Chen Yingying didn't expect that Shen man's song would be so sharp. She couldn't help but feel stunned. Even this slight silence is enough to make Shen man's song understand that she can't leave ten.

Ye Nanxian stopped talking after Shen mange spoke.

The rescue outside started.

Shen mange and ye Nanxian are pulled up, and Chen Yingying is also taken up, but they are controlled as soon as they go up.

"The antidote."

Ye Nanxian's voice is very cold, cold without any temperature.

Chen Yingying shrinks and gives Ye Nanxian the antidote. Only at this time can Shen mange see that ye's fingers are black.

"Are you poisoned?"

Shen mange is weak all over, and his eyes are worried.

Ye Nanxian said softly, "it's OK. I'll take you to wash first."

Then he put the antidote in his pocket and said coldly, "lock up this woman. I want to know all her secrets."


Bodyguards immediately forward, scared Chen Yingying quickly struggle.

"Hey, you can't be so ungrateful. I just saved your wife."

"Or you are dead now."

When ye Nanxian finished, Chen Yingying left the ancestral hall with Shen mange in her arms.

Back to the back of the residential area, yeluoluo and ye Rui rushed over.

"Daddy, what's wrong with Mommy?"

"Don't come here. Your mommy is just swollen. Just have a rest. Go and have a rest. Ye Rui, come here. "

Ye Nanxian finally pauses, leaving Ye Rui.

Although yeluoluo is a little worried, he is not so worried when he sees that ye Nanxian calls Ye Rui in.

She went back to her room.

Ye Rui enters the room and frowns slightly when he sees Shen mange.

"Mommy, have you been poisoned?"

"Can it be solved?"

Ye Nanxian's face is dignified.

Ye Rui nodded and said: "this poison is nothing. It just paralyzes people's nerves temporarily. It doesn't have much effect on people's body. Just rinse it. But isn't Mommy always with daddy? How did you get poisoned? "

"From a woman."

Ye Nanxian's eyes are cold.

Ye Rui also didn't ask much, and gave Shen mange another detailed inspection, which relieved him.

"It's all right. Just have a rest."

"Well, go and rest, too."

Ye Nanxian light said, holding Shen mange to the bathroom, the poison on her body washed clean before taking the antidote.

Shen mange looked at Ye Nanxian, sighed and said: "you always ignore yourself, you are not afraid of poisoning for a long time, what impact does it really have on the body?"

"For me, you are the most important. It's hard enough that I didn't have the first time to save you when you fell down. I can't let anything happen to you. "

"I didn't have the first time to save me because I had to deal with the external unstable factors, right?"

Shen mange's words make ye Nanxian a little stunned, and then he smiles, with a little more temperature in his eyes.

"It's all settled. Don't worry."

Ye Nanxian didn't elaborate on what happened after he won the incense, and didn't disclose what happened to Ye Rui. For him, everything can change slowly with time and people's heart.

"Hungry or not? Shall I get you something to eat? "


Shen mange is really hungry. Now he doesn't have the strength to recover, so he can't eat anything.

Ye Nan Xian touches Shen man GE's head and arranges a bodyguard to guard him, while he goes to the kitchen.

After returning to the room, yeluoluo accidentally saw a woman dragged to the back by several bodyguards. She was stunned.

Curiosity, she quickly followed up.

Chen Yingying was locked in the cave by the bodyguard, and took out the whip.

The whip is with barbs. If you go down with a whip, the skin will be split. If you go down with barbs, you will lose half of your skin even if you don't die.

Chen Yingying's face turned white immediately.

"Hey, I warn you, don't do this to me, or you will regret it!"

The bodyguard didn't seem to hear it. Her eyes were cold.

The whip cut through the air and threw it on the ground, making a startling noise, which made Chen Yingying scream.

"Kill! Help! Is there a kind person to help me? Do you think it's natural for me, a weak woman who has no strength to bind a chicken, to be persecuted by evil people? "

Chen Yingying cried loudly, as if she had been wronged.

The bodyguard was a little earache because of her sharp voice, so he took the whip and threw it over.


Chen Yingying is not pretending.Yeloro could even see the blood dancing in the air.

Chen Yingying's whole body trembled.

"You're such a jerk!"

Chen Yingying gritted her teeth and scolded.

Suddenly a hairpin in her hair made yeluoluo's eyes slightly narrowed, and then quickly said, "wait a minute."

With this order, the bodyguard was startled.

"Miss? What are you doing here? Go back. This is not where you should be. "

Bodyguard a look in the eyes, around the other bodyguards immediately to cover Chen Yingying.

If the bloody scene scares yelolo, President ye will probably kill them.

