Shen mange was also infected by this atmosphere, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"Yan you, everyone doesn't want to see the end of your sister's sacrifice, but we can't guarantee the hatefulness of terrorists, can we? Fortunately, your sister died well, and he Nanfei avenged your sister. So don't be sad. What you have to think now is that your parents are still alive, but they don't know you exist. They thought you had passed away 18 years ago. During that time, your mother was in agony. She tried to commit suicide several times and was stopped. Ten years later, your sister died again. To be honest, your mother's mental state is not very good these years. Do you want to go home? "

Shen man song this words asks, Yan you immediately froze.


Is she a child with a family?

All along, she thought that she was an orphan, that she was abandoned by her family because she was a girl, or that she was an illegitimate daughter, that she would be abandoned because she was despised by others, but she didn't expect that she was sold by human traffickers.

And her parents have paid too much for it and suffered too much.

It turns out that she can have a perfect family.

Now her sister is a martyr and a hero, but what about him?

What did she do?

She's a killer, and her brother-in-law was the first person to kill her!

And she rolled the sheets with her brother-in-law.

Although she didn't volunteer, it became a fact after all.

Yan you's heart is mixed with five flavors, especially helpless.

Suddenly she thought of something, suddenly looked up and asked: "Han Xichen? Have you caught Han Xichen? "

"Not yet. We haven't made a clear investigation about Han Xichen."

This is also a bit depressing.

This Han Xichen protected himself so well that the brothers in the league could not start.

Yan you's face sank down.

She shook her head and said, "I'm gong xueyang's sister. Han Xichen doesn't know how much about it. But since he was able to bring me back in the first time, now he is sending me to he Nanfei. He doesn't really know my real identity. Now that you can find out, he may have found out for a long time. What I am afraid of now is that my parents are held hostage by him. "

"You can rest assured that our people have protected your parents. It is impossible for anyone to understand your parents."

Hear Shen mange say so, Yan you some doubt of ask a way: "you so strong?"? Don't think I'm not good at denying the people under Han Xichen. His people are really talented. I'm an accident. Before, I thought it was because Han Xichen was interested in me that he would tolerate my stupidity. Now I know that it is because Han Xichen wants to use my face that he will tolerate me a lot. "

Yan you grins bitterly, his eyes are bitter.

After all, it's not very good to be cheated and used by the man you love most.

Shen mange patted her on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "it's not how strong we are, but we told the local government and reported it to the military region. Your sister is a martyr. She has the responsibility to protect the safety of your parents, so you can rest assured that no one dares to touch your parents under the eyelids of people in the military region. What I want to ask is, do you want to go home? If you want to, I will tell your parents that you still exist in the world through the relationship, so that you can go back and reunite with them. Of course, this matter can only be solved after you have stabbed he Nanfei here. "

Yan Youdun for a while, said with a wry smile: "I know, I hurt my brother-in-law, they certainly want me to die."

"Not necessarily, as long as he Nanfei survives, he will not let anyone touch you because you are gong xueyang's sister. You may not know that he Nanfei is an extremely short guard. In order to avenge your sister, he took off his military uniform and went into the terrorist's den alone. He chose their base camp alone. I almost died there. But he still insisted on cutting the enemy. That's him. In recent years, although your parents do not agree with him to worship your sister, he Nanfei still uses all the forces and means to be filial to your parents. He has entrusted a large amount of insurance to your parents, and even bribed your parents' neighbors to treat them well. Whenever your parents need him, he Nanfei will be there for the first time, but he can still solve the problem well if he doesn't show up. He is filial to Gong xueyang in his own way. He Nanfei has made a lot of money these years, but he has given it to your family. "

Shen mange also learned about what he Nanfei had done to the palace family in recent days.

To tell the truth, as a woman, it is a kind of happiness to have a man like he Nanfei to love. Unfortunately, Gong xueyang's life is too short to be blessed.

But it's hard, he Nanfei.

Yan you listened quietly.

The more you listen, the more you feel like an asshole.

She stabbed her brother-in-law, such a good brother-in-law."Sorry, I don't know. I really don't know anything. What can I do to wake him up? As long as he wakes up, I can do anything. Don't tell my parents for the time being. I'm afraid they'll have another free time. "

Yan you is a child who lacks love, otherwise he would not have lost his heart when he first saw Han Xichen.

