Lin Yi closed his eyes tightly, and the faintly glowing silk threads appeared in his mind.

He carefully recalled every detail of the silk threads, the faint light, floating gently, and imagined the scene of these silk threads emerging from his companions.

"How is it?" Lu Linhai squatted beside Lin Yi and asked

"How do you feel?"

"Is there a thread of destiny emerging from us?" He looked at Lin Yi and was very interested in the thread that Lin Yi described.

"Don't talk." Zhang Cheng glared at Lu Linhai, then looked at Lin Yi.

"Let him feel his ability quietly."

Zhou Kai and others on the side couldn't help holding their breath, and seemed to be looking forward to what would happen next.

Although this was Lin Yi's ability, given their current situation, if Lin Yi could master his ability, it would be a very beneficial thing for them.

Lin Yi opened his eyes, he looked at himself, as if he was a little uncertain, and stood up and turned around twice.

"Do you see the silk thread?" Zhang Cheng asked, spreading his hands.

"I didn't see anything."

Lin Yi shook his head. He didn't even see the end of the thread, let alone the thread.

"It shouldn't be like this." Zhang Cheng frowned and thought about it.

He thought for a while and asked,"What were you thinking about just now?"

"Silk thread. Lin Yi answered truthfully.

"I just imagined the threads coming out of your bodies."

"No." Zhang Cheng shook his head.

"Your ability is not the thread. It is useless to just think about the thread."

"The thread is just a manifestation of fate. It can be a thread or something else."

"You should be thinking about"fate""

""Destiny?" Lin Yi was a little confused.

Destiny was something illusory and intangible, so what did he think?

"When I use my ability, I feel a special feeling in my body."At this time, An Chengdao suddenly spoke.

He took out the dark blue bone-chopping knife from his bag, and when he let go, the bone-chopping knife floated up from his hand.

"I don't know how to describe this feeling specifically, but at this moment, my knife seemed to have become a part of my body."

"Then, the knife will act according to my thoughts."

An Chengdao looked up at the sky. At this moment, the bone-chopping knife flew up with his gaze.

After circling in the sky twice, it returned to An Chengdao's hand.

"You can imagine your ability as a part of your body, and then feel the inside of your body carefully, as if......"

When he said this, An Chengdao paused.

He thought seriously about how to describe this feeling.

After thinking about it, he found a good way to describe it:"It's like having a stomachache."

"When you have a stomachache, you will feel obvious stomach pain, which is almost like this"

"Noise......Stomach upset?"Lin Yi was stunned.

After listening to An Chengdao's description, Lin Yi was even more confused.

"Our abilities are different from yours. Zhou Kai thought for a moment and said

"Our abilities all have specific things to feel. For example, when I use my abilities, I just need to concentrate on seeing, hearing, and feeling them."

"These can all be controlled by the brain."

"But your ability is more abstract, so I'm not sure if Uncle An and I's feelings about ability can help you."

Lin Yi sighed, he felt that Zhou Kai was right.

Whether it was An Chengdao's knife or Zhou Kai's sensory organs, they were all visible and tangible.

Only when it came to fate, he didn't know how to feel about it.

What is fate?

In fact, Lin Yi himself couldn't explain it clearly.

Fate is a constant and a variable.

His parents who raised him for more than ten years were actually aliens who killed and ate him. This was a constant.

He was obviously dead but came back to life and returned to the past. This was a variable.

Thinking about it, Lin Yi seemed to have a clue.

He still didn't know how to imagine"fate", but he could recall what happened to him.

Zhang Cheng said that the silk thread is fate. One way of manifestation, then, what happened to himself, isn't it another way of manifestation?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi closed his eyes again.

In a trance, Lin Yi suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

It was the backlash after changing An Chengdao's fate, and it was also the pain he felt when his mother stabbed the knife into his chest.

Lin Yi felt his body begin to heat up, and at this moment, he seemed to be able to feel his own heartbeat.

This feeling is very familiar. If I remember correctly, he had a similar feeling when time stopped.

Of course, the feeling at that time was much stronger than it is now.

So, could this feeling be what An Chengdao said?......""Stomachache"?

Opening his eyes and looking down, Lin Yi saw a faintly glowing thread on his chest, swaying slightly in the air.

"It's out!" Lin Yi was a little excited.

For him, this was the first time he could control his abilities on his own.

"Where is it?" Lu Linhai asked hurriedly,"Who does the thread connect?"

"No, it's on my body." Lin Yi pointed to his chest.

Unfortunately, only Lin Yi could see these threads.

After he expressed his feelings, Zhang Cheng pushed his glasses, nodded and said,"Don't worry, the verification is not over yet."

"If the thread comes from you, then you should be able to control it and connect it to someone else.

Turning to look at Lu Linhai, Zhang Cheng continued,"Lin Yi, control the thread and connect it to the gorilla."

"Connected to Lu Linhai?" Lin was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion,"Why?"

"What else can it do to verify your ability?" Zhang Cheng explained.

"If breaking the silk thread can change the fate of others, then, can actively connecting the silk thread determine the fate of others?"

"If Lin Yi can decide the fate of others, then our future journey will be much easier.���Said excitedly

"No matter whether he is an alien or a slave owner, he can be solved in minutes!"

""Lin Yi, connect me quickly!" Lu Linhai patted his chest.

Lin Yi was a little worried. After all, the silk threads he had seen before all represented danger.

But after thinking carefully, he knew that he would not hurt Lu Linhai, so even if they were connected, there should be no danger.

Even if an accident occurred, it could be prevented by breaking the silk thread in time.

So, Lin Yi looked up at Lu Linhai.

The silk thread on his chest began to extend and floated towards Lu Linhai according to Lin Yi's idea.

The silk thread was connected to Lu Linhai's chest, but Lin Yi did not feel any difference from before.

"How is it?" Zhang Cheng asked

"Did you feel anything?"

Lin Yi shook his head.

"Me too." Lu Linhai echoed, jumping twice.

Zhang Cheng touched his chin, then leaned over to Lin Yi's ear and whispered something.

After seeing Lin Yi nod, Zhang Cheng looked at Lu Linhai and said,"Gorilla, run around us twice."

"Huh?" Lu Linhai was confused.

"Stop talking nonsense, just run if I tell you to."

Confused, Lu Linhai followed Zhang Cheng's instructions and ran around them.

But after running several laps, nothing happened.

"Strange."Zhang Cheng was a little confused and muttered to himself.

"Why do you want Brother Linhai to run laps?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"Zhang Cheng asked me to imagine Lu Linhai falling down, and try to control his future through the connection of the silk thread."Lin Yi explained.

Unfortunately, this idea failed.

After that, Zhang Cheng tried other methods.

For example, let Lin Yi break the silk thread to see if he could feel Lu Linhai's future fate, or see Lu Linhai's past.

However, several attempts failed. It was not until Lu Linhai accidentally bumped into An Chengdao while running in circles that Lin Yi realized what his ability was for.

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