Under the moonlight, the twisted trees in the distance look like grinning monsters.

The thorns on the trees seem to be their fangs and claws, giving people an indescribable sense of weirdness and loneliness.

"You can come in with us." Lei Ge pointed at An Chengdao with the shotgun in his hand.

"I remember that you are the chosen one. You won't be a hindrance after you go there. You should be able to help."

"But you can't." When he said this, Brother Lei glanced at Lin Yi and others beside An Chengdao.

"Those big black rats and strange birds are very arrogant at night. If you are in danger, we don't have time to take care of you."

"So if you don't want to die, stay out there."

"Besides, among you there is a successor chosen by the Saint Lady herself. If anything happens to her, we cannot bear the responsibility."

Lin Yi frowned. In fact, he had no intention of entering the woods with Brother Lei and the others.

The reason he came here was just to confirm whether there was any escape route nearby.

According to Lin Yi's current understanding of the village, the ancestral hall where the Saint Lady lived was on the west side of the village. The Saint Lady might be the chosen one of God. In addition, there were people protecting the Saint Lady nearby. If this route was chosen, the probability of being discovered would be very high.

The village was backed by mountains on the east side, and after climbing over them, it was close to the city where Lin Yi and the others had escaped, so naturally they were not considered.

As for the south side of the village, that was the road Lin Yi and the others had taken when they came.

The people in the village would squat here to wait for the bus coming out of the city. If they left from here, they would definitely meet people from the village.

Therefore, the only way left was the forest in front of them, which was regarded as a forbidden area by the villagers.

"You guys just stay outside, I'll go in with them and take a look." An Chengdao held the bone-chopping knife in his hand and walked towards Brother Lei.

An Chengdao wanted to go in and check whether Lu Linhai and the others were in the woods, and at the same time, check whether this route could be used to escape.

The cold wind blowing from the woods was filled with a pungent stench, and it was unknown whether there was some fine sand mixed in the gusts of wind. Lin Yi actually felt a little dizzy.

He rubbed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he saw the silk thread emitting a faint white light again.

But this time, the silk thread came out of the hunting rifle in Brother Lei's hand.

One end of the silk thread was connected to the barrel of the gun, and the other end slowly floated towards An Chengdao.

As An Chengdao approached, the silk thread was connected to An Chengdao's chest.

""Zhou Kai, did you see that?" Lin Yi pulled Zhou Kai beside him.

"What did you see?"Zhou Kai didn't understand what Lin Yi was referring to.

"Silk thread, the silk thread I told you about before."Lin Yi said in a low voice


"Yes, it's on Uncle An."

Zhou Kai looked towards An Chengdao in a hurry, but he saw nothing.

"I didn’t see any silk thread on Uncle An?"

"You two stay to protect the successor, and the rest of you come with me. Let's go!" Brother Lei left Tian Wenlei and another person in the team.

"Wait a minute!"Just as they were about to enter the woods, Lin Yi ran over.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Lei asked with a frown.

Lin Yi ignored him and walked to An Chengdao and asked,"Uncle An, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Lin Yi didn't know what the sudden appearance of the thread meant, but it was precisely because he didn't know that he felt uneasy.

"I'm fine." An Chengdao shook his head.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Lei Ge's tone sounded a little impatient.

""Lin Yi, what's wrong with you?" An Chengdao also felt that Lin Yi was a little strange.

Lin Yi didn't know how to explain for a while, after all, he was the only one who could see the silk thread.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi gritted his teeth and reached out to grab the silk thread on An Chengdao's body.

The strange thing was that the silk thread that he couldn't touch before was actually caught in Lin Yi's hand.

With a force, Lin Yi pulled the silk thread connected to An Chengdao's body off.

At the moment the silk thread was broken, Lin Yi suddenly heard a gunshot, followed by a sharp pain in his chest, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"Lin Yi?"An Chengdao supported Lin Yi's shaking body.

Cold sweat broke out on Lin Yi's forehead. He lowered his head to look at his chest, which was intact.

He looked back at Brother Lei. He didn't shoot, and even the shotgun in his hand was not loaded.

So, what was the gunshot he heard?

""Lin Yi, are you okay?" Tian Wenlei came over in a hurry.

He helped Lin Yi away, turned around and said to An Chengdao:"Maybe he is too tired. I'll take care of him here. It's okay."

When Lin Yi came to his senses, the thread that was originally connected to An Chengdao had disappeared.

An Chengdao reached out and touched Lin Yi's head, and said:"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

""Lin Yi, how about I take you back first?" Tian Wenlei said.

Lin Yi shook his head. What happened just now was too strange for Lin Yi to figure out for a while.

He did not continue to stop An Chengdao from leaving. First, if he strongly asked An Chengdao to stay now, it would seem too deliberate. After all, if he really didn't want An Chengdao to enter the woods, he would have said it at the beginning.

Second, Lin Yi didn't figure out what the silk thread was. Since it has been torn, there should be no problem.

The first time I saw the silk thread, it came out from Xiaohu.

If Xiaohu is an alien, these silk threads are likely to be its means of attack.

But the silk thread I saw this time came out from the shotgun. Could it be that the shotgun in Brother Lei's hand is also an alien?

This is obviously impossible.

"Uncle An, you must be careful after you go in." Lin Yi walked in front of An Chengdao and reminded him in a low voice.

"Pay special attention to the gun in that man's hand."

An Chengdao nodded, and then followed Lei Ge and his group into the woods.

"I'll be fine after a short rest." After An Chengdao and the others left, Lin Yi turned back and looked at Tian Wenlei.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me. Tian Wenlei's eyes showed a trace of concern.

"What's going on?"In order to avoid the people in the village, Lin Yi and Zhou Kai walked to the side.

"I don't know either." Lin Yi told Zhou Kai what happened just now, and Zhou Kai was also confused.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Lin Yi took a deep breath, and the pain in his chest disappeared as he woke up.

""Have you found Lu Linhai and the others?" Lin Yi asked.

Zhou Kai shook his head and looked up at the woods:"Within my ability, I have not sensed Lu Linhai and Zhang Cheng."

"But there is one thing they didn't lie about."

"There are indeed many creatures in the woods. Judging from their cries, they are indeed mice, and the strange birds we have seen before. Moreover, I also smell a strong smell of blood."

When he said this, Zhou Kai's face turned a little ugly.

Too noisy sounds and overly stimulating smells will increase the burden on Zhou Kai's sensory organs.

In this case, he cannot use his abilities for a long time.

So, as far as the current situation is concerned, perhaps Lu Linhai and Zhang Cheng really left footprints outside the woods as Lin Yi guessed, in order to lure away the people in the village, but there is another possibility-they have met with an accident.

Lin Yi is more inclined to the former. He doesn't think Zhang Cheng would be so careless, nor does he think Lu Linhai would be so easily killed by those mice.

"Let's walk around here. If we can't leave the village through the woods, we can find other routes to see if we can bypass the woods."

Zhou Kai nodded.

However, just as they were about to act, Tian Wenlei and another person who stayed here caught up with them.

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