"The thread of the goddess of fate?"

Lu Linhai frowned and thought for a while, then asked:"What is the basis for your saying this?"

Zhang Cheng did not answer immediately, but looked up at Lin Yi and asked:"What were you thinking about when you were killed?"

"At first, I was confused and bewildered, and I didn't want to die like this."The scene of myself being killed popped up in Lin Yi's mind.

"Later on, when I was sure that everyone around me was different, I began to feel unwilling to accept it."

"So, fate has given you a chance to start over again." Zhang Cheng said

"This statement is too far-fetched."Lu Linhai crossed his arms and said seriously,"I still think Lin Yi's ability is to control time."

"Just think about it, after he died he could go back to the past and make time stand still, and now he can see the future. It's definitely time!"

"First of all, I must correct something." Zhang Cheng glanced at Lu Linhai and said,"After Lin Yi broke the thread, he did not 'see' the future, but 'felt' it.’"

"There is a difference between the two, and you must be rigorous in your speech."

"Secondly, my guess is not actually inconsistent with what happened to Lin Yi."

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng began to analyze - in Greek mythology, there are three goddesses in charge of fate.

The first goddess is responsible for weaving the thread of fate, representing the past and the beginning of life. The second goddess is responsible for pulling and measuring the thread, representing the present and the near stage of life. The third goddess is responsible for cutting the thread, representing the future and the end of life.

"I have said before that Lin Yi's death is for the sake of immortality."Zhang Cheng continued

"Every time he resurrects, it is to change his future destiny. Whether he revives after death, or does not die but returns to the past unconsciously, it is to change his destiny."

"You said so......"Lu Linhai thought about it for a while and seemed to be a little shaken.

"It makes sense."

"But how do you explain that Lin Yi can stop time?"

Zhang Cheng thought for a while, and seemed to have thought of something. He stood up from the ground and walked to Lin Yi.

"Perhaps, time stopped to protect Lin Yi, allowing him to change his fate before his real death occurs."

"What do you mean?" Lu Linhai was confused.

Not only him, but Zhou Kai and others beside him were also confused.

Zhang Cheng did not explain immediately, but looked down at Lin Yi:"You said before that after you broke the silk thread, you felt the other party's future, right?"

Lin Yidian said:"The silk thread I saw at the beginning was connected to Sister Xiaoyun and Xiaohu, but I didn't have time to break this silk thread."

"Then there is Uncle An and the shotgun." As they said this, they looked towards An Chengdao.

"Before entering the woods in the north of the village, Lin Yi reminded me to be careful of them, so I was on guard."An Chengdao briefly recounted what happened in the woods.

After entering the woods, the villagers planned to disperse and search, but they did not go far and gradually surrounded An Chengdao.

An Chengdao noticed this and used his ability to control the butcher knife to fly close to the ground and go behind them.

The moment these villagers took action, An Chengdao quickly controlled the butcher knife to fight back.

At that time, An Chengdao did not know that they were parasitized by aliens, so he could not kill these villagers.

But with his ability, these villagers could not get close to An Chengdao for a while.

"When the villagers surrounded me, the guy surnamed Lei did not come over." An Chengdao continued

"When I found his position, he had the gun pointed at me."

"He did fire the gun, I know that very well. But for some reason, no bullet came out."

As if thinking of the special bullets in the shotgun, An Chengdao corrected:"The energy stored in the container did not come out."

"That's right." Zhang Cheng nodded, then looked at Lin Yi,"Including the trap you and Zhou Kai encountered later, and what happened later, it was all like this."

"You broke the threads that connected them and changed their fate."

"However, you are not a god. If you change the fate of others at will, you will have to pay a price."Zhang Cheng stretched out a finger, squatted down, stretched it to Lin Yi's chest and pressed it gently.

"hiss——"Lin Yi took a breath of cold air.

Zhang Cheng didn't use any force, but he felt a piercing pain in his chest, as if his skin was torn, his muscles were torn, and even his heart was affected.

He had felt this feeling just now, but he thought it was just caused by being too tired and would be relieved after a short rest, so he didn't care.

"Lift up your clothes and have a look." Zhang Cheng said.

Lin Yi lifted up his clothes and saw a large dark blue bruise on his chest.

"This is......"Lu Linhai was startled, jumped up from the ground and walked quickly to Lin Yishen

"Look at your legs again." Zhang Cheng continued,"That's where you felt pain after you tore the silk thread from Zhou Kai's body."

He lifted up his trouser leg and saw a large bruise where he felt pain before.

"You changed the fate of others, and in return, you must bear the fate that should have happened to them."Zhang Cheng's face became a little solemn.

"However, the fate you endured should be greatly reduced, otherwise, your body would have collapsed long ago."

Lin Yi frowned and thought about it. Perhaps he didn't notice the pain in his body not because he was careless.

It was because after the silk thread connecting the alien and Zhou Yun was torn off, the extreme pleasure brought by the alien's stimulation to the nerves paralyzed the nerves, so the pain in the body was not so obvious.

Of course, this is not a good thing.

"Being able to go back to the past and change your fate is certainly a good thing, but if you rely on death to change it, your body will collapse."

Zhang Cheng thought for a moment and added:"It may also be that your consciousness has a mental breakdown because you keep going back to the past and can't distinguish between the past and the present."

"Of course, it could be both."

"Therefore, the time standing still is actually a warning from your ability to you."

"If you don't take the warning of your ability seriously, the next time you go back to the past, it may not be you, but your corpse."

Zhang Cheng said seriously:"So, I still say that unless it is absolutely necessary, you'd better not use death to solve the problem."

"Now, there is one more thing. When you break the thread, you have to think twice before doing so."

"You have to think about whether you can bear the consequences of changing the fate of others."

Having said that, Lin Yi did not feel frustrated in his heart.

At least, this ability allows him to see whether his partners will be in danger.

Besides, changing the fate of others who are bound to die, in exchange for only physical pain, this kind of consequence is not unbearable. At most, you can just rest for a few more days.

Zhang Cheng seemed to be still thinking about something. He thought for a while and said,"Lin Yi, let's verify your ability."

"Verify?"Lin was stunned for a moment,"How to verify?"

"That's right, there's no danger right now, we can't create one ourselves." Lu Linhai echoed

"Didn’t you just ask Lin Yishao to use his abilities?"

"I asked Lin Yishao to use the ability of the third goddess, which is to 'cut the thread of fate'.’"Zhang Cheng explained

"If you want to verify Lin Yi's ability, just try to see if you can use the abilities of the other two goddesses."

"The other two goddesses?"Lin Yi said softly.

Zhang Cheng nodded:"Weaving the silk thread of fate and connecting them in series."

When he said this, Zhang Cheng secretly glanced at Lu Linhai.

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