Suddenly, the tiger rushed over desperately. His body was shaking. It was obvious that he was very scared at this time.

But even so, he still came over.

His face was full of fear, but there was a little courage in his eyes.

He grabbed the villager's hand, opened his mouth and bit it hard, trying to make him let go of Zhou Yun who was pressed to the ground.

The young child could not think of any effective means of attack, so he could only bite with his mouth based on his instinctive reaction.

However, the person parasitized by the alien could not feel any pain at all.

The villager still grabbed Zhou Yun and pressed her to the ground without letting her go.

However, the unexpected appearance of the tiger unexpectedly saved Zhou Yun who was targeted by the white alien.

The tiger's position at this time was just standing between Zhou Yun and the alien.

The lime powder sprinkled by Zhou Yun made the white alien lose its vision. It kept crawling over and the first thing it came into contact with was not Zhou Yun, but the tiger standing between them.

The alien, which had lost its vision, could not tell whether this person was Zhou Yun, and quickly climbed up along the tiger's body.

The black fur twisted, drilled into the gap between the tiger's teeth, and began to control his nerves.

But in the blink of an eye, Xiaohu's eyes became dull.

"Mother......"Xiaohu opened his mouth and murmured softly.

I don't know what the stimulation of the alien made him see, but at this time Xiaohu actually laughed and cried.

""No!" Zhou Yun shouted. She saw the white alien start to drill into the tiger's mouth.

Facing the little boy who wanted to save her, Zhou Yun struggled to stop the alien.

However, she couldn't get away.

"Lady Saint, no, it's not this body!"

The villager who was holding Zhou Yun had broken legs and could only kneel on the ground with his knees supporting his body.

He let go of Zhou Yun's hand and crawled towards Xiaohu on all fours.

The scene in front of him made Lin Yi feel strange. He couldn't understand. These silk threads should represent danger. However, Xiaohu's appearance not only did not hurt Zhou Yun, but even saved Zhou Yun by chance.

Could it be that this silk thread actually represents that the parasitic Xiaohu will hurt Zhou Yun?

However, the silk thread connecting Xiaohu and Zhou Yun gradually faded and disappeared at the moment when the alien drilled into Xiaohu's body.

Lin Yi couldn't figure it out for a while, and he didn't have the mind to study it in detail at this time.

"Xiaoyun! Go ahead!"

Lin Yi saw the right moment and threw the knife in his hand over.

"Attack the protruding part on their backs!" Zhou Yun didn't know the weaknesses of these aliens. Lin Yi was stopped by another villager and could only tell her in this way.

Zhou Yun didn't hesitate and grabbed the knife on the ground and rushed over.

"Don't hurt the Saint!"

The villager crawling on the ground grabbed Zhou Yun's leg. Zhou Yun gritted his teeth and stabbed the knife in his hand towards the slightly raised part of his back.

Seeing that the villager still did not let go, Zhou Yun gripped the handle of the knife tightly and shook it vigorously.

She remembered the way Zhou Kai and his men fought with the mantises. After the blade pierced into the joint, it was scratched vigorously to ensure that the blade could cut the nerves at the joint.

Although she also knew that the alien in front of her was not a mantis, if the raised part on the back was the weakness of the alien, continuing to cause damage would always work.

At the same time, Lin Yi and Zhou Kai were not in an ideal situation.

Zhou Kai's eyes could not see clearly, and he could only rely on hearing to judge the position of the opponent.

However, after overusing his abilities, his weak body had no time to rest. Even if he determined the position of the opponent, it was already very difficult to dodge, let alone fight back.

Lin Yi's situation was relatively better. Although he did not have lime powder in his hand, he also learned from Zhou Yun to grab the soil on the ground and sprinkle it on the villagers' eyes while approaching Zhou Kai's position.

However, the speed at which the alien stimulated the villagers' nerves could always be avoided.

"You can't see, right?" The villagers who wanted to catch Zhou Kai noticed that he had his eyes closed.

"Don't worry, just give your body to me and I can heal it for you"

"Not only that, I can also let you experience true happiness and joy."

The villagers' eyes bulged slowly, and the alien parasitic in their bodies couldn't wait to replace a young body.

"Believe me, once you experience it, you will love it."

"This world can only bring you pain and troubles, but I can make you forget them forever."

The villagers showed a sarcastic smile on their faces. The new body was right in front of them. It no longer cared about the endurance of the current host body, and increased the stimulation to make the body faster and faster.

Gradually, Zhou Kai's weak body could not keep up with the other party's speed.

As he got closer and closer to Zhou Kai, just when he felt that he was about to get this body, he suddenly heard a gust of wind behind him.

Something was swung at his head, and he quickly turned around to avoid it. Then he noticed that there was a man holding a steel rod behind him.

"You are too slow. Although Zhou Kai could not see, he could hear.

While fighting with the villager, he heard footsteps approaching.

The person who came was Lu Linhai.

"This is my fastest speed." Lu Linhai came over and noticed Zhou Kai's eyes.

"What happened to your eyes?"

Zhou Kai was about to speak, but suddenly frowned:"Be careful!"

He heard the sound of wind, it was the villager who took action.

He wanted to dodge, but the fatigue of his body made his legs seem to be filled with lead, and it was very difficult to move.

However, the villager was stopped. The moment he rushed up, Lu Linhai actually kept up with the other party's amazing speed and swung the steel rod in his hand over.

"You won't go blind, will you?" Lu Linhai's tone was filled with worry."Don't worry, there must be a way to cure your eyes."

"Even if you can't be cured, we won't abandon you. I will protect you."

"......"If Zhou Kai could still see, he would definitely glare at him fiercely, along with Lin Yi.

However, Lu Linhai's reaction ability at this time still surprised Zhou Kai for a moment.

"Where's Zhang Cheng?"Lin Yi retreated to their side, and the three of them stood back to back.

"God knows, that guy was mysterious and said he had something to deal with and asked me to come over to help you first."Lu Linhai replied

"It was his idea to lure these rats and strange birds into the village."

""Lu Linhai, go help Xiaoyun." Zhou Kai said anxiously,"The saint has set her sights on Xiaoyun's body, you go protect Xiaoyun."

Not far away, the blade in Zhou Yun's hand cut off the black hair in the villager's body that the alien used to control him.

Although it was only a small part near the spine, it also affected the alien's control over the host.

The villager's face began to twitch and his body began to tremble, but he still did not let go.

The white alien had completely drilled into Xiaohu's body, and the black hair drilled out of his eye sockets, wrapped around his pupils, and quickly dissolved them.

However, the eyes of the alien were affected by the lime powder and did not drill out of the eye sockets, leaving only two empty eye sockets.

"No! This body is wrong!"

The alien noticed something was wrong:"This body is too weak, this is not her body!"

The alien, who had lost his vision, could not determine Zhou Yun's location. He controlled Xiaohu's body and shouted angrily.

""Where is she? I want her body! Bring her here!"

After hearing the saint's shout, a villager ran towards Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was so fast that he couldn't dodge. Seeing the villager approaching, he suddenly heard a"whoosh" sound in his ears.

When he reacted, a boning knife flew over and stabbed directly into the villager's forehead.

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