See ye Nanxian look at his eyes, ye Rui some micro Leng.

"What's the matter? Did I say something wrong? "

When ye Rui is in a daze, yeluoluo runs over with a smile, hugs Ye Rui and says with a smile, "no, brother Rui, you're great. I feel like you're smarter than my brother. "

This praise makes Ye Rui feel embarrassed.

"No way. Zi an is really smart. "

When ye Rui talks about ye Zian, there is no shadow in his eyes. He is full of joy.

Ye Nanxian knows that he is really good to Ye Zian and yeluoluo, that he has opened his heart, and that he really treats them as brothers and sisters.

Also, they are children, and there is no grudge involved. If their three brothers can love each other, it doesn't matter if ye Rui hates him.

Hate, hate.

Ye Nanxian's heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Well, now that you have chosen the place to live, you can choose a room and let the bodyguards follow you. This is not Haicheng, and many unknown things are not clear, so you should be careful, you know?"

Yeluoluo and ye Rui nodded.

Ye Rui holds Ye Luoluo's hand to go. When he sees that ye Nanxian wants to enter the ancestral hall again, he can't help shouting.

"Daddy, do you want to go in?"


Ye Nanxian's back is facing Ye Rui, and the bottom of his eyes is a trace of firmness.

His wife is still in there. He has to go in.

However, in order to be afraid of children's worry, ye Nanxian did not give a reason.

Ye Rui looks at that figure, suddenly the Mou son is some moist.

"Daddy, take this thing. In case of meeting Mi Xiang again, you can use it."

Ye Rui puts a small bottle in his hand into Ye Nanxian's hand, and then pulls Ye Luoluo away.

Ye Nanxian looked at the small bottle in his hand and suddenly laughed.

This boy is really awkward.

He has a grudge against him, but he really has feelings. After all, in the past five years, he really regarded him as his own son.

Ye Nanxian put the small bottle into his pocket, and then walked into the ancestral hall again.

"Guard outside, no one can enter without my permission."


The bodyguard nodded.

Ye Nanxian closed the door of the ancestral hall.

This inside instant dark down, a cold breath let people feel a little afraid.

After all, too many people have been wronged here. Ye Nanxian looks at the memorial tablets in the ancestral hall. There are more than 200 memorial tablets one by one. I don't know if it's grandmaster lie Dai or the whole village.

He is now the leader of zhangjiazhai village, so the first thing he does when he comes to the ancestral temple is to offer incense, but he doesn't think of other people's way.

Ye Rui said that it was Zhang Yin who arranged this thing.

What does Zhang Yin mean?

Su Di Chunxiao

Ye Nanxian looks for it quickly, and finally sees a small bump on the wall. Up, he gently press, the whole person suddenly lost the center of gravity fell down.

He didn't panic, but quickly checked, but the light here is too dark, ye Nanxian can't see clearly.

By the time he could see clearly, the man had already fallen below.

This is a small open space, which can only accommodate two or three people.

When ye Nanxian fell down, he just fell on the ground, hard, almost broken.

With a dull hum, he felt a sharp dagger coming from his side, which made him subconsciously dodge. At the same time, he began to fight back.

A touch of fragrance came, ye Nanxian quickly held his breath, but his action did not stop, but to the other side's wrist, the other side suddenly ah, the whole person fell down.

Taking advantage of this gap, ye Nanxian kicks the opponent on the wall with a roundabout kick, then hums and falls to the ground slowly.

Ye Nanxian just looked around and saw that Shen mange was in a coma, and the woman who was kicked by him was about 30 years old.

The woman's face is painted with camouflage, and she can't see her true face clearly, but ye Nanxian classifies her as the enemy for the first time.


Ye Nanxian walks quickly towards Shen mange.

"Don't touch her! I warn you, I put poison on her. If you move her, she will bleed to death. "

A woman's voice is very old.

It looks like a man in his thirties, but it sounds like a man in his fifties and sixties.

Ye Nanxian's eyes suddenly cold down.

"You hurt her?"

He walked towards the woman like Satan.

The woman was suddenly a little chilly.

"I didn't. She fell from it. I saved her. But who are you? You're trying to hurt her, aren't you? I'll tell you, I won't let you do it. "Women's eyes with panic, but still want to get up to protect Shen mange.

Ye Nanxian's eyes suddenly relaxed.

He didn't pay attention to the woman and walked straight to Shen mange.

"I'm not bluffing you. I'm serious. I've poisoned her. Don't believe it. And..."

"Shut up

Ye Nanxian a cold drink scared the other side to shiver for a while, the whole body is like falling apart the same pain.

When approaching Shen mange's side, ye Nanxian looks at Shen mange as if he is asleep, and then puts down his heart.

When he was outside, when he saw that Shen mange had disappeared, he was really flustered, but he couldn't come down to look for it at the first time. He had to confirm the surrounding unstable factors before he could look for Shen mange.

