This is Ye Nanxian's warning to her!

From the impression of qingluan, ye Nanxian seldom talks to herself in this way. Now for Shen mange, she is wronged.

"Boss ye, I've done so much for Qingtian League for so many years, and I've done so much for you. Now you're going to do something to me for a Shen mange, aren't you?"

The voice with people bear heartache, ye Nanxian suddenly some can't bear.

"Qingluan, she's my wife. I won't allow anyone to hurt her. As a man, if I can't protect my wife, do you think I deserve to be a man? "


"Well, mange is a good girl. If you meet, I'm sure you'll like her."

Ye Nanxian said and hung up the phone directly.

Qingluan listens to the busy tone of mobile phone Didi, and her eyes can't help sinking.

Ye Nanxian seldom cares so much about a person's life.

She looked at a stack of data from her investigation, all about Shen mange.

Shen mange used to be so ordinary. She was so ordinary that she couldn't look at her in the street. Why did she get Ye Nanxian's love? Isn't it because she used means to Ye Nanxian and climbed into his bed that she became Mrs. ye?

Qingluan is very contemptuous of such a woman. Although the following information shows that Shen mange has suffered so much in recent years, and even nearly died in the sea of fire, so what?

If she didn't want to marry Ye Nanxian, would these things happen? In the final analysis, it's all Shen mange's fault, who knows Ye Nanxian's care for her.


Qingluan's hand held the materials tightly together, and they all changed shape. There was a trace of potential at the bottom of her eyes.

Ye Nanxian put down the phone, looking at the snowstorm outside, feeling very sad.

Qingluan means different to him.

At that time, qingluan went to the battlefield for him and fought side by side. To tell the truth, ye Nanxian didn't regard her as a woman at all during that time.

She is a brother, a brother who can deliver her life. However, in one mission, ye Nanxian is arrested. In order to save Ye Nanxian, qingluan goes deep into the enemy's rear area alone, regardless of discipline and orders. Leng saves Ye Nanxian from more than 30 terrorists, but she is shot and left behind.

Ye Nanxian doesn't know what she has suffered. She only knows that after she rescued qingluan, she was covered with blood. Although she was not hurt by the opposite sex, she was shot through her abdomen. The doctor said that she lost her right to be a mother all her life.

This is what ye Nanxian owes her all his life.

He still remembers that qingluan said to him with a smile: "boss ye, it's OK. You won't dislike me, will you? Why don't you marry me. "

At that time, ye Nanxian tried to marry her. After all, it was not easy for an infertile woman to find a man who was sincere to her. He didn't want qingluan to have a bad relationship with her husband and wife in the future. Therefore, ye Nanxian was silent and didn't answer, but everyone acquiesced in their marriage.

At that time, qingluan was happy. Even if she was incomplete, she didn't care. Ye Nanxian could feel her excitement, but he was a little depressed and uncomfortable.

Emotionally, he doesn't want to marry qingluan, because he is a kind of comradeship, brother and sister, but absolutely not love.

In Ye Nanxian's heart, he is also longing for love. He also hopes to have a couple for his whole life, so he is very exclusive, but intellectually, he knows that qingluan needs treatment.

At that time, qingluan's mood was very unstable. In order to make her cooperate with the doctor's treatment, it was difficult for her to be new. She could only temporarily acquiesce in the rumor of their relationship.

Qingluan is immersed in happiness all day long. Naturally, she gets better soon.

Ye Nanxian still remembers that qingluan was wearing a white wedding dress on the day of her recovery. At that time, he realized that she was a woman, a real woman, and that she wanted to marry him and spend her life with him.

At that time, ye Nanxian's heart was very conflicted. He knew that he was scum, but he opened his mouth.

He said: "qingluan, I'm sorry. I'll treat you as my sister all my life. I'll be your most powerful support in the future. The Ye family is your mother's family. I promise no one will dare to bully you, but I can't marry you."

Qingluan's joy stopped suddenly.

She looked at Ye Nanxian in consternation, and the pain of the fundus of her eyes came out a little bit, stabbing Ye Nanxian's eyes in an instant.

She cried.

It was the first time that ye Nanxian saw qingluan crying. Only then did he know that qingluan was just a little woman, a woman who was not as strong as others thought.

"I'm sorry, qingluan. I know it's cruel for you to do this, but everyone in the world has the right to find their own love. I'm not in love with you. In my heart, I have a plan for my future partner, but that plan is not you. I have thought about whether I want to marry you because of responsibility, but my heart tells me that it's very bad for you and me. ""Boss ye, I don't care. If I marry you, I will marry love."

