"Control time?!"

After hearing Lin Yi's guess, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Especially Lu Linhai, who shouted excitedly, startling the others.

"You want to die!" Zhou Kai glared at Lu Linhai.

"Do you want to attract all the aliens around here?"

"Sorry, sorry." Lu Linhai smiled embarrassedly.

"I was so excited that I couldn't help it."

Zhou Kai looked back at Lin Yi and asked seriously,"Lin Yi, what is the basis for your statement?"

Lin Yi told Zhou Kai about the two time-stopping events that happened in Sifang Mountain. After listening, Zhou Kai frowned and thought about it.

Unlike Zhou Kai, Lu Linhai looked very excited, even more excited than Lin Yi.

It was as if the owner of this ability was not Lin Yi, but him.

Lu Linhai reached out and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, and said excitedly,"Lin Yi, you are so awesome, controlling time, you are simply invincible!"

"Since you have such powerful abilities, why are we running?"

"You just stop time, and we kill every alien with one sword, haha!"

"What alien, what leader, they are all scum under your ability! Fuck him!"

"I'll kill you." Zhou Kai interrupted Lu Linhai.

"Didn't you hear Lin Yi say that when his ability takes effect, the body will experience various discomforts?"

Zhou Kai's face was extremely serious, and he said seriously:"Lin Yi, you have to pay special attention to this point"

"There are limits to the use of abilities. Once overused, it will cause irreversible damage to ourselves."

"Zhou Kai is right about this point. An Chengdao nodded in agreement.

"I have said before that my ability is related to the weight of metal tools and my condition. This is because my ability will continue to consume my physical strength during use."

"The longer you use your abilities, the greater the burden on your body, especially your heart. In severe cases, it can even lead to heart failure."

"My ability is the same."Zhou Kai continued An Chengdao's words and said

"I must concentrate when using my abilities. Overuse will cause irreversible damage to my brain. Not only that, prolonged use of my abilities will damage my sense organs, which may lead to blindness, deafness, or even death."

"Normally, I use my abilities alternately. For example, I use my sense of smell for a while, then switch to hearing to give my sense organs a rest."

"The more powerful the ability, the greater the burden on the body."An Chengdao thought about it.

"Therefore, when your ability is activated, the physical discomfort you feel may be the burden that the ability brings to your body."

"Lin Yi's ability does bring a lot of burden." Lu Linhai pursed his lips and nodded.

"He has to die every time before he can go back to the past. How can the ability he gains at the cost of his life not be a big burden?"

"If it were me, I would have gone crazy after dying again and again. Especially when I go back to the past, I still remember what happened in the past. The double pressure on my mind and body is terrifying."

Lin Yi has a deep understanding of this.

When he knew that everyone around him was an alien, Lin Yi was about to collapse.

Especially every time he went back to the past, he still remembered the pain of being killed.

If he hadn't met Zhou Kai and knew that Zhou Kai was a human like him, Lin Yi might have really gone crazy.

However, what Lu Linhai said was not entirely right.

"In fact, it is not only death that can return to the past."Lin Yi said

"When I went to the butcher shop to get the key, I didn't die, but time went back a few hours."

Lin Yi remembered that he wanted to rescue An Chengdao who was surrounded by aliens. Perhaps it was because of this strong belief that his ability was activated.

It was also because of this that Lin Yi felt that his ability was to control time.

Unfortunately, in the past half month, Lin Yi kept trying, but he didn't succeed once.

"With a"pop", Lu Linhai clapped his hands and said firmly:"It's stable!""

"What is stable?" Zhou Kai asked

"This further proves that Lin Yi's ability is to control time. In the future battles with aliens, as long as Lin Yi is here, we will definitely be safe!"

Lu Linhai's words were met with a roll of his eyes from Zhou Kai.

He said unhappily:"Stable as hell!"

"Regardless of whether Lin Yi's guess is correct, the key point is that Lin Yi is unable to control his ability now."

"Do we have to burn a few incense sticks and pray that Lin Yi's abilities can be activated normally before every battle with aliens?"

"Therefore, before Lin Yi fully masters his ability, this ability will not be included in any battle plan."

"Including Lin Yi's ability to go back to the past."

Zhou Kai was as cautious as ever.

Although Lin Yi's guess had some truth, Zhou Kai didn't want Lin Yi to risk his life to try it without absolute evidence that Lin Yi's ability was to control time. What if

Lin Yi's ability failed to work and he didn't go back to the past? He would only die.

"Half a month ago, when the alien was dying and counterattacked, Lin Yi fainted when he activated his ability, and was lucky enough to save his life from the alien's mouth."

"Although after half a month of training, time has stopped for a little longer, allowing Lin Yi to make appropriate counterattacks, his physical discomfort has not disappeared."

"If Lin Yi's ability suddenly cannot be activated due to the heavy burden on his body, then Lin Yi may never be able to return to the past."

When he said this, Zhou Kai glared at Lu Linhai again.

"One strike at a time, one alien at a time. I'm afraid that before we can strike, Lin Yi will fall first."

"If you want to kill Lin Yi, don't go through so much trouble, just stab him now." Zhou Kai said jokingly.

Lu Linhai stuck out his tongue and smiled at Lin Yi embarrassedly:"Zhou Kai is right"

"Moreover, when Lin Yi's ability takes effect, we can't act."An Chengdao interjected,"We can't let him kill all the aliens in the city by himself, right?"

""Let's not talk about Lin Yi's ability for now." An Chengdao continued.

If Lin Yi's ability can really control time, it will be a great benefit to them.

However, the most urgent task is not to study Lin Yi's ability, after all, there are more important things waiting for them to do.

"After we escape from here, we will find time to study Lin Yi's abilities. Also, if we can escape, Lin Yi's training volume will also have to increase."

"Only when your physical fitness keeps up can you bear the burden brought by your ability as much as possible." An Chengdao added

"So what should we do now?" Lu Linhai asked

"Find a way to get a mobile phone." Zhou Kai looked around and locked his eyes on a nearby house.

"We have been in the mountains for so long that we have no idea what is happening outside. If we want to find high-quality livestock, or rather, high-quality humans, we must first understand the situation outside."

"For example, knowing who is the top scorer in the college entrance examination."

While Zhou Kai was thinking, Zhou Yun suddenly walked to Lin Yi.

She reached out and gently tugged at the corner of Lin Yi's clothes, and asked in a low voice:"Brother Lin Yi, I have a question"

"When you use your ability, you feel like you can't breathe. Is it because......"Zhou Yun looked a little unconfident.

Although she spoke very little, she tried very hard to help everyone.

"Could it be because the air is also still?"

"Air?!" Zhou Yun's words made Lin Yi suddenly enlightened.

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