Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 904: I know it's not going to be good

Lin Mo knocked on the door.

Almost the next second, the door opened.

The person who opened the door was Director Wang of the General Administration Office, who was equivalent to the director's assistant. Many things were actually handled by the other party. Lin Mo and Director Wang were also very familiar and had dinner together.

"Expert Lin, you are back."

Director Wang showed a slight smile, but it could be seen that there was also a touch of seriousness and tension in the smile.

Lin Mo guessed that something happened to the General Administration in nine out of ten.

It's still the "unseen" kind, otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a hurry to recall himself.

Lin Mo had to ask carefully.

You must know that he really has a lot of unfinished business in the neighboring country, and he keeps his tail.

Not to mention the integration of those gods, but to say that Liu Gao and Rourou and the others who stayed in another place, Lin Mo didn't have time to arrange it himself, so he could only let Maomao help settle it.

If the director does not come up with a sufficient reason, Lin Mo will definitely slap the table.

As a result, after entering the door, Lin Mo found that the director was sitting on the office chair with his eyes closed, as if he was closing his eyes and resting.

It's like sleeping again.

Lin Mo glanced at Director Wang next to him, the latter said with a smile that the Director was waiting for you below.

This sounds strange, and those who didn't know it thought Director Wang was the villain who was about to kill someone.

But Lin Mo knew that the other party meant that the director wanted to see himself in the nightmare world.

"Director Wang, do you know what's going on?"

Lin Mo directly asked, relying on his friendship with the other party over several meals.

Director Wang is a master of all sides, otherwise it would be impossible to become the director, and he smiled at the moment: "I don't know exactly what it is, it should be a very confidential matter, our general bureau's confidentiality regulations expert Lin is an expert. , I know better than me. But I feel that the director attaches great importance to this matter."

Lin Mo understood.

The other party didn't seem to say anything, but in fact, he said a lot.

It belongs to neither leaking secrets, but also giving himself face.

"Okay, then I'll go down and have a look."

"Go, the director should be in a hurry."

Lin Mo sat down on the sofa in the office, and immediately fell asleep after closing his eyes.

Nightmare world.

In the same office, Lin Mo opened his eyes and saw that the director was sitting behind the desk in front and looking at him.

Besides, it wasn't just the two of them in the office.

And others.

Sitting next to him was Lin Nan, who was winking at him.

On the sofa opposite, sit 'Veteran' and 'Zhong Kui'.

The three special experts of the General Administration.


is four.

Because there is also Lin Mo himself, he has just been promoted to the special expert of the General Administration.

Looking at it this way, today's meeting is indeed a very big battle. Lin Mo remembered that the last time all the special experts gathered together was the incident in Guimen Village, a suburb of Qianlong City.

Not only was Lin Nan in trouble that time, but once Guimen Village got out of control, it would directly affect the Qianlong Safety Zone.

That's why the General Administration sent two other special experts, codenamed Veteran and Zhong Kui.

Last time, Lin Mo was only a member of the expert group, but at this moment, he was already the fourth special expert, on an equal footing with the other party.

Among the special experts, in addition to Lin Nan and Lin Mo being real friends, he also cooperated with veterans and investigated the Tongmen incident together.

It is also a friendship.

The only unfamiliar one is the special expert code-named 'Zhong Kui'.

However, Lin Mo heard from Lin Nan that this big man with a big red robe and a black beard is very powerful, and he may be the strongest among the special experts.

Also the most mysterious.

Because the other party is very likely to be the same person as the legendary 'Ghost King' Zhong Kui.

Putting this kind of thing in the past, Lin Mo probably didn't believe it.

After all, myths are myths, feudal superstitions, how can they really appear?

But it's different now.

He knows more.

Experienced more.

Ye Didu was killed by him in **** with many demons, so it is not surprising that something incredible will happen in this world.

Anyway, if this 'Zhong Kui' is the real ghost king Zhong Kui, Lin Mo will definitely believe it.

Lin Mo is naturally familiar with the legendary characters in his own fairy tales, so now Lin Mo greeted the veterans first, and then smiled and nodded to the bearded Zhong Kui.

