Ling Qianyu's voice suddenly makes qingluan slightly stunned, and then subconsciously wants to push Ling Qianyu away, but Ling Qianyu directly falls on the bed, with a warm posture. Ignorance.

"Let me go! Are you crazy? Now the whole country is looking for you. Do you wish you didn't die? "

Qingluan can't get rid of Ling Qianyu, so she has to press against Ling Qianyu's wound.

Ling Qianyu snorted, but he didn't let go. The cold sweat dropped from his forehead and fell on qingluan's face.

Suddenly feel this scene some familiar, green Luan can't help looking up to Ling Qianyu, small his eyes a little more complex.

Some fragments flashed quickly in qingluan's mind, but couldn't catch them. After all, she didn't go on, and then she let go.

That's all. This man is a scoundrel. Why should he care.

Qingluan let go of lingqianyu some accident, but said with a smile: "heartache?"

"It's too sentimental. Love you? Ling Qianyu, are you afraid you didn't wake up? "

That means Ling Qianyu is dreaming.

Ling Qianyu doesn't feel annoyed. He seems to be a little happy. What he wants is to lie on qingluan's body and make qingluan frown again.

"Don't go too far."

"If I had gone too far, you would have been eaten by me. Don't talk about it. Let me sleep. I'm a little tired."

Ling Qianyu's voice is a little weak.

Think of him before being pursued, although qingluan annoyed him lying on his body, but after all did not say anything, even did not push him away.

It didn't take long for Ling Qianyu to breathe evenly.

He was quite relieved of qingluan.

Qingluan looked at his sleeping face. The shadow under his eyes was so obvious that he didn't know whether he had had a rest.

Is this man an idiot?

She has sent someone to send him away. What does he want to do when he comes back?

In fact, qingluan has some answers in her heart, but she just refuses to believe them.

She sighed, conveniently pulled the quilt to cover each other, and sent a message to Xiao Cui to let her watch. No one was allowed to come in and disturb her. Then she lay there and quietly made a pillow for Ling Qianyu.

She looked at the ceiling and didn't think about anything, but listening to Ling Qianyu's even breathing and smelling his familiar breath, qingluan's eyelids were slowly heavy, and finally fell asleep unconsciously.

Not long after she had slept, Ling Qianyu opened her eyes.

His eyes are full of tenderness.

This hard spoken woman, even if her attitude has changed, still does not want to think of anything?

Ling Qianyu gently gets up, just about to leave, but is hugged by qingluan directly from behind.

"Where are you going?"

Qingluan was scared to death.

Is this man really not afraid of death?

The f country is under martial law everywhere, and this is a palace. Does he have to kill himself to finish it?

This should be the most active time for qingluan to hold Ling Qianyu.

Ling Qianyu's lips rose slightly and said in a low voice, "I'm going to kill Yu Feng."

"Are you crazy?"

Qingluan thinks Ling Qianyu is fantastic.

Yu Feng hasn't found out whether Fang Huiyu is right now. Looking at this, Ling Qianyu has found out, but even if he does, what?

With the lesson of last time, Yu Feng is basically well protected by Fang Yi. He can't even fly in. Does he want to assassinate Yu Feng?

I guess it was found and shot before it got close, right?

There was a flash of anger at the bottom of qingluan's eyes.

"It's not just you who want to kill Yu Feng, I want to kill him too, but now we don't know where he is. Who knows that Fang Yi's position is Yu Feng's real position? If our information is accurate and Fang Hui is Yu Feng, then Yu Feng is so crafty. Do you think he will threaten his life? Ling Qianyu, can you have some brain? It's not impulsive. Can you calm down? "

Looking at qingluan's excited appearance, Ling Qianyu had a trace of sweetness in his heart, but he said in a low voice: "Fang Hui is Yu Feng. I've found out. You care about me? "

"Don't be so sentimental. I'm afraid that sister mange will be sad when you die."

Qingluan quickly dodges Ling Qianyu's eyes, and then wants to withdraw her hand, but Ling Qianyu holds it directly.

"You must know Yu Feng's pursuit of mange, right? Dare to touch my Huo family, do you think I will let it go? "

"No one's going to let him go, but take your time."

"I can't wait. take your time? Why did Yu Feng die? Wasn't their original plan for the conflict between Fang Yi and Fang Zheng? Now that Yu Feng is still alive, Fang Yi will join hands as long as they have a common enemy and goal. After all, what Fang Yi wants is the throne of the country, not the real life of Fang Zheng. Although their fight is fierce now, it is not going to be white hot, let alone to publicize founder's crime. At most, Fang Yi will use it to threaten founder and pave the way for Yu Fengshang. But what if Yu Feng dies and is killed by Fang Zheng? "Ling Qianyu's words immediately made qingluan feel a little flustered. Then she shook her head and said, "even if what you said is correct, but the success rate is less than one percent, I won't let you go."

