After Fang Ze entered, he saw the five younger sisters, who didn't show up very much, sitting on the princess's chair. Their lazy posture was like a kitten.

"Yingzhi, I heard you have a cold. Are you better today?"

Fang Ze smile, slowly came in.

He is against the light, 180 head blocked some sunshine, but also let qingluan heart slightly move.

I haven't seen him for several years. The second elder brother has grown up a lot. I still remember when I was a child, he was so thin that he couldn't support himself. I didn't expect that he actually survived.

Fang Ze's data qingluan also has some. When he knows that he likes men, he doesn't despise them. On the contrary, he thinks that he has paid too much for love, and he doesn't have the heart to fight for it. Leng is forced to be like this.

It's a poor man, too.

"Thank you for your concern. My little cold is in my heart. Even my father never asked."

Qingluan lowered her head, looking sad.

Fang Ze looks at the five younger sisters in front of him and thinks of his past. He can't bear it.

"He's so busy with big things all day, how can he care about them? This is my cold medicine. It's made of traditional Chinese medicine. It doesn't have any side effects. Have a drink. If you are healthy, you will have spirit. Here, if you don't know how to love yourself, others won't care about you. "

The green Luan is tiny a Leng.

To tell you the truth, in this palace, her life is insignificant. Sometimes the servants and maids will forget the existence of her master, not to mention her brothers and sisters. Now Fangze's arrival makes her have a little doubt.

"Thank you, second brother. Xiao Cui, go and bring me the medicine. "

"Yes, princess."

Xiao Cui goes to take the medicine from Fang Ze's hand and hands it to qingluan.

Qingluan does not hesitate to drink, but let Fangze some accident.

"Five younger sisters are not afraid of my poisoning?"

"I'm almost forgotten. Does my second brother need to poison me?"

Qingluan said something bitter.

This is the sorrow of these noble children.

Once you have no use value, no one will remember you, even your own father. But she also knew that she was still being treated as a princess, but it had another function.

Princess, since ancient times, is to consolidate the power of marriage.

Qingluan doesn't know who the Lord wants to betroth herself to, but no matter who it is, now she has a dependence.

After all, ye Nanxian is here, isn't he?

Fang Ze doesn't know what qingluan is thinking, and he can't help feeling a little uncomfortable when he hears her words.

"Yes, people like us can't survive here if they don't make efforts to let them see our good."

Qingluan gives a little meal.

"Second brother is here to make an alliance with me? It's not a good idea. I'm not interested in your taking over

Fang Ze doesn't care. He finds a seat and sits down. Then he looks at the little Cui beside him. Qingluan suddenly understands.

"You go down first."


Little Cui backed out.

When there were only qingluan and Fangze left in the living room, Fangze looked at qingluan straight and said in a low voice: "five younger sister, the second brother knows that he doesn't have much friendship with you. It's ridiculous to talk about family here, but he can't think of any other place except you."

"What's the matter with second brother? Even though I'm not interested in your marriage, it's better to have one more brother to love than to be alone. After all, I took the second brother's medicine, didn't I? "

The green Luan mischievous blinked an eye, that playful appearance let Fang Ze unexpectedly.

He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and then began to laugh.

"Five younger sisters live at ease in this palace."

"There's nothing to expect, so naturally you'll be more comfortable."

Qingluan's words make Fangze move slightly.

No expectations?

Is also, at the beginning of their own is not no love here to leave it? Now I have to struggle in this vortex.

The bitterness of his eyes flashed by, but let qingluan see clearly.

Qingluan has no feelings for these brothers, but because of Shen mange's relationship, she just wants to get closer to Fang Ze. She can't help saying, "what's the problem with the second brother?"

"It's nothing. One of my bodyguards was injured, but he offended Yu Feng, the counselor next to my third brother. It's inevitable that he will lose his life here, so I want to ask Wu Mei if there's a room available here. I'll borrow it."

Fang Ze whispers, but qingluan frowns slightly.

"The second brother is really hard for me. It's said that Yu Feng, the counselor around the third brother, treats his father with courtesy. Isn't the person who offends him looking for death? The second brother sent such a person to me because he thought my sister was too idle, didn't he? "

Although qingluan was smiling, there was a shrewdness in her eyes.None of the children who grow up in such an environment is a fuel-efficient lamp, which Fangze always knows. Although Fang Yingzhi, the fifth younger sister, is indifferent and carefree, how can he be an incompetent person who can be alone in this palace and stay out of the affairs without any influence?

This is one of the reasons why Fang Ze came to find Fang Yingzhi.

"Five younger sister, the second elder brother really has no way, this bodyguard is very important to the second elder brother."