The latter glanced at Lin Mo and nodded in response.

It's just that because people's facial features are like Angry King Kong, they look like they are murderers.

"Everyone's here!"

The director said at this time: "Now, start the meeting!"

Meeting again?

Lin Mo changed to a comfortable sitting position.

This is his habit.

Because of the comfortable sitting position, it helps to relax and rest better.

I knew that the director called him back in such a hurry, it must be a bad thing, and it came true.

"The four of you are all special experts from the General Administration. Calling everyone here is definitely not an ordinary event, and it is also a special event, so everyone should have a psychological preparation first."

The next sentence, the director went straight to the topic.

"The Academy of Sciences has been improving its detection technology for nightmares. Thanks to a batch of important scientific research materials that Lin Mo retrieved before, the Academy of Sciences has created new detection equipment that can detect and detect nightmare energy in different bands and frequencies. Recognition, of course, new equipment is manufactured to be tested, so they first probed Qianlong City... But unexpectedly, there was an unexpected discovery."

"Qianlong City is an ancient capital of thousands of years. It has been the capital of many dynasties in history. There are many old buildings here, and there are countless old houses. The results of this new equipment exploration show that in one of the largest ancient houses in Qianlong City, it was found that Unbelievable energy fluctuations, the value exceeds the normal area by two thousand times."

There is no concept just to describe a value, so the director gave an example.

"It can be understood that if an A-level nightmare appears in an area the size of a football field, then the value detected by the device is 100, and we take this value as an average value; and now, it is still an area the size of a football field. , we detected a value of 200,000."

This example is very vivid.

This is equivalent to a football field with an A-level nightmare standing in a football field with 2,000 A-level nightmares standing.

The difference isn't that big.

What Lin Mo was concerned about was the surprise of the numerical value, while the special expert 'Zhong Kui' on the opposite side was concerned about another sentence from the director.

"Qianlong City, the largest ancient house?"

Zhong Kui asked a meaningful question.

The director nodded: "Yes, it is the largest ancient house."

The question and answer of the two of them naturally attracted the attention of Lin Mo and the others.

Lin Mo thought about it.

The largest ancient house in Qianlong City, isn't that the 'Qianlong Palace'?

The former imperial city of the Three Dynasties, where dozens of emperors lived, has a history of more than 600 years.

As long as it is a Chinese, basically no one knows no one knows it.

"Director, this is your fault, how can that place be called an ancient house?" Lin Mo mumbled.

The director smiled: "As long as it is a place where people live, it is a house. The difference is that it is bigger, the walls are higher, and there are more houses."

That's right.

This time, Lin Mo understood why the director was so concerned about this matter.

Qianlong Palace, in the center of Qianlong City.

Also in the Qianlong Safety Zone, so to speak, the center of the center.

In such an important place, the measured nightmare value is 2,000 times that of other places, and anyone has to worry about changing it.

"Sword Comes"

At this time, Lin Nan asked a question, that is, what the nightmare value was based on.

Actually this is very important.

The director said that it would be better to let more professional people talk about it.

So I pressed a button on the table.

Soon, a person pushed the door and entered.

He is also an old acquaintance, Professor Xie, the head of the Academy of Sciences.

After Professor Xie came in, he gave an explanation, which involved some professional terms and content, which was very difficult to understand, but he said that this value can be simply understood as a more accurate energy test, specifically for nightmares of.

Can replace Nightmare ratings that have fallen behind before.

When Lin Mo heard it, isn't this the G value of the Redemption Society?

He was very familiar with Professor Xie, and he didn't have so many politenesses. He talked about the test methods and definitions of G-value from the Redemption Society, and also took out the test meter that Meng Ganma cheated.

When Professor Xie saw it, he said that the test meter was too backward, and then took out a powerful thermometer-like thing from his pocket.

"We all use this now, but the definition of G value you mentioned is in line. It just so happens that we haven't defined a name for this kind of value. I think it's called G value."

After figuring out that the G value was tested from the Qianlong Palace, Lin Mo was silent for a while.

