Xiaohu's thin and weak body could not exert much strength. The white alien parasitic in his body knew this very well. If it wanted to survive from the mouths of these mice and strange birds, it had to choose a young and healthy body.

So it immediately separated from Xiaohu's body and used the pain of the host when it was separated from the body to attract the attention of others.

It stretched out a few black hairs on its body that were used to sense and control human nerves in different directions. Because the number of black hairs stretched out was not large, it was difficult to find them under the cover of the night and the muddy road without careful observation.

Once someone walked to Xiaohu, they would definitely step on these stretched black hairs.

The alien used this to sense the position of the person who came, and then quickly attacked and snatched the other person's body.

The sudden attack of the alien at close range made Lu Linhai unable to react for a while. When he noticed it, the soft body of the alien had already wrapped his head.

Lu Linhai closed his lips tightly, trying to use this method to prevent the alien from getting into his body.

However, the alien's body blocked his nose, and the black hair on its body drilled into his nasal cavity.

There was a tingling in the nasal cavity, followed by a pain.

This discomfort made Lu Linhai feel very uncomfortable. He felt suffocated and even nauseous. He couldn't help but want to sneeze.

The moment his lips loosened a little, the black hair on the alien's body desperately drilled into Lu Linhai's mouth.

In addition, the sticky liquid on the alien's body played a lubricating role, and Lu Linhai's mouth was quickly stretched open.

He stretched out his hand to grab the alien and stop it from drilling in, but because of the sticky liquid on the alien's body, Lu Linhai couldn't catch it at all.

"Brother Linhai!" Zhou Yun reacted and wanted to run over to help, but was stopped by Zhou Kai and others who came over.

""Don't go over there." Zhou Kai said sternly,"That alien had set its sights on you from the beginning. If you go over there now, maybe it will just do what it wants."

"Oh my god!"Lin Yi ran to Lu Linhai quickly. He couldn't catch the alien with his bare hands, so he put some mud on his hands to increase friction.

Unfortunately, the effect of this method was not significant.

The alien's body secreted more mucus, and Lin Yi couldn't catch it at all.

""Get out of the way!" An Chengdao shouted in a low voice.

Then, three bloodletting knives appeared."Y"The blade stabbed into the monster's body facing Lu Linhai's face.

Lin Yi hurriedly grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled it out with force.

But what Lin Yi didn't expect was that this alien actually broke its own body and discarded the part that was stabbed by the bloodletting knife.

Lin Yi didn't hold back his strength for a while, and the moment the alien's body broke, he fell backwards to the ground.

The alien's body that was voluntarily abandoned fell to the ground, and was seen by the strange birds hovering in the sky, and they swooped down quickly.

Lin Yi hurriedly dodged to the side, but fortunately these strange birds did not attack Lin Yi, but just picked up the part that the alien on the ground had discarded, and then flew back again.

When he looked at Lu Linhai again, the white alien had completely drilled in.

Lin Yi realized that things were not good. He didn't know how to ensure that the alien in their body was forced out without hurting the host.

Moreover, Lin Yi couldn't figure it out. Since this alien would hurt Lu Linhai, why didn't he see the silk thread representing danger connected to Lu Linhai from beginning to end?

Lu Linhai's body trembled slightly. He seemed to be in some discomfort. He closed his eyes tightly, and his facial features seemed to be squeezed together because of the discomfort.

There were bursts of"oooo" sounds in his throat, and even a faint sound came from his stomach.

Pain? Discomfort?

Lin Yi felt something was wrong.

Although he had never been parasitized by these aliens, he had experienced the feeling of being parasitized.

The black hair on the aliens would stimulate the nerves to secrete dopamine, which would make people feel extremely comfortable and happy.

Under this pleasant experience, the parasitized person would feel comfortable, and would not exclude the parasitism of the aliens, making it easier for them to enter the host's body and control the host.

However, the frown on Lu Linhai's face did not look like he had experienced the ultimate pleasure, but rather seemed to be a little nauseous.

