The boning knife stabbed the villager's forehead, and the blade pressed against the villager's skull, forcing the villager back. The bloodletting knife followed closely, cutting the villager's skin and leaving several wounds.

The boning knife forced the villager to a place close to the rats. The rats, smelling the blood, jumped wildly and were extremely excited.

They climbed up the villager's legs and licked the blood from the wounds, then bit the wounds, trying to get in like crazy, greedily wanting to eat more meat.

The alien parasitic in the villager's body felt the threat of the rats, and knew that this corpse could no longer be used.

The disgusting eyes popped out of the eye sockets, and the area between the shoulder blades on the back squirmed, trying to separate from the host, abandon this body and escape.

But at this time, the strange bird in the sky took action. The strange bird hovering in the air swooped down, and when it approached the villager's back, it quickly stretched out its claws to grab the bulge on the back.

The bird's beak kept pecking, and each time it pecked off a piece of sticky meat.

As soon as he tilted his head back, the sticky meat of the alien slid into the bird's beak. The black hair on the alien's body emerged from the bulge on the villagers' backs, trying to entangle these strange birds.

But the rotten meat and the twisting granulations on the chest of the strange bird seemed to have corrosive acid. Once the black hair touched it, it would instantly tremble and shrink back.

The other two boning knives flew towards the villagers in front of Lin Yi and his group. Even though the villagers dodged the flying boning knives with their extraordinary reaction speed, when they steadied themselves, they found that the boning knives turned around in the air and caught up with them.

"It's Uncle An's knife!"

Noticing the knife suddenly flying, Lin Zhang looked around.

Not far away near the north of the village, An Chengdao came over with a sullen face.

He looked furious, and seemed to be quite angry.

One hand tightly grasped the bone-chopping knife, and the other hand dragged the unconscious Lei Ge.

At this time, Lei Ge was like a puddle of mud. An Chengdao stripped off his clothes and pants, twisted them into a twist and tied them together, and used them as a rope to tie Lei Ge and the shotgun together.

The butcher knives surrounded An Chengdao and flew towards the villagers here at lightning speed as he looked.

An Chengdao could control the flight trajectory of these butcher knives, even if If the villagers could dodge once, the butcher knife would catch up with them.

Moreover, An Chengdao seemed to have discovered that these villagers were parasitized by aliens.

He knew that these villagers could not feel pain, and he also knew that even if they were stabbed in the vital parts, they could not be killed.

Therefore, the butcher knife only cut wounds on these villagers one after another, and then handed them over to this group of crazy rats.

Lin Yi didn't know how An Chengdao survived the shotgun in Lei Ge's hand, but his safe return made Lin Yi feel relieved.

Moreover, his arrival made Lin Yi and the others feel as if they had taken a reassurance pill, and they felt much more at ease instantly.

"Great! Uncle An is not dead."

"Why did Uncle An have to die?" Lu Linhai didn't know what happened before, and turned around to look at Lin Yi in confusion.

"We'll talk about this later." Zhou Kai interrupted him and urged,"Go help Xiaoyun quickly. The Saint wants to get her body, and these people will definitely focus on her."

"I'll go, you can't see now, so don't go over there." Lu Linhai glanced at Lin Yi and said,

"Lin Yi, keep an eye on Zhou Kai and don't let him run around"

"He seems to be blind. We must protect him."

"Don't talk nonsense, he is only temporary——"Without waiting for Lin Yi to finish, Lu Linhai turned around and ran towards Zhou Yun's position.

On the other side, the boning knife that suddenly flew over forced the villagers who were close to Zhou Yun to retreat, but the villagers lying on the ground still held Zhou Yun's hand.

"Where is she? Where is my body?!"The alien who lost his sight controlled Xiaohu's body and shouted. The empty eye sockets and the hoarse and childish voice at this moment were indescribably weird.

"Lady Saint, she is here! The body you want is here!" The villager lying on the ground reminded loudly,"I caught her, she is right here!"

"mine......Her body is mine!"

The white alien heard the man's shout and controlled the tiger's body to keep approaching.

The damage caused by the lime powder could not be recovered in a short time. No eyes popped out of its eye sockets. Instead, many black hairs stretched out and waved excitedly.

""Xiao Hu! Can you hear me?" Zhou Yun shouted, trying to wake up the poor child.

However, her cry was in vain.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and pulled the knife off the villager's back.

"Xiaohu, I'm sorry."Zhou Yun clenched the knife in her hand, and she would attack immediately if the other party approached.

Seeing Xiaohu getting closer and closer, Lu Linhai's voice came over.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I’m here to help you!"

"With a muffled sound of"dong", Lu Linhai rushed up and swung the steel rod in his hand towards Xiaohu's head.

Although the alien parasitic in Xiaohu's body could not see, it also felt the danger coming.

It was not that it did not want to control Xiaohu to dodge, but because Xiaohu's thin body could not exert much strength.

In addition, Zhou Yun destroyed its eyes, so it had no idea where the opponent would attack from.

""Lady Saint!"

Lu Linhai knocked Xiaohu to the ground with a stick, and the villagers lying on the ground shouted

""Protect the Saint!" He let go of Zhou Yun and wanted to crawl to Xiaohu.

But because Zhou Yun cut off the black hair connecting the nerves near his spine, the movements of this body became a little uncoordinated, and the movements became slower.

Seeing that he couldn't stop it, he began to call for his companions.

Unfortunately, some villagers were surrounded by rats and couldn't get away at all.

The crazy rats bit the villagers' bodies desperately. Even if they killed some of the old people, they couldn't stand the large number of rats.

When the aliens in the body came out and wanted to abandon the body being eaten by the rats, the strange birds in the sky swooped down and pecked these aliens out.

There were also one or two villagers who were not located by the rats and wanted to rush over to protect the white aliens in Xiaohu's body.

But when they moved, the dancing butcher knives in the air would always fly towards them first and force them back to the vicinity of the rats.

"You bastard, are you allowed to touch Xiaoyun's legs?"

Lu Linhai walked to the villager lying on the ground, cursing.

Lu Linhai raised the steel rod in his hand and hit the villager on the head.

"Brother Linhai, hit here!" Zhou Yun pointed at the villager's back and reminded him.

"I know, Zhang Cheng told me."Lu Linhai clenched the steel rod in his hand, aimed it at the wound left by Zhou Yun before, and inserted it forcefully.

But at this moment, Xiaohu, who was knocked to the ground by Lu Linhai, suddenly struggled in pain. He let out a painful roar from his throat, and his weak voice kept shouting"Don't go".

Hearing the movement, Lu Linhai looked up and couldn't help but feel curious:"Strange, the person I just hit was the one who was parasitized. Zhang Cheng said that the person who was parasitized should not feel pain."

Lu Linhai was a little puzzled, thinking about going over to hit him with a stick, or just throwing him into the rat swarm.

But just when he approached Xiaohu, a soft white body suddenly jumped out from under Xiaohu's body.

It was the white alien, and like the alien that parasitized Tian Wenlei's body before, it chose to separate from the host at this moment, trying to trick the other party into getting closer.

Xiaohu's thin body simply couldn't exert the strength to escape from here, so it planned to change its body.

When Lu Linhai approached Xiaohu and raised the steel stick, the white alien suddenly attacked. It jumped up, wrapped Lu Linhai's head, and drilled into his mouth.

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