"What's the result?"

Ye Nanxian actually has a guess about Yan you, but she doesn't think deeply. Now Shen mange is going to investigate this matter. It's very likely that she is going to do something.

Thinking of what his wife wants to do, ye Nanxian naturally gives her full support.

"We took Yan you's blood sample to compare and identify with Gong xueyang's parents. Yan you is a child of the Gong family, and Mrs. Gong also said that they had a daughter when Gong xueyang was ten years old, but they were declared suffocated two days after birth. It was recorded in the hospital at that time. "

"Suffocation? Two days after birth? Then how can there be Yan you? "

If you calculate according to the time point, Yan you is now 18, Gong xueyang died before 1989, and was born when Gong xueyang was 10 years old, Yan you's identity time point is really right.

Ye Nanxian frowned and thought for a moment and asked, "Yan you and Gong xueyang are similar. Who is it?"

"Mr. Gong. They're all like fathers. "

Then he handed Mr. Gong's photo to Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian had seen Gong xueyang before, but when he saw the photo, he was still stunned.

Gong xueyang is really like her father, and Yan you looks very similar to her, but if you look carefully, those eyes are a little different.

Yan you's eyes are like mother's.

"Are you sure? Since Yan you was sentenced to suffocation, how could he appear in the ancient pear garden abroad

Ye Nanxian's words let his subordinates send the information in his hand.

"Our people have investigated. The doctors and nurses who delivered the baby at the beginning were bribed. They told the parents of the palace that their child died of asphyxiation. Because they were just born, the children who were just born looked almost the same, so they used a real child who died of asphyxiation to replace them. At that time, the couple of the palace were too sad, so they didn't want to do any tests at all, and they were even more worried What's more, no one thought that someone in a big hospital would do such a thing. So at that time, it was over. Mrs. Gong was depressed for a long time before she came out. The whole family didn't dare to mention the child in front of her. As time passed, they forgot and didn't mention it again. "

Ye Nanxian listens quietly, but his mind turns fast.

"Did the bribed doctors and nurses say that the person who told them to do so was asleep?"

"Yes, they said that they didn't know each other. They were from other places. They only said that they were engaged in human trafficking business and wanted to cooperate with them. At that time, the woman gave them a lot of money, so they were moved. They wanted to make use of their position to sell some children, but the woman never showed up again. "

His words make ye Nanxian's eyebrows slightly wrinkle.


"Yes, they said that it was a woman in her forties who asked them to do this at that time. She spoke with a foreign accent and looked like a peddler. What's more, the woman said that what she did was all overseas. As long as she gave her children, she would have a way to take them abroad and sell them, so as to ensure that they would not be involved. That's why they took the plunge. "

Ye Nanxian's eyes are a little cold.

It's an unforgivable crime to take advantage of the heartless business of reselling a child after a woman has just given birth to a weak child, and even have medical staff involved in it.

"At that time, only Yan you was taken away?"

"No, according to their account, they sold seven or eight new-born babies in the week before and after that. The reason why they have a deep memory of Yan you is that although the parents of the seven or eight children are also sad, they are not as enthusiastic as Mrs. Gong. It is said that at the beginning, Mrs. Gong almost ran into the wall and wanted to go with the child, because the doctor told her that the child had been in her stomach for too long before she suffocated and died. At that time, Mrs. Gong did give birth naturally for four days, and finally gave birth by caesarean section. She has always been very remorseful, thinking that it was her own mistakes that led to the death of the child, so she can't accept this fact. After that, Mrs. Gong got very serious depression. Suicide and self mutilation were on every day. In order to take care of her, Mr. Gong didn't bother to check the child who was said to have died of suffocation. It was so wrong. "

An angry flame rose in Ye Nanxian's body.

He is also a father now. Naturally, he knows the hard work of a mother in October. Once she gave birth, her child was sold as goods and told herself that her child died of suffocation. How could the mother bear it?

he couldn't help thinking of the two children he didn't have.

For a time, ye Nanxian's chest rose a little uncomfortable.

"Check it for me! The nurse and I need to find the dealer by any means. If the law is obeyed, it's OK. If the woman is still at ease, and continues to do such a cruel thing, break her hands and feet first and throw it to the police station. "


The man nodded and went out.

Shen mange doesn't know when to wake up. He leans on the door and looks at Ye Nanxian, who is decisive in killing and cutting. The corner of his mouth rises slightly.She knew that ye Nanxian's nature was good.

As if aware of someone looking at him behind, ye Nanxian quickly turns back and bumps into Shen mange's smiling eyes.