Now his wife is in front of him, and his recovered heart is finally back.

No one saw Ye Nanxian's hand tremble.

He took out the small bottle given by Ye Rui and slowly smeared it on Shen mange's temple.

The woman's face turned white with fright.

"Hey, you're going to die, you're going to die! "

" it's so noisy

Ye Nanxian threw a stone directly and wiped the woman's ear, leaving a bloodstain on her face. The woman almost rolled her eyes.

"He has..."

The woman's words haven't finished, see ye Nanxian's eyes of condensation hit, scared her to cover her mouth.

This man has beautiful eyes, but it's really scary.

Woo woo, she's scared.

The woman is shivering, but ye Nanxian doesn't leave her eyes to her anymore. Instead, she rubs Shen mange's temple gently.

Before long, Shen mange woke up.

"South string?"

Shen mange feels a little weak. She wants to get up, but she is hugged by Ye Nanxian.

"Hello, you..."

The woman makes a sound again, and ye Nanxian's fury spreads out, which makes her dare not say a word more.

The tingling sensation came from his fingers. Ye Nanxian knew that the woman didn't cheat him.

She really smeared something on Shen mange.

But ye Nanxian didn't care. He picked up Shen mange and said softly, "I'll take you out. Are you hungry? What would you like to eat in the evening? "

"What's the matter with us?"

Shen mange's memory still stays at the stage of dizziness when he was offering incense. Seeing that the scenery here is not like a ancestral temple, he can't help but ask. At the same time, he also takes a look at the inexplicable woman.

The woman was glanced at by Shen mange and said with a smile: "Hi, my name is Chen Yingying. I just saved you. Besides, I think you are in a coma and can't move you, so it's on you... "

"Find the exit."

Ye Nanxian timely interrupted Chen Yingying's words.

He doesn't want to let Shen mange worry, let alone let Shen mange know his poisoning situation.

Chen Yingying banned her voice under the glare of Ye Nanxian, and said with some depression, "I can't get out."

"What's the matter with Nanxian?"

Looking at Shen mange's puzzled eyes, ye Nanxian said in a low voice: "there is a fragrance in Gongxiang. I'm afraid that something might happen to you, so I put you under the offering table. I want to pick you up when I've finished. Who knows that there is such a cellar under the offering table. We fell off it. "

Hearing Ye Nanxian's short narration, Shen mange suddenly understood.

She wants to get up, but is held tightly by Ye Nanxian.

"The effect of MI Xiang hasn't passed yet. You're weak all over. I'll hold you."


Shen mange is also really no strength, also don't doubt have him, lean on Ye Nanxian's chest, low voice ask a way: "this Chen Yingying is your person?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you are my man. I don't know her at all. I'm here for no reason. I killed her. "

Ye Nanxian's words are casual, but the killing intention is not hidden, which makes Chen Yingying scream.

"You can't kill me! I'm from zhangjiazhai. You can't kill me! "

Chen Yingying's words make ye Nanxian's eyes colder.

"You said you were from zhangjiazhai?"

"Yes, yes!"

Chen Yingying's obvious lack of confidence, but the fact that she is still biting her neck makes Ye Nanxian sneer.

"Do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are! I tell you, this is zhangjiazhai's territory. You'd better leave here as soon as possible, or you'll die. "

Chen Yingying's fear and forbearance makes Shen mange want to laugh.

"Well, take it out first, Nanxian. Do you know how to get out? Let me down. Let's find the exit together. ""No

With that, ye Nanxian took out the phone from his pocket and called the bodyguard.

"Find a rope to come down. There is a mechanism under the table. Yes, hurry up."

After that, ye Nanxian hung up.

Looking at Ye Nanxian's operation, Chen Yingying said, "you will take me up again, right? I haven't been home for three days. If I don't go back, my husband will be worried. "

"Didn't you say you were from zhangjiazhai? Yes? Shouldn't zhangjiazhai live here? "

Ye Nanxian's sarcastic voice made Chen Yingying's face a little embarrassed, but she looked at Shen mange and prayed: "this kind-hearted beauty, when you fell down, I blocked the human flesh cushion for you, so you didn't touch it, so please take me up for a while, OK?"

"Who knows if what you say is true or false? There is no monitoring here. You can say whatever you want. Besides, this is a private site. How did you get in? How did it fall? You'll have to make it clear to me later. "

The cold appearance of Ye Nanxian scares Chen Yingying to clench her teeth, but she looks at Shen mange with tears.

Shen mange looks at her eyes somewhat softhearted, but what's the matter with the camouflage on this woman's face?

In general, the people who can put camouflage on their faces are either soldiers or mercenaries. What kind of woman does this woman belong to?

Although she is gentle and polite, she has no threat, but Shen mange is not a simple woman. She has gone through so much with Ye Nanxian. If she can't see it again, it's really a bit white.

Whose is Chen Yingying?

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