Seeing the oncoming car getting closer and closer, the bus driver had no intention of stopping.

Zhang Cheng frowned and shouted to the passengers in the car

""Driver, stop the bus! We're about to hit you! Do you want to kill us?"

Zhang Cheng shouted loudly. After all, this was his mission as an insider.

He had to make sure the bus stopped.

The passengers in the front row heard Zhang Cheng's shouts and saw the car coming in the opposite direction, so they also urged him to stop.

"Driver, stop the car!"

""Step on the brakes! Step on the brakes!"

The bus driver slammed on the brakes. Fortunately, Zhang Cheng held on to the handrail tightly, so he did not fall.

When the bus stopped, the car driving in the opposite direction also stopped.

The car door opened, and Lin Yi and his party got out.

The driver recognized An Chengdao, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

He gripped the steering wheel tightly, ready to drive directly into it.

However, Zhang Cheng would not give him this opportunity.

This is Zhang Cheng's second task, to ensure that the stopped bus will not start again.

The driver is not a human being. After seeing An Chengdao, he will definitely not be soft-hearted and will definitely hit him directly with his foot on the accelerator. If the bus hits the car, Lin Yi and his party will have no chance of winning.

""Driver." Zhang Cheng moved closer to the driver's seat, his back to the other passengers in the car, and opened his backpack.

"If there is a next life, try to be a human being."

Zhang Cheng muttered in a low voice, and then two cold lights shot out from the backpack and flew straight towards the driver at a very fast speed.

That was An Chengdao's knife.

In the days before the plan started, Zhang Cheng learned about the ability from Lin Yi.

At the same time, he also used the drone to get the two knives given to him by Lin Yi.

He has been carrying these two knives for this moment.

The driver was not on guard against Zhang Cheng at all, and because the distance was too close, the driver had no time to react.

Under An Chengdao's control, a bone-splitting knife was inserted into the driver's throat, and another bloodletting knife was stabbed into the driver's abdomen, and continued to go deeper until it drilled in.

"Awesome." Zhang Cheng sighed in his heart.

Although he had heard about An Chengdao's ability from Lin Yi, he was still surprised when he saw it with his own eyes for the first time.

But in the blink of an eye, an alien died under An Chengdao's knife.

The driver leaned weakly on the backrest, and the passengers sitting in the back could not see it at all.

However, the co-driver seemed to have noticed something and stood up and wanted to come over.

Zhang Cheng was not panicked at all. When he was a child, he had seen the deep pit of the hospital. Compared with the scene in the deep pit, these things in front of him were not worth mentioning at all.

So, when Zhang Cheng noticed that the co-driver stood up, he immediately turned around and shouted at the passengers in the car

"The murderer is coming! It's An Chengdao, the murderer wanted by the police!"

This is Zhang Cheng's third task - to cause panic.

Although Zhang Cheng's acting skills are still exaggerated, the person walking towards him is indeed An Chengdao. So when the passengers saw him, they didn't care whether Zhang Cheng's shouting was real or not. All they could feel was the fear of facing the murderer.

"Oh my god! It's really a murderer!"The passenger sitting by the window said in horror

"I've seen him on TV! That's him!"

"It’s over, it’s over. Why did I meet this murderer here?"

"I heard he killed more than a dozen people, it's terrible!"

"What should we do? Will he kill us?"

""Please don't worry, passengers." The co-driver comforted,"He can't get in, as long as we stay in the car and don't go out, we'll be fine.""

""Yes, yes, he can't get in for a while." A passenger echoed.

Of course, Zhang Cheng didn't know whether the person who echoed was a human or an alien. After all, he couldn't tell the difference.

"Call the police, call the police quickly!"

"Zhang Cheng, come to your parents quickly."Zhang Cheng's parents in the back row stood up and walked towards Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng sneered in his heart, looking at the two aliens in front of him. He finally got rid of them, and he would not miss this opportunity.

"Can't get in? I can just let them in." Zhang Cheng smiled disdainfully in his heart.

His fourth task was to open the car door.

