"This guy is a human?!" Lin Yi was a little surprised.

It was hard for him to imagine that a human could lead a group of people who were parasitized by aliens.

The key point was that not only was he not parasitized, but even the aliens in the village obeyed his arrangements.

Or did Brother Lei not know that the people in the village had been parasitized by aliens?

This was obviously impossible. He had lived in this village for so long and knew the existence of aliens. In addition, the roofless houses built outside the village would make anyone notice something strange.

Perhaps, Brother Lei really knew some answers about why the world had become like this, as An Chengdao said.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi also felt that he should take Brother Lei out.

The people in the village who were parasitized by aliens fled in all directions. Some of the mice chased them, while the other part targeted Lin Yi and others who were about to escape.

""Be careful!" Lu Linhai grabbed the steel rod on the ground with one hand and grabbed Lin Yi's collar with the other hand.

He pulled him back and swung the steel rod at the same time. With a"bang", a jumping rat was knocked away by Lu Linhai.

An Chengdao still had a gloomy face, and all the butcher knives flew back and quickly rotated around them.

Once a rat jumped over, the butcher knife would immediately fly up and either pierce the rat's body or cut it in half.

However, Lin Yi noticed that the speed of the butcher knife was getting slower and slower.

When heading to the woods north of the village, Brother Lei brought a lot of people.

An Chengdao must have experienced a fierce battle to be able to return safely from their hands.

As for how he survived, although Lin Yi was curious, now was obviously not the time to ask.

An Chengdao's ability would constantly consume his physical strength. If he continued to activate his ability, once it exceeded the upper limit that his body could bear, he would probably be like Zhou Kai.

"Let's go quickly. There are too many rats and strange birds. Even the aliens can't do anything to them. If we stay here any longer, we will be bitten to death."Lin Yi urged.

"You can’t leave!" Just when everyone decided to escape the village, Lu Linhai suddenly stopped them.

"We can't leave now." Lu Linhai said hurriedly,"Zhang Cheng said that we should wait for the signal."

"Signal?" Zhou Kai frowned,"What signal?"

Lu Linhai touched his head, shook his head and said,"I don't know, he didn't say"

"But he said we would recognize the signal as soon as it appeared."

"No, we can't wait here." Lin Yi glanced around and saw that some people in the village were running away or dying.

It wouldn't be long before the rats and strange birds would all be targeting them.

"Go first——"Lin Yi planned to leave from the north of the village first, or at least run out of this village first.

However, before he finished speaking, Zhou Yun seemed to have discovered something and pointed to the south of the village and shouted,"Look!" The south of the village became very clear in the dark night. The black mice made anxious and nervous noises and quickly gathered towards the north of the village.

The reason that prompted them to come here was not the smell of blood that attracted them, but the sudden fire in the south of the village, which was spreading here.

"There's a fire?" Lu Linhai whispered.

Lin Yi thought about it for a moment and immediately understood.

"It's Zhang Cheng's signal!"

Most of the buildings in the village are wooden sheds built with wood. Coupled with the dry climate in the village, once a fire breaks out, the fire will spread rapidly.

Moreover, Zhang Cheng also knew that Lin Yi and his men had set fire to the mountain.

These mice and strange birds are afraid of fire. They feel the danger coming, so they flee to the north of the village where there is no fire yet.

Zhang Cheng thought of using mice and strange birds to deal with the aliens in the village, and he must have thought of the consequences of this approach.

""We run to the south of the village." Lin Yi roughly understood what Zhang Cheng meant.

The fire spread from the south of the village, which meant that Zhang Cheng was there.

The spread of the fire would force the rats to the woods in the north of the village, so if you want to stay away from these rats, you must run in the opposite direction of them.

"Zhou Kai, I'll carry you away." Lu Linhai walked up to Zhou Kai.

"I can walk by myself"

"You can't walk, you're blind, so don't try to be brave." Lu Linhai said as he started to move.

"Brother, you——"Zhou Yun's tone was full of worry.

