Ye Zian has been paying close attention to the trend of F country. Even if ye Nanxian and Shen mange told him that he did not need to do so, he still insisted on staring at the personnel floating. Now this subtle change is obvious to Ye Zian.

Originally, ye Nanxian didn't take it to heart, but when he heard Ye Zian say that, the ominous feeling became more and more clear.

"What's your name?"

"Fang Hui."

Ye Zian's name reminds Ye Nanxian.

"Fang Hui? Put it back? Or Fang's return? It's a funny name. It sounds like Fang Yi's handwriting

"Lao ye, you are so good. It's really Fang Yi's name. He said that he adopted his adopted son. But isn't the man he has been supporting all these years uncle? And my uncle's name is Han Xichen, isn't he? It's not Fang Hui. "

Ye Zian's old words make ye Nanxian feel warm and familiar.

"Maybe it's my own son, not my adopted son?"

"How can it be? I got the news that Yu Feng was dead. "

Ye Zian's words let Ye Nanxian understand that the child has been paying attention to the trend of F country. Originally, he wanted to say a few words about it, but he didn't say anything when he thought of Ye Zian's discretion.

"I'll send someone to check how to deal with Yu Feng's dead body. Don't follow him too much."


Ye Zian didn't insist, but asked: "Lao ye, have you come back with mummy? When will you pick us up? "

Ye Nanxian gives a little pause, remembering Shen mange's indifference to him and the role of the children. He can't help saying, "we've really returned to Haicheng, but your mom and I are angry. I can't coax you well, and now I'm seriously injured, so I hope you'll come back and help me."

"Seriously injured again? Lao ye, can you do it? You are seriously injured in this task. Are you going to worry mommy to death? "

Ye Zian's God mending sword makes Ye Nanxian feel loveless.

This is really his own son!

"Ye Zian!"

Ye Nanxian called his name word by word, obviously a little unhappy.

Ye Zian did not stimulate him any more. He quickly said, "OK, I won't say any more. You'll send someone to pick us up tomorrow."

"Let he Nanfei send you back. If my guess is accurate, maybe the other party will put their eyes on you when they can't lay hands on your mommy, so I'd better wait a day and wait for my people to find out how to deal with Yu Feng's body."

Ye Nanxian is still a little worried about this.

At least the children are in the headquarters of Optimus League, and the other party's people dare not go in and rob people openly, don't they?

Ye Zian was going to say no, but he thought of yeluoluo and ye Rui and agreed.

"Lao ye, do you want me to say hello to Mommy and add some oil for you?"

"Thank you. What should you do?"

After ye Nanxian hung up the phone, his lips were slightly raised.

This son of a bitch!

Thinking of what ye Zian said to him just now, ye Nanxian had to find someone to investigate Yu Feng's body.

Now he is not in the f country, and the contact with the f country is not so timely. Besides, I don't know what happened to qingluan. Ye Nanxian has a headache.

Just when he didn't know what to do, qingluan's message came over.

"Boss ye, Yu Feng is not dead. When I learned that my sister-in-law had been attacked, I asked someone to investigate the post death rehousing of Yu Feng. As a result, I found that Fang Yi just cremated the person hastily, and then threw the ashes into the sea without erecting a monument. Moreover, during the census, Fang Yi filled in the name of an adopted son, which was a coincidence. So I sent someone to check the people around Yu Feng from childhood to adulthood, and found that he had a bodyguard who had been with him since childhood. Food, clothing, housing, transportation were all together, and it was said that the longer they grew, the more similar they were. Finally, I don't know why, the bodyguard disappeared, and everyone checked We don't know where he is. I suspect that as like as two peas in the face of Yu Feng, he may have been replaced by Yu Feng, and he and Yu Feng share the same natural look and facial expression with each other.

Ye Nanxian saw the news and got two messages.

1、 It is very likely that Yu Feng is still alive.

2、 Because Shen mange blew Yu Feng's head, Yu Feng wanted to get rid of Shen mange.

So if there is any evidence for all the conjectures, then the person behind the scenes targeting Shen mange is absolutely Yu Feng.

Ye Nan Xian smoothed things out and found that this was the result. He couldn't help but want to hit people.

Does Yu Feng belong to Xiaoqiang? I can't bear to die.

But since they can kill him, that means Fang Yi wants Yu Feng to be superior.

Thinking about this, ye Nanxian's brain naturally goes along.

"I need evidence, all the information about the man who ate and slept with Yu Feng.""All right."

Qingluan's reply is quick. It seems that Fangzheng didn't embarrass her.