"With a"click", Zhang Cheng pressed the button to open the door, opened it, and quickly ran towards it, shouting,"It's not safe in the car! Run!""

""What are you doing?!" The deputy driver turned around and hurriedly chased after him,"Come back here!"

He stretched out his hand to grab Zhang Cheng, but just as he ran to the door, a bloodletting knife stabbed at the deputy driver's throat.

The deputy driver quickly raised his hand, and the bloodletting knife hit his arm, cut his skin, and hit the carapace under the skin.

Before the deputy driver could react, An Chengdao rushed in from outside the door.

He held the dark blue bone-cutting knife tightly in his hand and chopped it across the deputy director's neck.

"With a"bang", the co-driver raised his hand to block An Chengdao's knife again.

However, just as he was resisting, two boning knives stabbed his knee joints from the left and right.

"Ah! Murder!" The passengers in the car were panicked.

At this time, Lin Yi's voice came from outside the bus:"What are you waiting for? Are you waiting to be killed by the murderer if you don't run now?"

He shouted at the passengers in the car:"Run! If you don't run, you will die!"

The door was already open, which meant that the car was no longer safe.

Coupled with the appearance of An Chengdao, the first thing the passengers thought of was to escape.

The reason for doing this was not only to make the situation more chaotic, but also to protect them.

Once they fought with the aliens, the aliens would definitely reveal their true appearance.

If the passengers on the bus saw their appearance, it would be fine if they didn't run away. Anyway, there were many seats on the bus, and Lin Yi didn't mind taking them away with him.

But if these passengers saw the aliens and then ran away, the aliens in the city would never let them go.

Lin Yi didn't have time to find them back.

Therefore, in order to ensure that they could not see the true face of the aliens, Lin Yi planned to scare them away.

As long as they didn't see the appearance of the aliens, they might be able to live a few more days.

The passenger escaped from the back door, ran back the way he came, picked up his mobile phone and started to call the police

"Uncle An, we have to make a quick decision."

There were seven aliens on the bus, one was dead, one was injured, and five were left.

Three of them had to escape with their children because they were disguised as students' parents. They had to do this before they were discovered by the livestock owners.

So, at this moment, there were actually only two and a half aliens on the bus - the injured co-driver, and Zhang Cheng's parents.

""You lowly beast! I'm going to kill you!"

The co-driver's body began to swell, and with a"sizzle" sound, the skin on his abdomen quickly broke, and the tentacles covered with barbs suddenly attacked An Chengdao.

An Chengdao seemed to have expected this scene to happen. He leaned back, kicked his feet, and quickly jumped out of the bus.

"Zhang Cheng, you've already discovered it." Zhang Cheng's parents got out of the back door of the car.

They stared at Zhang Cheng intently, with a hint of smile on their faces.

"Now that you've discovered it, don't blame us."Zhang Cheng's father opened his mouth, and the serrated mouthparts came out.

"High-quality animals, I've wanted to try them for a long time." Something was wriggling violently under Zhang Cheng's mother's skin. She twisted her neck, and a black shell appeared from under her torn skin.

"Huh——"Zhang Cheng glanced at it with disdain and said,"It's so ugly."

"Living with such a disgusting thing for more than ten years, I feel sick just thinking about it."

Zhang Cheng took a step back and shouted to An Chengdao:"Go ahead, it's you, uncle murderer!"

An Chengdao frowned, he seemed to hate this title, turned around and glared at Zhang Cheng fiercely

"I'll take care of the injured one while I take care of the other two." An Chengdao turned around, and all the knives flew out of his backpack and started to circle around him.

"Leave it to me?"Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Just as An Chengdao rushed towards Zhang Cheng's parents, the co-driver, who had revealed his true appearance, ran down from the front door.

Two of the insect legs were pierced with boning knives, and it lost its ability to move. When the remaining four insect legs were enough for it to continue moving, it saw Zhang Cheng and raised its sickle-like forearm to chop down.

"Stop! Uncle An, get rid of this one first!"Zhang Cheng was startled, and as he watched his forearm chop down, a figure rushed over from the side.

"Don't be so conceited, Uncle An wants us to deal with this guy, not you."

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