"In what capacity will you not let me go? Qingluan

Ling Qianyu looks at qingluan straight and doesn't force her.

Qingluan almost said something, but looking at Ling Qianyu's eyes, she could not help but said: "I said, I just don't want to see you die."

"This reason won't convince me."

"Then go to hell."

Qingluan drags Ling Qianyu back and holds his hand. He is angry, but he is disappointed.

Ling Qianyu's palm is relatively dry. In his palm, there seems to be temperature and a sense of security, which suddenly left his palm. On the contrary, it was cold and lost.

Qingluan feels a little crazy.

How can she feel Ling Qianyu's warmth? It's too many things recently. I'm stupid.

Qingluan scolds herself secretly, and then hears Ling Qianyu smile and say, "protect yourself. When I get rid of Yu Feng, I'll come back to pick you up. This is not your home. Come back with me and be my daughter-in-law. As long as I can come back alive, the first thing I have to do is to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with you to register for marriage, so I'll take all my certificates and wait for me to come back. "

With that, Ling Qianyu kisses qingluan on the face, and then gets out of bed cleanly and turns around.

"Who will marry you?"

Green Luan some speechless hard wipe oneself just by Ling Qianyu kiss place, can't help but have some chagrin.

This self righteous man!

But there are some different feelings in my heart.

This is the first time someone has said that they want to marry her.

Qingluan's lips slightly up, but suddenly stunned.

What happened to her?

How could you expect that?


Qingluan shakes her head hard. Then she thinks of what Ling Qianyu is going to do. She can't help worrying.

"Little Cui."

She called Xiao Cui.

"Princess. What's the matter with you? "

There was a smell of disinfectant in the air. Little Triton knew something, but he didn't ask anything. He just subconsciously looked around. There was no one everywhere, but the sheets were a little messy.

Little Cui lowered her head.

Qingluan quickly said, "do our people have any spies on Fang Yi now?"

"Yes, the people of the Lord are watching."

Xiao Cui said quickly.

Qingluan bit her lower lip and said, "where does that Fang Hui live? Any news?"

"For the time being, we haven't yet. Our people have gone to check several of the external residences. They are all fake, but our people have fallen into the trap, with many deaths and injuries."

Little Cui's eyes crossed a trace of heartache.

Those people have been trained by qingluan for a long time. Now they are not only killed by Fang Yi, but also killed so miserably. She is very upset.

How could qingluan feel better?

But she needs to think more about the safety of the living than the living.

Even her people are so demoralized, what will Ling Qianyu do?

Can't you pull the whole Ling family into the water?

Although Fang Yi and Fang Zheng both want to win over the Ling family, once they really threaten the national capital, they will directly destroy the whole Ling family.

Does Ling Qianyu know this?

Qingluan is worried.

She got out of bed and walked back and forth, even some wanted to go out, but her steps stopped at the door.

No way!

Fang Zheng has already sent someone to look at her. It is estimated that he has not taken any action, and Fang Zheng has already noticed her intention.

What to do?

Do you really watch Ling Qianyu die?

The bottom of qingluan's heart slightly hurt for a while. It felt like being bitten by something, bloody, holding the skin and pulling the bone.


Seeing qingluan's pale face, Xiao Cui can't help but worry and help her.

"What's the matter with you? Are you not feeling well? I'll call a doctor for you. "

"No, no one can get in at this point."

Qingluan shook her head.

She felt that she must be crazy.

Isn't it just a man?

What if I had sex with him? Now it's not a big deal to lose her innocence in this era. She should be bitten by a dog.

Why care about that man's life?

Qingluan went back to the bed and sat down. Although she comforted herself, she felt very uncomfortable and even depressed.

Ling Qianyu replays her scenes in his mind.

Although he has a bad temper, a bad tone, a bad character, and even is not good to her, he has been protecting her from the beginning to the end.Among all living beings, no one owes anyone. Qingluan never thought that one day she would be protected by a man so painstakingly. She couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.

That's all.

You always have to pay back the kindness you owe this man.

Qingluan sighed a little, then got up and went out.

Xiao Cui seems to understand what qingluan is going to do. He doesn't open his mouth to stop him.

Qingluan pushes open the bedroom door and goes out of her palace, but is stopped at the door.

"Sorry, Princess five, you can't go out."

"Get out of the way!"

Qingluan is full of momentum, which makes people feel a little chilly.

But in front of the bodyguard without waves, still firmly said: "sorry five princess, you can't go out. This is Ling Shao's order. "

"Are you Ling Qianyu's man?"

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