When doubts emerged from his mind, Lu Linhai bent over and knelt on the ground.

With a"vomit" sound, Lu Linhai suddenly opened his mouth and vomited in big mouthfuls.

He spat out a translucent liquid that seemed to be sticky and a little stringy, mixed with the black hairs that were unique to the aliens, which was really disgusting.

At the same time, the villagers in the village who were parasitized by the aliens suddenly let out a series of painful wails, as if they had sensed something.

After vomiting, Lu Linhai gasped and glanced at what he had vomited on the ground. Even he felt disgusted.

"land......Linhai?"Looking at Lu Linhai in front of him, Lin Yi became more alert.

He couldn't be sure whether the person in front of him was a human or a puppet that had been parasitized by an alien.

"This thing is really disgusting." Lu Linhai stood up, as if he had a strange taste in his mouth, and kept spitting on the ground, his eyes full of disgust.

"Brother Linhai, are you okay?"Zhou Yun wanted to go over to see, but was stopped by Zhou Kai.

"you......Is it still Lu Linhai?"Lin Yi quickly got up from the ground.

Judging from the current situation, Lu Linhai's behavior is no different from before.

However, it is not ruled out that this is a disguise of aliens.

After all, after these aliens control the host, they seem to be able to inherit the host's memory.

"I'm fine." Lu Linhai wiped his mouth.

"I just feel a bad taste in my mouth, it's so disgusting"

""How do you prove that you are Lu Linhai?" Zhou Kai asked vigilantly.

Lu Linhai was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't think of a way to prove it. He couldn't dissect himself on the spot and let them see if there were any aliens in his body.

At this moment, Lin Yi noticed that the people in the village suddenly gave up resisting the rats and began to flee around the village.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi said:"The white alien should be dead."

"The reason why these people controlled by the aliens fearlessly resisted the rats and birds was because they wanted to protect their leader, the white alien."

"But when their leader died, they were leaderless and lost the meaning of continuing to fight the rats, so they began to flee in all directions."

"Therefore, the thing that Lu Linhai just vomited should be the white alien."

"only......"When he said this, Lin Yi paused.

Looking up at Lu Linhai not far away, Lin Yi felt more and more weird.

All along, Lin Yi firmly believed that Lu Linhai was a human being. After all, he had killed him before.

Even after arriving here, the saint in the village claimed that Lu Linhai was neither a human nor an alien, Lin Yi thought that the other party was talking nonsense.

However, if Lu Linhai was really a human being, why was he not parasitized by the alien, but instead killed the alien that got into his body.

Zhou Kai once said that Lu Linhai's heartbeat frequency was the same as that of the mantis in the city. Lin Yi always thought that it was because everyone's body was different.

Now think about it, could there be other reasons?

""Lu Linhai, what exactly are you?" Lin Yi couldn't help asking

"I am a human being, a real person." Lu Linhai also knew that the scene just now was quite abnormal, but he couldn't tell why, so he could only hurriedly say,"I am really a human being. If I lie, I will be struck by lightning and die a miserable death."

"We'll talk about this later." Lin Yi had no time to study the situation in front of him.

The villagers gave up resistance, causing the rats to approach faster.

If they didn't escape from here immediately, they would be the next to be eaten by the rats.

""Leave here first." Lin Yi urged.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yi suddenly saw An Chengdao carrying Brother Lei on his shoulders.

""Uncle An, don't worry about him. He's a burden to bring along." Lin Yi said.

An Chengdao shook his head and said,"He knows something about aliens. Maybe we can get some answers about this world from him."

After An Chengdao dragged Lei Ge back, Lin Yi had not paid attention to the unconscious Lei Ge. It was not until An Chengdao carried Lei Ge on his shoulders that Lin Yi noticed that there were no signs of alien parasitism on Lei Ge's back and between his shoulder blades.

Lei Ge is a human.

But in a village full of aliens, why is there a human who is not parasitized?

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