Zhou Kai hurriedly explained:"Don't listen to his nonsense, he is blind, I just overused my ability and can't see clearly for the time being."

"Don't hold me, put me down. If it doesn't work, you can carry me on your back, why do you have to hold me?"

"It’s inconvenient to carry him on your back." Lu Linhai held Zhou Kai in his arms, a flash of panic in his eyes, but no one noticed.

"Just hold me, you can't see now and you are weak, Lu Linhai is strong, he can hold you faster." Lin Yi echoed from the side

"You are the weak one!"

Lin Yi walked in front of the team, followed by Lu Linhai holding Zhou Kai, then Zhou Yun, and at the end of the team was An Chengdao carrying Lei Ge.

Lin Yi put the knife into the bag and took Lu Linhai's steel rod in his hand.

The steel rod was obviously much more convenient to deal with these rats that occasionally jumped up when escaping.

The butcher knife rotated around them to protect the entire team.

As they got closer and closer to the south of the village, there were many burnt children on the ground in addition to the charred rats and strange birds that had not had time to run away.

Lin Yi looked at the children on the ground and seemed to have guessed how Zhang Cheng introduced the rats and strange birds into the village.

"Here! Here!"At the south entrance of the village, Lin Yi saw Zhang Cheng standing there waving.

The closer they got to the entrance of the village, the more severely the wooden shed was burned.

The wooden shed began to collapse, and they quickened their pace.

But just as they were about to run over, the pillar of the wooden shed on the side suddenly fell down, and the burning flames hit Lu Linhai and Zhou Kai in his arms.

Lu Linhai frowned and quickly threw Zhou Kai in his arms forward.

Seeing the pillar falling towards Lu Linhai, two bone splitting knives flew over and stabbed into the pillar, blocking the fallen pillar.

The handles of An Chengdao's butcher knife were all made of wood, and the flames quickly smoked the handles black, and then burned.

""Hurry up!" An Chengdao urged.

Lin Yi pulled Zhou Kai up from the ground, not caring how hard he had fallen, and they ran quickly towards the south entrance of the village.

Finally, they ran out safely.

They sat on the ground, panting, and watched the village in front of them being engulfed by flames.

"You are really a lunatic."Lin Yi glanced at Zhang Cheng beside him and couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, the"lunatic" here is, in a sense, a compliment to Zhang Cheng.

"How can we deal with these monsters if we don't go a little crazy?"Zhang Cheng said with a smile,"Besides, I learned all this from you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Brother Lei who was thrown to the ground by An Chengdao.

Compared to explaining his plan to Lin Yi and the others, Zhang Cheng was obviously more interested in Brother Lei on the ground at this time.

He strode over and said excitedly:"I thought I would never see this person again, but I didn't expect Uncle An to bring him out as well."

"It just so happens that I have something to ask him."

Unlike Lin Yi and the others, Zhang Cheng seemed to have found some clues, so he was very interested in Brother Lei on the ground.

"Wake up, wake up, it's dawn!" Zhang Cheng shouted, raising his hand and slapping Lei Ge's face a few times.

Lei Ge gradually woke up, first feeling a burst of heat, and then saw the blazing fire in the village.

"No! My village!"The scene before him sobered him up instantly.

He twisted his body like crazy and tried to get up from the ground, but because his hands and feet were tied together with the shotgun, he couldn't stand up at all.

"What do you mean by your village? Don't you know that everyone in this village is parasitized by aliens?"Lu Linhai glared at Lei Ge.

"Of course he knows, and he knows it very well."Without waiting for Brother Lei to speak, Zhang Cheng replied

"He knows?" Zhou Yun was a little confused.

"That's even more abominable." Lu Linhai said angrily,"He is obviously a human being, but he associates with aliens and helps them deal with humans. Ugh!"

"Human?" Brother Lei snorted coldly, seeming to sneer at what Lu Linhai just said.

He turned around, stared at Lin Yi and the others viciously, and said in a contemptuous tone:"A bunch of idiots who grew up in the care of alien species, do you really think you are human beings?

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