"Are you ok?"

"At present, it's good that Fang Yi has started to assassinate Fang Zheng five times in just one day. I still have my own power in the palace. Fang Zheng promised me that as long as I can protect his safety, I will be in the top position of ten thousand people in F country in the future."

Qingluan said with a sneer.

Father daughter love at this moment seems so desolate and ridiculous, she once thought that Fang Zheng is not afraid of death, originally also cherish life very much.

Ye Nanxian knows that Founder is just holding qingluan now, so he can let bygones be bygones for what qingluan has done before, even as if it has never happened. But once founder has consolidated his fight for power, I'm afraid qingluan will be the first person to deal with.

"Keep an eye on yourself. You can't believe founder's words."

"I know I had no illusions about him a few years ago. Don't worry, boss Ye. I'm fine for the moment, and Ling Qianyu is fine. He returned home with his second brother Fang Ze, and should arrive at Haicheng tomorrow. The second brother is seriously injured. He may send people to Huo's home. Uncle Huo has been informed to come to meet him. You don't have to worry about founder. He has no energy to take care of your affairs now. He is busy saving his life now. In the past, Fang Yi has been united with him, but his son is stable. Now, Fang Yi has turned against him for his son's sake, and even started to unite with the cabinet to impeach him. Now it's too late for him to pacify the civil war, so he has no time to control whether his second brother is really dead or not. "

Qingluan talks about these strangers' tone, which makes Ye Nanxian feel more or less distressed.

"Plan for yourself early, and come back if you can't. the door of Ye's family is always open for you. I believe your sister-in-law will also expect you to come back safely. Qingluan, we are a family and you are my sister. This will never change. "

Ye Nanxian's words immediately made qingluan red.

"Boss ye, if you do this again, I will cry."

Then qingluan hung up.

Her hand holding a glass of red wine swaying, the blood red color let her feel warm.

She really wanted to see what the old house of Ye family looked like. She wanted to be the hostess there before, but now she thinks it might be her future home.

Qingluan drinks the wine in the cup.

There are so many things happened in recent days that she didn't Tell ye Nanxian that Ling Qianyu was injured. After all, ye Nanxian was also seriously injured. Besides, she heard that Shen mange was also injured. At present, she is still the person that the other party always wants to get rid of. So qingluan thinks that when Ling Qianyu returns home, they will know, and they don't need to explain in advance.

However, when learning the news of Ling Qianyu's injury, qingluan's heart is a little confused. Some fragmentary fragments will break into her mind from time to time, and even the pictures of herself and Ling Qianyu.

She knew that it was not a dream, or even something that had really happened, so she and Ling Qianyu really had intimate contact.

Qingluan doesn't know what she's feeling or feeling, but after learning that Ling Qianyu is injured, she drinks two bottles of red wine alone, and then lies on the table and cries unconsciously.

She didn't know why she was crying, and she didn't know why she was crying, but the tears kept coming out as if she had self-consciousness.

So she just informed Huo three uncle Ling Qianyu's whereabouts, is to let own person go to meet.

It's clear that she can ask people to take Ling Qianyu back to f country, but f country is now in a lot of civil strife. The young master of Ling family has become the target of Fang Zheng and Fang Yi. Even if she can't get it, it will destroy the young master of Ling family.

For the first time, qingluan sent Ling Qianyu away and even performed a plane crash. In F country, Ling's assistant has died.

Since Ling Qianyu is not from F country, let him return to his hometown.

But qingluan's heart suddenly feels empty.


A person who hasn't known for a long time is still a very unreasonable bad guy. She would worry about him.

Qingluan doesn't know what she's in, but she's the only one left to fight alone in Norda's palace and cold f country.

But it's nothing. She's used to it since childhood, hasn't she?

Maybe she is really a lonely star, only suitable for one person to fight alone, then let her continue to struggle in this political vortex.

Qingluan put down her wine cup and lay directly toward the bed.

She doesn't want to move now. It's good for her to stand up like this. Who knows what the situation will be like when she opens her eyes tomorrow? It's not sure whether you have life or not.

Qingluan self mockingly pulled the lip angle, but suddenly found a figure jumped in from the window.

She was on the alert.


During the conversation, qingluan turns over and starts to fight each other for the first time.

A familiar smell of disinfectant came to my face.

The green Luan is tiny a Leng, the strong arm a pull her into the bosom, that familiar have a little to beat of voice leisurely rise in the ear."Send me away like this? okay? Qingluan, you have more and more ideas! "

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