"Oh? What's the most important way? Actually can let the second elder brother not hesitate to pull the younger sister into the water. If I had known that the second brother's cold medicine was so heavy, I would not have drunk it. "

Fang Yingzhi is a little cold.

Here, even if she doesn't want to be Fang Yingzhi, she has to. For ye Nanxian and for himself.

Fang Ze looked at her and couldn't see through the mind behind her cold eyes.

He knows that to come here to find Fang Yingzhi is no different from seeking skin from a tiger. After all, he doesn't know anything about her and just comes by intuition.

It's not that no one has checked Fang Yingzhi's details, but they all failed. It's said that the Lord Fang Zheng has also checked, but still can't find anything.

There are only two results. One is that Fang Yingzhi is too simple to rely on. The other is that Fang Yingzhi's strong background makes them unable to start.

A princess who left the palace at the age of ten and came back in her twenties is not to be underestimated. I'm not at ease with any of the forces.

Now Zhang Yu is seriously injured. If he is not treated, he will die.

This is Shen mange. Fang Ze doesn't want him to die. It's just that there's a blizzard outside during the period of feudalism. It's too difficult to send Zhang Yu out for treatment.

Fang Yingzhi is his only idea.

But now if Zhang Yu's identity is revealed, Fang Ze can't guarantee that Fang Yingzhi will attack Zhang Yu. After all, he doesn't know Fang Yingzhi.

Fang Ze pondered for a while and said in a low voice, "Wu Mei, to be honest, he is my friend in Z country."

Anyway, all the brothers and sisters in the family have found out that he likes men. Even so, it's nothing to tell Fang Yingzhi. It's just that he wronged Zhang Yu.

But now, Fang Ze can't help Zhang Yu to care about the choice between grievance and life.

Fang Yingzhi was slightly stunned.

She knows about Fang Ze and Cindy, or all the brothers and sisters in the palace. So Fang Ze didn't succeed when he asked to take the elder Neige's daughter some time ago. It was only because the three princes told the elder Neige's daughter about it, and they didn't marry each other. So he let the Lord know about it. At that time, he lost his temper.

However, it is said that Fong Ze is deeply devoted to Cindy. What's the identity of the man who suddenly comes out? Fang Yingzhi is very curious.

"Second brother, you should know that children growing up in our family can't expect to have any friends."

"I know, but he's Cindy's distant cousin. Cindy and he just got in touch and died. I promised Cindy I would take good care of him. So I hope Wu Mei can help me. "

Fang Ze now can only pull Zhang Yu and Cindy. He is very bitter in his heart. Originally, he was just in love. Now, after his lover died, he still wants to use him. Fang Ze despises himself, but what can he do?

At this time, he thought that Cindy's absence might be a good thing, otherwise he would hate him.

Fang Ze's sadness did not escape Fang Yingzhi's eyes.

She is also moved by the second brother's feelings for that man. Everyone knows that Yu Feng may be the illegitimate son of the Lord of the country, but Fang Ze is late for Cindy's sake. Just for this, he knows that he is sincere to Cindy. Now for his cousin to beg her, but also said in the past, but Fang Yingzhi always feel that things are not so simple.

But it's nothing. As long as people are here, she can find out what she wants to find out.

"The second brother can live with his own mind, but it is also enviable. In this way, if I refuse again, it will not be too close to human feelings. Besides, I drank the second brother's medicine. All right, let's get people going. "

See Fang Ying spit, Fang Ze hanging heart just put down.

As long as Zhang Yu enters Fang Yingzhi's palace, Yu Feng has to think about what he wants to do. And he just has that intuition. Although Fang Yingzhi looks loose here, it's like an iron wall. If others want to come in, they may not be able to succeed.

"Thank you five younger sisters. Second brother owes you a favor. I'll treat you to hot pot later."

"Well, I remember that. Second brother is not allowed to default."

Fang Yingzhi smile, that smile dignified generous, but the gain and loss of courtesy.

Fang Ze ordered people to carry Zhang Yu in.

Fang Yingzhi just thinks it's just a skin injury. Now he looks at Zhang Yu, who is half dead. He is suffering from serious and minor injuries all over his body. Even his whole clothes are wet with blood, and his face is badly beaten. He can't see his original face clearly.It is a miracle that such a person can still live.

Fang Yingzhi suddenly became interested.

How on earth did this man annoy Yu Feng? How can you be treated so cruelly!

You should know that although Yu Feng is cruel, he is still restrained in F country. Especially, he is unknown now, and now he works under the third brother. He dare not be too arrogant. However, judging from Zhang Yu's injury, it is obvious that Yu Feng has no scruples.

Fang Yingzhi's eyes crossed with a touch of meditation, and her face sank a little.

"Second brother, the bodyguard is not hurt as you said. Would you blame me for this man's death? "

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