Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 420: How to siege a city without a siege ladder? (middle)

"How is it, I haven't seen it before! Don't be surprised, the good show is still to come. Today is a free eye-opener for you! You can wait and see if Keelin's fate will be worse than yours!"

The conversation of the three fell into Narant's ears, and Narant immediately turned around and smiled at the three.

This battle, if possible, he wants to fight more shocking, so that it is convenient to use it to shock other castles in the future!

"But you don't even have a siege ladder, this is called a siege?" Ryan was still a little unconvinced, and whispered!

The three of them are also family heirs anyway. Although they were shocked by the catapult and ballista, they felt that Narant did not look like a siege at all.

If he dispatched a few hundred serfs to fill the river, and then brought dozens of ladders to attack the city, they felt that with the assistance of these two powerful weapons, it was really possible to attack.

"Hehe, who told you that you must have a siege ladder to siege a city? I just don't plan to rely on a ladder to attack a city. I want to attack from the gate!"

Narant laughed. This is what he thinks about the most when he's talking about soldiers on paper.

Back then outside Quint Castle, the skeletons attacking the city gave him a great shock.

Even the existence of the Skeleton Soldiers who can climb the wall with their bare hands has to pay a lot of money to attack the city.

Therefore, he opened his mind and figured out a set of tactics to attack the castle without climbing the wall.

Of course, it is estimated that only he himself can use this strategy. As for the effect, it depends on this first practice. It should be not bad.

The three of Ryan pouted when they heard the words. Although they were disdainful in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything else. After all, they were still prisoners, so there was still such a realization.

Narant also ignored them.


dong dong dong!

The long-range attack team continued to attack, and after adjusting the angle, the second round of salvos began. .

"Ah! Ah!"

With the second round of salvos, the hit points of the catapults and ballistas really improved, especially the basketball-sized stone bullets all fell from the sky and hit the wall.

Suddenly, the screams on the city wall became denser.

"Vivian, five quick shots!" Narant gave the order directly.

"Yes, my lord!"

Next, ballistas and projection vehicles poured down on the city wall as if they didn't need money, and the attack targets were all concentrated on the wall at the gate of the castle.

Immediately, the guards on the gate of the castle were all smashed and could not lift their heads. Upon seeing this, a bronze knight in charge of commanding the battle immediately called the guards to hide in the towers on both sides of the city wall.

After all, the catapult is too weak to shake the tower on the city wall in a short period of time.

However, Narant had no intention of destroying the tower. When the five rounds of the long-range attack team finished, he started the next attack plan.

"The catapult continues to attack to ensure that the enemy cannot appear on the city head, and the ballista is ready to move its position closer to the city wall!"

"Quick, Raymond, move on!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, thirty barbarian guards raised their shields and began to move forward, and the ten longbowmen of Storm Knight also dismounted and followed closely behind.

Behind them, five ballistas and dozens of barbarian coolies.

Looking at Narant's operation, the trio of Ryan and Karen were inexplicable.

It is understandable for the soldiers to move forward, but why did the ballista push forward? Could it be that the enemy's longbowmen couldn't shoot them.

However, the three of them will soon have the answer.

I saw that the guards finally stopped at a position more than 50 meters away from the city wall, and then gave way to both sides.

The barbarians held huge shields for cover, and ten longbowmen fought back at the enemies who dared to show their faces in the city wall.

Fortunately, the catapult's attack continued, and the enemy longbowmen only dared to hide in a few small windows in the tower to fight back. The sparse arrows did not pose a big threat to the siege team.

And the central passage that Raymond and others let out just became the shooting port of the ballista.

When the ballista stopped, they began to reload the bolts.

However, the crossbow bolts loaded this time are a bit weird. It turned out to be a crossbow bolt made of iron, and the barb of this iron bolt is not only wider, but also tied with a thick and long hemp rope at the back.

In just a moment, the five iron crossbow arrows were safely placed in the arrow bed.

And the hemp rope, which is unknown how many meters long, was neatly placed in front of the ballista.

"Shoot!" When the reload was complete, Vivian immediately gave the order to attack.


Whoosh whoosh!

Following the order, five ballistas were launched simultaneously.

Although it was an iron crossbow, under the strong elastic force of the bed crossbow, the more than ten-pound crossbow still shot out, and smoothly shot towards the castle fifty meters away.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, the five crossbow arrows encircled the city wall, and there was a dull collision sound, accompanied by the flying sawdust.

"This... what are they going to do, are they going to pull the suspension bridge down?"

"It's impossible, the suspension bridge is connected by four iron cables, and there is a winch operation on it!"

The Ryan trio watched all this and vaguely guessed what Narant was going to do, but they didn't believe Narant could succeed.

If the suspension bridge is really so easy to be pulled down, what is there to do with the moat?

However, Narant had no plans to explain it to them, and the three of them could only continue to watch obediently.

When the five crossbow arrows were nailed to the heavy drawbridge, the storm knights, the little half-barbarian guards and dozens of barbarian coolies immediately moved.

They were in groups of more than ten people, each holding the five thick long hemp ropes connected to the crossbow arrows.



With a roar, everyone started to pull the five crossbow arrows wildly at the same time.

creak creak!

Suddenly, the heavy suspension bridge below the city wall made a creaking sound.

With the strenuous cross talk from the suspension bridge, the four chains on it were immediately jumped straight.

Even the two winches on the city wall were faintly pulled backwards.

"Quick, quick! Card master winch!"

Seeing this scene, Keelin, who was hiding in the tower, immediately ordered the guards anxiously.

However, compared to his anxiety, the Bronze Knight in charge, the vassal of Baron Lalo, was very calm.

"Master Keeling, don't worry, the winch is stuck with a huge wooden plug. Even if they have fifty more people, it is impossible to pull the suspension bridge."

Following what his vassal had pointed out, Keelin saw that the winch was stuck to death by a wooden slot with the thickness of a human leg.

Seeing Keelin finally smiled, "This is the lord of Narant Berwick, did he pick up his title? He actually wanted to cross the river by pulling down the drawbridge, did he? I don’t know that from ancient times to the present, when attacking the city castle, the first step is to fill the river?”

If Narant hears Keelin's words, he will definitely applaud him. Speaking of his Narant's title, it seems that he really picked it up...

Of course, he disagreed with Keeling's last sentence.

Who said that the siege must fill the river?

Especially a small castle like this!

I saw that when the guards pulled the suspension bridge with the strength of their milk, Vivian was not idle, and had already taken off the longbow on her back.

Immediately, he bent bows and arrows and aimed in the direction of the city wall.


As Vivien let go of the bowstring, there was a scream in the air.

The arrows shot by Vivian flew towards the city wall with a strong red glow.

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