But yeluoluo said with some dissatisfaction: "I'm also the eldest lady of the Ye family. If I can't see you again, can I still use it? get the hell out of here! Let me see what this woman looks like? Is it true that he has a pair of iron teeth? "

Just as he spoke, yelolo came over.

When the bodyguard wants to call ye Nanxian, he hears yeluoluo coldly say: "dare to tell my father, I will say you want to be obscene and indecent. Who do you think my father will believe?"

Yeluoluo's lips were slightly adjusted, and the evil spirit looked like Ye Nanxian. The bodyguard's face turned white and his hand trembled. He didn't hold the cell phone and fell to the ground.

"How obedient."

Yeluoluo stepped on his mobile phone, the mobile phone suddenly fell apart.

"Don't worry, I will accompany you with a new one, but it depends on your performance."

Yeluoluo laugh innocent, but like a devil in general.

All the bodyguards here think that yelolo may be possessed by something unclean.

How could this be the lady who only knows how to eat all day?

The first lady is so cute and cute that she will never treat them like this.

Unfortunately, yeluoluo once again broke their understanding.

Ye Luoluo came to Chen Yingying, looked at the woman with her little head in front of her, and said: "this figure is good, but I can't see the face clearly. Are you ugly and shameful, that's why you came out with this

Chen Yingying has never seen a child like this.

Yeluoluo looks like an angel, with cute eyes, small face carved with pink and jade, and skin that can be broken by snapping fingers. She is a good baby, but why do she say things that people don't like to hear.

Chen Yingying tried her best to control her anger and said with a smile: "little friend, would you like to save your sister? They are all bad people. As long as you save your sister, she will treat you to delicious food. "

The people around suddenly became nervous.

Yeluoluo is a foodie. We all know that if Chen Yingying is really released, they will not have enough lives.


"Shut up

Yeluoluo stares at the bodyguard angrily, then turns to look at Chen Yingying with a brilliant smile.

"Can you treat me to something delicious? What would you like to treat me to? If I want to eat something flying in the sky, running on the ground or swimming in the river, can you invite me to eat it? "

This words just fall, Chen Yingying immediately Leng for a while.

She quickly lowered her head, eyes across the bottom of a sense of unknown emotions.

"I can treat you separately. First, I'll treat you to the food from the sky, and then I'll treat you to the food from the ground half a month later, and then I'll treat you to the food from the river half a month later. How about that?"

Chen Yingying said, looking up at yeluoluo, eyes particularly hot.

With her little hand on her chin, she seemed to be thinking seriously.

"Half a month. It's a little too long. A week. How about it? "

"Well, as long as you can let me go, I'll treat you to delicious food."

Chen Yingying spared no effort to tempt yeluoluo.


Yeluoluo wants to pat Chen Yingying on the shoulder, but she is not high. She points to the bodyguard behind her and says, "come here! Put me on your shoulders

The bodyguard dares not to follow, quickly hugs the leaf Luo Luo to own shoulder.

Yeluoluo looks at Chen Yingying with a smile, and then claps her hand on Chen Yingying's shoulder, just where the whip is.


Chen Yingying almost fainted in pain.

"Your uncle's!"

She couldn't help swearing in pain.

But yeluoluo said with a smile: "I don't have an uncle. However, my father has a brother-in-law. He should be able to call me uncle. His surname is Zhan Yi. Did you just scold him? "

Chen Yingying's face was as ugly as eating excrement.

She was all shivering with pain, but said word by word: "I dare not, I scold myself, I scold my uncle."

"You must be a fool. Well, I'm drunk after talking to a fool for so long. Forget it. I'll go back. "Yeluoluo patted the bodyguard, the bodyguard immediately understand, will yeluoluo down, and then watched her jump out, can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it was found that his whole back is wet.

Chen Yingying looks at yeluoluo to leave, the vision is very complex, but when the bodyguard turns around, she recovers as before.

"I warn you, I'm really a good man. If you dare to ignore people's lives, you will be punished."

Chen Yingying's words have not finished, the second whip of the bodyguard has been thrown in the past, and the whole cave resounds with Chen Yingying's sad cry.

Yeluoluo frowned slightly, took out his mobile phone, quickly found Zhanyang's wechat, and sent a message.

"I've already sent it out, but it seems that your people are going to be killed by my father's people. If I was really killed by my father's people, it would be useless to give her something? "

After sending, Zhan Yang's reply came back immediately.

"I'll ask my mom to call my second uncle right away."

When yeluoluo saw the news, he deleted the chat record.

She looked back at the cave again. Chen Yingying's sad voice came again, and her hair stood upright.

Wow, how terrible!

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