That pair of eyes is just like spring breeze and rain, which makes Ye Nanxian's heart more soft.

"Why don't you sleep more?"

"If you sleep more, you won't see my man's decisive look."

Shen mange walked down with a faint smile.

Ye Nanxian pulled her clothes to prevent her from catching a cold, and then said, "I never thought it was a human dealer."

"Yes, I read a piece of news a few days ago, saying that human traffickers are very rampant now, especially some medical staff are also involved in it, which is disgusting. What's more, Gong xueyang's hometown should be a township. I don't know about the medical conditions there, but it's really frightening to have such medical staff. Now it's confirmed that Yan you is Gong xueyang's sister. What are you going to do? "

Shen mange looked at Ye Nanxian, but ye Nanxian shook his head and said, "I don't know. As I said, he Nanfei has to make his own decisions. After all, it's his business. Even if ah Ding was not killed by Yan you, he Nanfei was caused by Yan Fei after all. Now the brothers in the league are very angry. If we forgive Yan you like this, I'm afraid we can't convince the public. What's more, Nanfei and his brothers have been working hard all these years. I can't say anything about their friendship. Naturally, I'll wait until Nanfei wakes up. "

"Will Nanfei wake up?"

Shen mange is not sure.

Ye Nanxian said with a smile: "yes."

"Do you know something? Or is he pretending

Shen mange looks at Ye Nanxian's smile and always feels that he knows something about Yingai.

Ye Nanxian shook his head and said, "I don't know. Nanfei doesn't pretend, but Nanfei's feelings for Gong xueyang are real. He will wake up as long as he wants to do something right."

"Do you have a way?"

"Yes, but it needs Yan you's cooperation."

Seeing ye Nanxian like this, Shen mange couldn't help laughing and saying, "you are just a ghost with many ideas."

"You don't like it?"

Say ye Nan Xian's hand hugged Shen man GE's Willow waist.

Shen mange suddenly thought of the storm not long ago. For a moment, his legs were soft.

"Honey, I'm wrong."

Her voice is soft, with a shiver, but more and more people love.

Ye Nanxian really wants to tear the starry woman into his belly, but he sees the tiredness of Shen mange's eyes.

He repressed his temper and said in a hoarse voice, "where are you wrong? I was wrong. Well, you go to find Yan you. I'll have a rest. "


Shen mange knows that ye Nanxian has let himself go.

His so-called rest should be to go back to his room and take a cold bath.

Shen mange smiles more happily.

Ye Nanxian shakes her head and kisses her in a doting way. Then she turns back to her bedroom.

Shen mange felt that there were a lot of bubbles in his heart, warm, sweet, especially sweet.

She went to the door of Yan you's room and knocked on the door. There came Yan you's feeble voice.


Shen mange pushes the door and enters. He sees Yan you squatting on the balcony of the French window. He doesn't know what he's thinking.

Some people feel lonely and sad.

Shen mange walks over and hands the information to Yan you.

"What is it?"

Yan you looks at Shen mange and the information in his hand in doubt, some don't know why.

"Take a look at your life history."

Shen mange doesn't know how to tell the child about her life experience.

A lot of peddlers buy their children, and they will think that they will cut off their hands and feet to beg along the street and use them to make money. People like Yan you, who have been sold abroad, have been able to live to the present. I don't know whether they are lucky or unfortunate.

However, if Yan you is bought by ordinary families, he won't be a stupid killer and lose his first love.

Shen mange has some sympathy for Yan you.

A child who grew up in a killer organization, can you ask her to have three correct views?

At least now Yan you is not incurable.

Yan you opens the data under the gaze of Shen mange. However, as he looks more and more, Yan you's face also changes a little. Finally, Dou Da's tears drop down.

"Is that true? Is my sister really Gong xueyang

"Yes, look at these pictures. They're all pictures of your sister. You can see that you two look very similar, except for those eyes. Your eyes follow your mother, and your sister follow your father

Shen mange's words make Yan you cry.When he Nanfei told her about Gong xueyang, she didn't have much feeling, but when she learned that this woman was her own relative, the sorrow and suffering came to her.

Maybe that's the magic of blood.

"Is my sister a soldier? Is she a martyr? "

"Yes, your sister Gong xueyang is a martyr, a hero and the pride of the people. Although she only lived in her twenties, she will be recited all her life. Her name will always be recorded on the monument of heroes and will be immortal. "

Shen mange's words made Yan you shake his head and cry: "but she's still so young. She left like this and can't come back again."

All of a sudden, the boundless grief filled the whole room, which was oppressive and breathless for a moment.

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