Qingluan cried, very collapse, so many days of waiting, I thought it would be an enviable wedding, who knows it is Ye Nanxian proposed to break up.

She can't take it.

But ye Nanxian said in a low voice, "but I don't love you. Without love, marriage will not be happy. Without love, everything is empty promises. Qingluan, I don't love you. Even after ten or twenty years, I still won't love you. I'm not the kind of man who can love each other for a long time. I need love is the kind of love at first sight, the palpitation of falling in love at first sight. We've been together for so many years. To be honest, if it wasn't for your injury, I wouldn't even realize you were a girl. I've never made do with it, you know

It was very cruel and cold. It was the first time that qingluan realized that ye Nanxian had no heart.

His heart is made of stone. Even if you are a stove, you may not be able to cover it. But what's the matter with Shen mange now?

Ye Nanxian is recalling the past, so is qingluan.

She looked at the information in her hand, laughing a little crazy, and tears came out, but she didn't know it.

"boss ye, you said that you would not make do with marriage, but Shen mange had to force you to marry her by means of climbing into your bed. Why did you treat her so well? Why do you recognize her? Don't you say that you don't like love with time? So how can Shen mange get your heart? In order to save you from going deep into the enemy's rear, can't my friendship for you compare with that of a woman climbing the bed? "

Qingluan doesn't understand.

When she was in good health, she was expelled and retired because of unauthorized action. She left the military region and also left Ye Nanxian. She thought that she had no fate with him in her life. But later, when ye Nanxian asked he Nanfei to set up Optimus League, she saw hope again.

Although she hasn't seen Ye Nanxian several times over the years, knowing that he is still her boss, qingluan is very happy. Even a few years ago, in order to clear the obstacles for ye Nanxian and give him some protection, she resolutely went back to her hometown and relatives she didn't like or even want to mention.

She was alone in the f country, planning and foreshadowing, so that one day ye Nanxian could be safe when he came here. Now he really came, but he was not alone. He brought his wife.

If she meets Shen mange, what will she call her?

Sister in law?

Hehe, does she deserve it?

Qingluan's eyes were cold.

Outside came the voice of a maid.

"Princess, here comes the second prince."

The green Luan is tiny a Leng.

She almost forgot her real name.

Yes, she is the fifth Princess of F country. She is Fang Yingzhi, but this name is very strange, because there are so few people shouting from childhood that she has to forget it.

If her mother had not spared no effort to protect her from leaving here when she was ten years old, she would have died many years ago. So when she met Ye Nanxian, she asked her name, and she shook her head.

Although Ye Nanxian was cold at that time, he was also very considerate. He held her in his arms. It was the first time that she had been owned by others outside her mother for ten years.

She still remembers that feeling was so warm and reassuring, so she fell in love with Ye Nanxian almost at that moment.

Ye Nanxian said, "why don't you call yourself qingluan. Qingluan is a kind of Phoenix, noble and strong. I hope you can be reborn like a Phoenix. "

At that time, qingluan thought the name was very nice, so she asked, "why not call it Phoenix?"

She still remembers Ye Nanxian's saying: "Phoenix has experienced too much hardship and desires. It's only when the fire is reborn that your heart is torn, so just be a qingluan. I hope you can grow up happily with less hardship in the future. "

At that time, ye Nanxian's lips were slightly raised, like a bright sun shining into qingluan's heart, which also gave her the reason and belief to live for her.

She wants to make herself excellent enough to match the man in front of her.

So she worked hard, she accepted all the arrangements and education, even her tired hands were blistered, but as long as ye Nanxian said hard, she would feel that everything was worth it.

But now?

Qingluan is a little sad.

Seeing that qingluan didn't respond, the maid couldn't help shouting again.


"Let him in."

Qingluan suddenly regained her mind.

In the past, she was not interested in who was the host of the country, and even had no feelings for her brothers and sisters.

At the beginning, when their mother and daughter were in trouble, they didn't see their brothers and sisters come to help them say a word, and no one helped them.

The so-called second brother was in danger of himself. It is said that he was about to die. She didn't expect that he would come back alive, and she even wanted to take his wife.Before that, she didn't want to get involved in the storm, but the information shows that Fang Ze, the second elder brother, is Shen mange's cousin, which is a bit interesting.


So Shen mange, such a despicable woman, will choose love or kinship?

Qingluan's lips are slightly raised, and a smile of unknown meaning comes across.

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