"What makes you say our plan will fail?"

Lu Linhai stepped in front of the drone and stared at the camera on it angrily.

He was obviously not convinced by Zhang Cheng's words.

"What right do you have to say this when you have never even seen what an alien really looks like?"

"Because I have a brain." Zhang Cheng disagreed.

"you——"Lu Linhai wanted to refute, but was stopped by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi shook his head at him, looked at the drone and asked humbly:"Is there anything wrong with this plan?"

"Of course there is." Zhang Cheng's tone was a little proud.

"There is nothing wrong with this plan itself, and it sounds feasible."

"But you overlooked some details."

"Details?"Lin was stunned for a moment.

"It is worth affirming that the high-speed rail route was abandoned and the bus route with relatively less heterogeneous gatherings was chosen."

"However, talking about results without considering the numbers is a form of self-deception and self-consolation."

"The number of aliens on a bus is indeed not as good as that on a high-speed train, but what about two, three, or even ten?"

When he heard this, Lin Yi frowned. He vaguely realized the shortcomings of this plan.

"You chose the wrong time." Zhang Cheng continued

"According to your plan, the days for stopping and robbing cars were chosen before the university starts."

"That period was indeed the time when students went to college, but this was just a general statement."

"You know, the students who were sent out of this city were not real students. In the eyes of the aliens, they were just goods."

"Therefore, there must have been more than one bus leaving the city during those days."

"You are right, I did not consider it comprehensively enough."Lin Yi indeed overlooked these issues.

If the buses leaving the city were to depart in batches, then when this plan was implemented, the number of aliens they would have to face would not necessarily be less than that on the high-speed train.

"Another point is, since it is to transport"goods", how could those aliens be completely unprepared?"

Zhang Cheng considered the problem from a much more comprehensive perspective than Lin Yi:"Maybe in addition to the aliens on the bus, there will be other aliens accompanying them in those days, responsible for protecting the"goods" so that they can be delivered safely."

"That's why I said your plan will definitely fail."

"It's easy for you to say." Lu Linhai was very angry, but he felt that Zhang Cheng's consideration was reasonable.

So, Lu Linhai said aggrievedly:"If we don't choose to act on those days, we don't know when the other buses will leave the city."

Zhou Kai nodded, and continued Lu Linhai's words:"Even if we know the time when the bus leaves the city, we don't know who is on the bus, which is not conducive to our next action."

"If you hadn't found me, these problems would have been very troublesome to deal with." Zhang Cheng said with a slightly proud tone.

"But since you found me, these problems are not problems."

"Do you have a solution?" Lin Yi asked

"Of course." Zhang Cheng replied

"Don't forget, those two things in my house were very anxious to get me out."

"So, if I tell them that I want to visit the university and experience the campus life in advance, do you think they will agree?"

Lin Yi thought about it and seemed to have some concerns:"What if they choose to take the high-speed rail instead of the bus?"

"You are wrong. It is not important for the aliens to choose the right tools. What is important is to deliver the goods."Zhang Cheng said

"So if I tell them I want to leave by bus, they won't say no."

"Otherwise, I would not have been able to successfully take the college entrance examination."

"In addition, because of the advance of time, it is impossible for the aliens to send all the students out of the city before the start of school. After all, this practice is too abnormal and will easily arouse suspicion from the humans in this city."

The aliens have extremely high requirements for meat quality, especially for high-quality livestock.

In order to ensure the deliciousness of high-quality livestock meat, they will definitely try their best to appease the emotions of the livestock, so as to ensure that the taste will not be damaged before delivery.

Zhang Cheng perfected Lin Yi's plan, and three days later, the escape plan officially began.

Near the highway toll station, a car parked on the side of the road.

In the car, Lu Linhai looked around nervously.

"Isn't it a bit too arrogant for us to park the car here?" Lu Linhai asked

"Don't worry, Uncle An is using his hazard lights, so he won't arouse suspicion from other species in the short term." Zhou Kai closed his eyes and listened carefully to the sounds nearby.

"We are still some distance from the highway entrance, and the aliens there won't come. We can just wait until we get the bus and rush through. Once we are on the highway, even if the aliens catch up with us, Uncle An's ability will be enough to kill them."

"Instead of this, could you sit a little further to the side? Don’t you realize you’re squeezing Xiaoyun?"

"......"Lu Linhai pouted and leaned towards the car door.

"Here it comes!"Zhou Kai suddenly opened his eyes. He heard the sound.

"There are eighteen units on the bus, eleven of which are humans and the remaining seven are aliens."

""Uncle An, is this possible?" Lin Yi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned his head and glanced at An Chengdao.

Seeing that the other party nodded, Lin Yi quickly took out the drone from his bag.

This was Zhang Cheng's drone. Because there was an alien on the bus, Lin Yi had to notify him to take action without being discovered.

The drone took off, and the picture captured by the camera appeared on the screen connected to the remote control.

"I see it." Soon, a bus appeared on the screen.

"Uncle An, it's time to act."

With Lin Yi's soft shout, An Chengdao started the car, quickly turned the car around, and began to drive in the opposite direction on the road.

On the other side, some of the people on the bus were students like Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng chatted with a few of the students and learned that they were all called out by their parents.

They said they were going out to travel and visit their future universities.

The other few looked like office workers on business trips.

As for how many of these people were outliers, Zhang Cheng didn't know.

But even so, he was still very excited. After all, this was his first head-on confrontation with an outlier.

Along the way, Zhang Cheng looked out the window nervously.

When he saw the drone in the air approaching, he knew the plan was about to begin.

Zhang Cheng grabbed the bag in his arms, ready at all times.

The drone in the air began to land, and with a"bang", the drone hit the front windshield of the bus.

""Ah!" Zhang Cheng shouted exaggeratedly.

Zhang Cheng's acting skills were really exaggerated, but fortunately this did not affect his plan.

He left his seat, grabbed his backpack and walked to the driver, and asked nervously:"Driver, what happened?"

"Is the car broken down?"

The driver glanced at the cracked windshield with a cold face and said casually,"It seems to have hit something."

"This is too dangerous, the car windows are broken!" Zhang Cheng continued to shout in an exaggerated tone.

"Zhang Cheng, come back and sit down."Zhang Cheng's father said in the back seat.

Zhang Cheng ignored him, turned his back to the back seat, and slowly unzipped his backpack.

At this moment, a car drove in the opposite direction towards the bus.

""Quick! Stop the car! It's going to hit!" Zhang Cheng shouted hurriedly when he saw the oncoming car.

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