Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 419: How to siege a city without a siege ladder? (superior)

"Haha! Keelin, right? I'm Narant Berwick, Lord of Stormwind in the Duchy of Onyx, and I'll tell you now that I not only attacked Viscount Will's Castle, but also Baron Omi Castle and Baron Dock. Fort!"

"I'm going to take you Baron Carrow now, Your Excellency Keeling, I want to ask you, are you willing to disarm and surrender?" Narant laughed proudly and asked against the wall.

"What, the lord of the Onyx Principality? He also captured Baron Omi Castle and Baron Dock Castle." Keeling was startled when he heard this. He never dreamed of seeing the Onyx Principality's army in the rear. .

Originally, he thought it might be a small duchy in the desert taking advantage of the emptiness behind the Marquis of Lissen, but he didn't expect it to be the team of the Onyx Duchy.

But in an instant, when Keelin saw the number of people Narant brought, and the means Narant used when he attacked Viscount Castle, his expression relaxed again.

His eyes became disdainful at the moment, "Your Excellency Narant, you only captured three castles by sneak attack, and now my Castle Carlo has been prepared, do you think you can capture mine with just a few hundred people. castle?"

"You still want me to surrender? Humph! I advise you to leave our Carol Territory as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"Your Excellency Keelin, are you sure you don't think about it anymore? As long as you are willing to sneak attack, I promise not to hurt you, and I will treat you preferentially!" Narant said.

"Shoot him!" Keelin didn't go back to Narant, but ordered the longbowmen beside him.

Whoosh whoosh!

Immediately, more than a dozen arrows broke through the air.

"Since Keelin chose to resist, then I can only say sorry!" Narant stopped talking and turned his horse back.

"Sir!" Before returning to the team, Quick and others immediately surrounded him.

"Go ahead and prepare to attack the city!"

Since we can't rely on outwitness, we can only force it.

To be honest, this autumn expedition, he seems to have actually done a siege, at most just covering the army outside Maple Leaf City to fill the river.

Then he is going to try this otherworld's first siege battle today.

As for winning or losing, he now has a certain amount of confidence, because when he came, he had been 'on paper' for a long time.

The only uncertainties are casualties.

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing that, Quick and the others did not show any signs of timidity, but were faintly excited.

Because, only when they start to siege the city can they gain military exploits.

"By the way, bring the three noble young masters here, and let them see whether it is worthwhile for me to outwit the castle, or whether it is worthwhile for me to storm it!" Suddenly, Narant remembered the report of the guards in the daytime, and immediately confronted him again. The guard gave an order.

These three guys were strapped to the carriage, and they really didn't know they were talking bad about themselves.

Soon, Duke, Ryan and Karen were brought to the front.

And Narant's siege team has also assembled, with a total of less than 200 people, and no standard siege equipment such as siege ladders has been prepared, and even the river filling team seems to be unprepared.

And when Duke and Ryan saw the scene here, they all had weird looks in their eyes.

Originally, I thought that Narant was insidious and cunning, and did not talk about martial arts.

But now it seems to be overestimating him.

With just these two hundred people, you want to siege the city without even preparing the siege ladder?

Haven't you seen such a wide moat?

Are you ready to fly over?

The three looked at each other and understood the contempt the other party had for Narant.

The eye contact and expressions of the three were exactly the same. Narant had a panoramic view, squinting the three of them and asked, "Do you think I can't take down this Baron Carlo?"

"Uh... No, Lord Narant's guards are fully armored, and those guards are also exceptionally majestic, and they will definitely be able to capture Caro Castle!" The three immediately shook their heads and denied it.

They only hope that Narant will start sieging the city soon, and then maybe they will have a chance to escape.

After all, in the current state, Narant's subordinates are likely to be gone forever.

"Haha! Watch carefully, and you will be glad that I broke it inside the castle!" Narant ignored the three.

Turning around and facing his subordinates, he said, "Let's start! Follow the steps that I taught you in Stormwind!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, Narant's men quickly moved.

Whoa! Whoa!

The first to move is the long-range attack team.

"This... what is this?"

With the sound of the tarpaulin being lifted three times in a row, the eyes of Ryan, Duke and Karen were immediately attracted.

When I saw the ten catapults that didn't want catapults, and the longbow was not like a longbow, I was a little confused.

However, no one in the field would explain it to them. The next moment the long-range squads were in their positions and quickly started to load ammunition.

"Sir, the catapult is loaded! The ballista is loaded!" Vivien soon reported.

"Well, start the first round of test shots!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Long-range attack team listen to orders, launch!"


dong dong dong!

Vivian gave an order, and the catapult and ballista suddenly started.

Five basketball-sized stone bullets and five crossbow arrows roared towards the distant castle.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, a muffled sound came from the castle wall not far away, and the stone chips and wood chips flew everywhere.


With a burst of debris flying around, screams soon came from the city wall.

This first round of attacks was a test of accuracy, so only one ballista, which was aimed at by Vivien herself, hit the enemy directly.

As for the rest of the catapult and ballista, because of the slightly lower angle, they were all shot on the wall stacks and walls.

The final casualty is estimated to be two or three people, two of whom were hit by broken stones or wood chips.

"Continue to adjust the for secondary loading!"

Although the first blow did not achieve any results, Narant's face remained the same, and the next time was when the ballista and catapult began to show their power.

"This... this turned out to be a trebuchet, but how could the trebuchet be so small, and there is no counterweight, how did it throw the stone bullets so far?"

"Yeah? The stone projectile shot more than 200 meters away, and smashed half of the wall on the castle. Also, can a longbow be fired like this? It's too powerful!"

"Hey, Karen, Ryan, do you remember the rumors some time ago that in order to reduce the guilt of his defeat, Commander Bucher deliberately said that the Agate Principality has a secret weapon, that secret weapon can be fired with such a thick wrist and With such a long arrow, it seems... like the one we just saw, right?"

Although this first round of shooting did not do much damage to the enemy, it immediately stunned the three of Ryan and Duke on the side.

Originally, they still wondered what this weird wooden car was doing.

But only at this moment did I realize that this was an unimaginable weapon for me and others.

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