She has been working hard for this goal all these years. She knows that she doesn't like blood, but she is still trained every day. Even in order to be his bride, she comes to kill people.

Now think about it, Yan you feel that he is a silly, can not be silly woman.

But he Nanfei is doing everything silently.

Yanyou jump out of the range of those emotions to see this thing again, feel he Nanfei do nothing wrong, the burden is her own fault.

She is also a woman, but a woman who can't be loved.

Now see he Nanfei to his sister so affectionate, Yan you's heart in addition to envy and guilt.

If my sister is still alive, I'm afraid she will be sad to learn that she hurt he Nanfei.

Yan you now is to hope he Nanfei can wake up, even if let her pay life can.

Seeing Yan you like this, Shen mange is more or less comforted.

After all, Yan you is still a kind-hearted girl.

"Don't worry, I won't let you do too much, just let you talk beside he Nanfei according to the script we gave you."

Shen mange's words make Yan you a little stunned.

"Just talking?"

"Well, just talking."

As soon as Shen mange's voice fell, there was a knock on the door.

"Sister in law, the boss asked us to send you a dress."

"Then come in."

Shen mange said lightly.

He came in with a white skirt.

"The elder sister-in-law, the elder brother says to wear for Yan you."

"Go down."

Shen mange takes it and hands it to Yan you.

"Put it on. It's your sister's favorite dress. She likes white. Now you just pretend to be your sister and talk to he Nanfei. Maybe it will work. "

Shen mange doesn't think ye Nanxian's method will work, but he can only try it.

He Nanfei doesn't have the desire to survive at all now. He can only try whether Gong xueyang's existence can arouse his feelings.

Yan you nodded. As a result, he changed his clothes and combed his hair according to Gong xueyang's preference.

As long as Nanhe wakes up, she doesn't know what time she is familiar with.

Two people went to the hospital.

Ye Nanxian has arrived ahead of time.

Shen mange asked in a low voice, "don't you call me before you leave?"

"Come and arrange it first."

Ye Nanxian takes Shen mange by the hand.

Yan you looks at Shen mange. Shen mange nods to her and she pushes the door in.

This is the first time Yan you sees he Nanfei after stabbing him.

It's like he's asleep. It's like he's not breathing.

There was a trace of tranquility on his face. Without violence and cruelty, he looked dry and cool.

Yan you discovered that he Nanfei was really good-looking.

If it wasn't for his years of violence, he looked like a white faced scholar with delicate features and a trace of warmth between his eyebrows.

Such a man can be liked everywhere he goes.

Yan you walked in the past, took he Nanfei's hand, but found that his hand is very cold, cold no temperature, cold let a person panic.


Yan Yougang wanted to call his brother-in-law. Suddenly he remembered that he was dressed as Gong xueyang. He couldn't help shouting, "Nanfei, can you hear me? I'm xueyang. "

In fact, Yan you's voice is not like Gong xueyang at all, but Gong xueyang's three words are he Nanfei's obsession.

When the name came out of a woman's mouth, he could not help shivering.

Yan you is very excited, continue to say: "Nanfei, you open your eyes to see me, OK? I was surrounded by those people who beat me, scolded me and forced me to do something I didn't like. Do you know what I was thinking at that time? I'm thinking of you. I think you are so brave, so strong, think you will come to save me, right? Nanfei, I'm waiting for you. I'm waiting for you to save me. Where are you from? Can you hear me

Yan you's tears drop by drop on the back of he Nanfei's hand. The hot temperature suddenly makes he Nanfei's brow wrinkle tightly.


Xueyang, don't be afraid. I'll save you. I'll come back to save you!

He Nanfei suddenly had a little desire for

he can't lie here.

Where is this?

It's so dark that you can't see anything.

What about Gong xueyang?

What about his xueyang?

She is so weak, so thin, what will those people do to her?

He Nanfei gasped for breath.

He wants to break through this layer of darkness, but he can't see where the door is. He can only struggle in situ. The voice of Yan you weeping still comes from the ears of runners.

"He Nanfei, don't you love me anymore? You don't love me anymore, do you? That's why you don't come to save me. That's why you fall asleep here. Look at me. My arms and legs have been cut off. Do you know how painful it is? He Nanfei, do you know how painful I am? "


He Nanfei yelled and sat up with a cold sweat on his back.

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