He felt that this matter was more difficult and troublesome than he imagined.

In the ancient Qianlong Palace, the G value measured from the outside was 200,000. You must know that Yedi, who was killed by his abolition of the boss in the neighboring country, only had a G value of more than 50,000. Even if it rose a little later, it was impossible. rose too much.

No wonder the director called back all four special experts.

At first, Lin Mo thought it was the director who made a big deal out of a big deal, and had nothing to do when he was free. Now, it looks like he didn't make a big deal out of it at all. If it were him, he would call as many experts as he could.

The director's intention is to let four special experts enter the Qianlong Palace to investigate the unknown secrets and dangers that may exist inside.

After all, such a huge G value is at the core of the Qianlong safety zone, which is equivalent to the fact that thousands of people in Qianlong City are sleeping on a nuclear bomb.

I don't know if I can still fall asleep, but once I know it, it will definitely be on pins and needles.

"At present, everyone in the Qianlong Palace has withdrawn. The entire Qianlong Palace has been closed. No one is allowed to approach the real world or the nightmare world. For fear of uncontrollable accidents, our upper layers can only temporarily leave the potential. In the safe zone, this matter still needs to be resolved as soon as possible to find out the problem. If it is a threat, it should be eliminated as soon as possible, and if it is a misunderstanding, it is necessary to find out the truth as soon as possible.”

This is the task assigned by the chief.

The four special experts know the weight of the matter.

Qianlong City is currently the largest safe area in the country, and it is the real core area. An accident can happen anywhere else, but not here.

Lin Mo raised his hand and indicated that there was a problem.

"Speak!" The chief nodded.

Now, he encourages all kinds of questions, and having questions is a good thing.

"Has the G value of Qianlong Palace always existed, or just appeared suddenly?" Lin Mo asked a question.

According to the director just now, it was discovered because of the new detection equipment and technology developed by the Academy of Sciences, but it is impossible to be so sure. The G value over there has always existed.

"Is there any difference?" the director asked back.

Lin Mo said of course it was different.

"If it has always existed, then assuming it has existed since the construction of Qianlong Palace, it has been stable and calm for hundreds of years, maybe..."

Lin Mo made a left-right balance with both hands.

The presence of not ordinary people, immediately understood in seconds.

"You mean, maybe it's because of this mysterious G value that a certain balance can be maintained?" the director asked.

Lin Mo nodded: "It's just my whim. Of course, it may not be. What's going on will only be known after actual investigation."

Obviously Lin Mo also supports the investigation, but his thoughts are more cautious.

Over there, Professor Xie made a statement, specifically supporting Lin Mo's assumption.

"Any other questions?" the chief asked.

Lin Mo shook his head.

Lin Nan also shook his head.

The veteran and Zhong Kui on the opposite side were also silent.

There seems to be no opinion.

"The situation is special this time, so the four of you are called together to act together. There is only one purpose. To ensure the safety of Qianlong's safety zone, then let's end the meeting."

Immediately after the meeting, the action begins.

There are four special experts, and the director has not designated who is responsible for this operation, so the four of them have to hold a small meeting.

"Go to my place, everyone, have some tea by the way." Zhong Kui said.

Everyone has no opinion.

It was also the first time that Lin Mo joined this small group. On the way, Lin Nan had a strange expression. Lin Mo asked him what was wrong. Lin Nan pulled Lin Mo and walked a few steps slowly to distance himself from Zhong Kui in front of him.

"Drink tea later, if you want, it's enough."

Lin Nan's words sounded like a piece of advice.

Lin Mo asked if there was a problem with the tea.

"Problem? Of course there is. It's too bad to drink. You don't know how bitter it is..."

At this time, Zhong Kui turned his head and glanced at it, and Lin Nan immediately shut up.

It can be seen that Lin Nan is a little afraid of Zhong Kui.

Zhong Kui's house looks normal from the door, but after entering, it is unexpected.

The inside is antique and stylish, and the tables, chairs and benches are very particular.

As the master, Zhong Kui greeted the three of them to sit down, and he sat down too, then clapped his palms together, and immediately came out a little devil covered in green.

