seemed a little scared and lowered her voice.

"No more, no more."

At the alley entrance, several shadows were stretched out by the street lights.

Then, three people passed by the alley entrance, gradually going farther and farther, until the footsteps disappeared, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yi wanted to speak, but found that Lu Linhai's hand was still covering his mouth.

He stretched out his hand and patted it, and Lu Linhai reacted and let go.

"How did you get here?"Lin Yi asked

"Zhou Kai asked me to come here." Lu Linhai touched his head.

"He sensed that there were aliens behind you and suspected that you were being followed. Originally, our uncle An wanted to kill these aliens directly."

"But Zhou Kai felt that if we killed the aliens here, other aliens would definitely notice that we had hidden in the city, which would be detrimental to our next actions."

"So, I volunteered to pick you up. Luckily you weren't followed. These weirdos probably just went to watch the fun."

"Tsk, these disgusting aliens are really just like humans, even their love of watching the fun is just like humans."

At this point, Lu Linhai poked his head out to take a look outside the alley, and after making sure that there was no one, he continued,"What is the 'leader' that those aliens were talking about just now?"

"He should be their leader. Lin Yi replied

"It is like the"head sheep" in a flock of sheep."

"If we kill the leaders of these aliens, can we save all humans?" Lu Linhai's eyes showed a hint of excitement.

"You are dreaming." Lin Yi looked at Lu Linhai as if he was a fool.

"Not to mention that we don’t know where the leader is, is it possible for us to deal with an existence that can manage all the aliens and make them afraid?"

"By then, I'm afraid we won't even see the shadow of the leader before being eaten by other aliens."

"Let's go back and meet up with Zhou Kai and the others. I feel uneasy without Zhou Kai by my side.

Soon, they arrived at the meeting place.

""Have you dealt with everything?" Zhou Kai asked when he saw Lin Yi coming.

Lin Yi nodded.

"Some people are destined to be just passers-by in your life, so don't take them too seriously."Perhaps seeing the frustration in Lin Yi's eyes, Zhou Kai comforted him.

Lu Linhai told An Chengdao what happened just now, and he nodded after listening, agreeing with Lin Yi's idea.

"Since we know that these aliens are managed by a leader, then we must find a way to kill this leader."

"However, Lin Yi is right. With our current strength, we may not be the leader's opponent. You are the hope of the future of mankind. When you grow up and unite more humans, it will not be too late to take action against these aliens."

"Let's not talk about this for now." Zhou Kai interrupted them.

"There is one thing I am curious about."Zhou Kai looked at Lin Yi and continued,"It is about Lin Yi's ability"

"My ability?"Lin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Zhou Kai to suddenly bring up this matter.

"Uncle An's ability allows him to control the metal props he has used, but the control distance will be reduced according to the weight of the props and his own state."

"My ability is the enhancement of senses"

"Uncle An and I both have a certain understanding of our abilities. But what exactly is Lin Yi's ability?"

"Can't we go back to the past after we die?" Lu Linhai interrupted.

"If Lin Yi's ability is just to go back to the past, then how do we explain what happened on Sifang Mountain?" Zhou Kai asked.

"If I remember correctly, this is the second time."

Zhou Kai remembered very clearly that similar things happened twice in total - the first time, Lin Yi's owner - the alien disguised as Lin Yi's mother chased him.

At the moment when the monster was about to bite Lin Yi to death, Zhou Kai was sure that Lin Yi could not dodge at all. However, the next second, for some reason, Lin Yi fell to the ground and the monster pounced on nothing.

If it was Lin Yi who dodged himself, then with Zhou Kai's super eyesight, it was impossible not to see the trajectory of Lin Yi's dodge.

But that time, Zhou Kai saw nothing.

The second time was what happened before.

The monster chased Zhou Yun, and when it was about to hit Zhou Yun, the same thing happened.

Not only that, this time it was even more exaggerated. Lin Yi not only came in front of the monster in an instant, but also fought back.

This time, Zhou Kai also saw nothing.

Lin Yi himself remembered very clearly what Zhou Kai said.

As for what his own abilities were, Lin Yi himself was not clear.

But until just now, Lin Yi had a bold guess in his mind.

"I have the ability, will it be......"

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