Tian Wenlei's words instantly made the atmosphere tense.

Lin Yi frowned, worried about Lu Linhai and Zhang Cheng, but also a little curious.

Since there is danger in the woods north of the village, why do the villagers still stay here?

Aren't they afraid that the danger in the woods will spread to the village sooner or later?

"Uncle Tian, what is in the woods north of the village?"

"Why is it that anyone who enters the woods at night is doomed to die?"

Hearing Lin Yi's question, Tian Wenlei shook his head and sighed.

"The woods north of the village......It is the place where the village collects corpses."

"Dealing with a corpse?!"Lin Yi was a little surprised,"Whose corpse?"

"All the bodies."Tian Wenlei continued

"Do you remember the strange birds and mice that the villagers told you about on the way here?"

"These strange creatures are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood. If they are allowed to multiply everywhere, their existence will sooner or later threaten the people in the village."

In order to avoid this situation, the village will deal with all the dead people, whether they died of natural causes or were killed by aliens.

In this way, the strange birds and mice will be led to one place.

The strange birds and mice will fight for the corpses. To a certain extent, this method can not only reduce the number of these strange creatures, but also solve the food problem in the village.

The people in the village will choose a daytime day to enter the woods north of the village in groups. Because the mice and strange birds are concentrated, it will be much easier to catch them.

Clean the captured mice and strange birds in the woods and take the meat back.

In this way, they will not be attracted to the village because of the smell of blood.

Tian Wenlei's words made Lin Yi think of the aliens and humans in the city.

"What about the injured people?"Zhou Kai interrupted.

His question was actually what Lin Yi wanted to ask.

They didn't see any injured people in this village. If they were injured in the battle with the aliens, what should they do?

After all, the blood from the wounds on the injured would also attract strange birds and mice to the village.

"We specially selected a place near the woods in the north of the village to build a temporary house for the injured. The injured will live there temporarily, and there will be people from the village to guard the house."

"Although those strange birds and mice look strange, they are animals after all and are still afraid of fire."

"At night, we would light torches around the shed to keep them away."

"Those strange birds and mice are not stupid. Instead of risking their lives to attack the injured, they might as well go directly to the place where the bodies are processed and eat the ready-made food."

Tian Wenlei's words sounded like there was nothing wrong with it.

Without waiting for Lin Yi and the others to speak, Tian Wenlei turned around and prepared to leave.

"I won't tell you for now." Tian Wenlei looked anxious, as if he was about to rush to the woods north of the village."Someone found fresh footprints on the way to the woods north of the village. I guess you guys went in, so let me take a look."

"I have to go over there and look for them now. Many people from the village have gone there too. If they haven't gone far, maybe we can rescue them."

"I'll go too." An Chengdao picked up the bag containing the butcher knife and wanted to follow.

"You guys should just not go." Tian Wenlei shook his head.

"You have just arrived in the village and are not familiar with the village yet, let alone the woods north of the village."

"If you don't find the person and you get lost again, it will be really troublesome."

"I brought them here, so I must ensure their safety." An Chengdao spoke with a cold face, exuding an aura that could not be refused.

"Besides, according to what you said, I am the chosen one of God."An Chengdao raised his hand, and a bloodletting knife flew out of his bag and landed in his palm.

An Chengdao's ability was demonstrated when he met the saint before, so there was no need to hide it now.

Of course, An Chengdao only showed a small part of it.

"Uncle Tian, let's go." Lin Yi also stood up

"We won't go in, we'll just wait outside the woods"

"I promise I won't cause any trouble for you."

Tian Wenlei frowned, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded:"Even if I don't let you go, you will definitely go in the end."

"Rather than letting you guys find it by yourselves, it would be safer for me to take you there so you don't get lost."

""Let's go."

Lin Yi and his group followed Tian Wenlei and quickly headed towards the north of the village.

Along the way, An Chengdao frowned, and before he arrived at the north of the village, he had already held the bone-chopping knife in his hand.

It can be seen that he was really worried about Lu Linhai and the others.

"Uncle An, you don't really think that Lu Linhai and the others went to the woods in the north of the village, do you?"Lin Yi glanced at Tian Wenlei who was running in front, and pulled An Chengdao to the back of the team.

"Didn't they go?" An Chengdao was stunned for a moment.

"If Lu Linhai was alone, he might have gone."Lin Yi said in a low voice

"He does things carelessly and rarely pays attention to details."

"But Zhang Cheng is different."Lin Yi said as he paid attention to Tian Wenlei in front of him.

"A person who has no abilities but has managed to survive for so many years without noticing the existence of aliens must be quite cautious."

In fact, when Lin Yi heard Tian Wenlei talking about this matter, he was a little suspicious.

Zhang Cheng is very smart. Since he is collecting intelligence, he will naturally not go to the deserted woods in the north of the village.

Even if he wants to go, he will not choose to go at night.

As for the shoe prints found by the villagers, perhaps Zhang Cheng deliberately made them in order to attract the attention of the villagers.

Zhang Cheng did not tell Lin Yi and the others about this matter. Therefore, even if the villagers did not find the shoe prints, seeing that they had not returned for a long time, Lin Yi and others would be anxious and ask the villagers to help find them.

In this way, the shoe prints left outside the woods will still be discovered.

Of course, this is Lin Yi's guess.

The reason why he insisted on going was that he could get familiar with the surrounding environment. Since he decided to slip away, finding a safe route was essential.

Secondly, even if Lu Linhai and Zhang Cheng really went to the woods in the north of the village, it would be easier to find them using Zhou Kai's ability.

As for why Zhang Cheng did this, perhaps he wanted to use this method to find out how many Chosen Ones there are in the village. There may also be other reasons that Lin Yi did not think of for a while.

"Now that you mention it, it is not impossible."Although An Chengdao said this, the worry in his eyes did not diminish at all.

An Chengdao was the only elder among them. In his eyes, Lin Yi and the others were like his children.

Since he brought them out of the city, An Chengdao decided to protect them.

Compared with himself, An Chengdao felt that these boys and girls were the hope for the future of mankind.

Therefore, An Chengdao was still worried before he could not guarantee 100% that Lu Linhai and Zhang Cheng had not entered the woods.

""Wen Lei, why did you bring them here?"

Outside the woods in the north of the village, many people holding torches gathered.

The leader was still Brother Lei. After looking at Tian Wen Lei with a shotgun, he stared at Lin Yi and the others viciously.

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