That is a real kid, with animal skins as pants, cloth jackets as clothes, with a deformed head, like the word "mountain".

"Master, you are back!"

Zhong Kui hummed, and then said, "Go make a pot of tea and iron four cups."


The kid will do it right away.

This little guy moved very quickly, and after a while, he set the cups separately and poured the tea again.

Lin Nan's expression was painful, and he gave Lin Mo a wink.

The old soldier didn't have any extra actions. He just took it up and drank it. He drank it in one gulp. He didn't say it was good or bad.

This is also in line with the character of the veteran.

Lin Mo also picked up the cup and looked carefully. There was a faint mist in the tea, and there seemed to be resentment flowing in the water.

Lin Nan reminded him that Lin Mo didn't have any hope, so he took a sip first. As a result, it was unexpectedly delicious, with a sweetness and endless aftertaste.

It's a mouthful at the moment.

"Continued Cup!"

Lin Mo was not polite. The kid looked at his master first, and found that Zhong Kui didn't respond, so he poured another glass for Lin Mo.

Obviously Lin Mo's reaction didn't seem to be fake, Lin Nan looked confused, and he thought to himself that the tea brewed this time was different from the last time.

So I took a sip.

As a result, his face changed, and he almost spit out.

Still as bad as last time.

But there is no way, it is impolite to spit it out. Although Lin Nan is a child, he still understands the rules.

Just gritted his teeth and swallowed.

Anyway, just this sip, no matter how much, he won't drink it anymore.

Lin Nan didn't understand why Lin Mo could easily drink a drink, and even refilled it.

Doesn't he find it hard to drink?

Lin Mo really didn't find it unpleasant, he thought it was delicious.

Then why does Lin Nan feel unpleasant to drink?

This point, Lin Mo thought about it, and felt that the problem should be due to individual differences.

Lin Mo didn't know the exact reason.

Zhong Kui looked at this scene, laughed, and did not explain, but said another sentence: "I have always had reservations when the General Administration said that one person would be expanded, but this time, I think they did the right thing, you He is the most suitable candidate, even more suitable than this little guy."

The little guy in his mouth refers to Lin Nan.

The next step is to discuss how to explore the Qianlong Palace.

Zhong Kui said that it must be watched in the nightmare world, but it cannot be left behind in the real world.

"Because, the nightmare world is a projection of the real world, and if there is any difference, you can make a comparison immediately."

Among the four special experts, Lin Mo is the only living person, so there is no need to discuss it, and it falls to Lin Mo to investigate the Qianlong Palace in the real world.

"Let's investigate at the same time, contact each other by phone, and tell each other what we have seen and heard, so that we will have a greater grasp of finding problems."

This method is good, mature and sophisticated, and Lin Mo agrees.

The veteran also nodded, no objection.

Lin Nan guessed that the nest was on fire just now, so he patted the table now: "I don't think it's All three people in the room looked at him, including the kid who was serving tea and pouring water.

"What's wrong?" Zhong Kui asked with a dark face.

Lin Nan thought about it for a long time and said that the tea was not right.

"The tea you brewed for Lin Mo is definitely different from the tea you brewed for me. Otherwise, there is no reason for him to think it tastes good, but I find it unpleasant. You must be treating it differently."

Lin Nan's acting as a child's temper will give everyone a fun at most. After the division of labor, everyone will act according to the plan. The General Administration has a communicator specially designed to connect the real world and the nightmare world. After agreeing on the time to enter the Qianlong Palace, it will start. Prepare yourself.

Lin Mo woke up and went to get the equipment first. Seeing that there was still plenty of time, he took 416 to the snack street outside Qianlong Palace to eat.

416 is my first time here, and everything is fresh.

Because she was eating snacks, she walked all the way, and she already had a few more candied haws, candied sugar and baked gluten in her hand.

"I quite like this place."

416 expressed her thoughts.

Lin Mo said that this is your first time here and will take you and Xiao 8 to visit the best tourist attractions here.

"Where?" 416 asked.

Lin Mo pointed to the Qianlong Palace not far away.


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