Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 905: Night tour of Qianlong Palace

, the end begins with a nightmare

416 has no identity.

However, this matter is obviously not difficult for Lin Mo. No matter how Lin Mo is now a 'high and powerful', it is still easy to say hello and do such a trivial matter.

With the certificate, you can apply for a card to buy a mobile phone.

After everything was done, the time agreed with Zhong Kui and the others was almost the same. Lin Mo took 416 to Qianlong Palace.

Actually there are three of them.

There is also 418, but this spiritual body can only reside in Lin Mo's body, which saves him the need to apply for documents.

On the way, 416 was fiddling with her mobile phone. Obviously, a girl likes the function of taking pictures. 416 is no exception. She walks and shoots all the way.

The intersection ahead has been blocked, with fences and barbed wire, and police are guarding it 24 hours a day.

The same is true for several surrounding intersections leading to Qianlong Palace.

Lin Mo showed his credentials in the past.

Obviously, the police here have received orders from their superiors, and after verifying the documents, they saluted and released.

Going forward this time, it is quiet, and there is no one.

It is now 8:30 in the evening, and it is already dark. In normal times, it is absolutely crowded and very lively, but at this moment, the shop is closed, and there is no one on the road.

Quiet is a little scary.

At the entrance, Lin Mo asked 416 to scan the QR code posted at the entrance with his mobile phone. He could listen to the voice explanation. Most scenic spots, or places with some historical stories, will have a similar self-help explanation function.

416 was very obedient, and asked her to do what she did. After scanning the code, she was surprised to hear the voice of the explanation inside.

In the mobile phone, a gentle female voice was explaining the gate of Qianlong Palace, and after passing through the doorway, they entered.

"Qianlong Palace was built in... It is the largest existing ancient palace complex, covering a total area of..."

The sound is crisp.

Because the surrounding is very quiet, it also sounds clear.

Lin Mo also listened to the explanation.

He thought that since he wanted to explore Qianlong Palace carefully, it would definitely be beneficial to listen to some explanations and understand the origins and allusions of different areas and buildings.

At this time, his personal communicator rang.

After that, it was Zhong Kui, the veteran, and Lin Nan.

They are here now.

After all, it's already the time they agreed on before.

"Lin Mo, where are you?"

Zhong Kui in the communicator asked.

"The front door!" Lin Mo replied.

"We're here too, then, get ready to start, let's start from here, let's check Qianlong Palace carefully, hey... How did I hear someone talking from your side?"

"It's a self-help explanation." Lin Mo answered Zhong Kui and the others.

After understanding what a self-help explanation is, Zhong Kui said that he would amplify his voice so that they would also listen.


In this way, the tour can be synchronized, and if there is any abnormality, it can be found at the first time.

"Then, just follow the self-guided route."


Lin Mo put the communicator close to Xiao 6's mobile phone, and then began to tour the Qianlong Palace at night.

It is no exaggeration to say that this place feels a little gloomy if it is crowded with people during the day, especially some special secret inner houses.

Because some places are not open, coupled with some messy terrifying rumors, there is still a lot to do.

For example, the cry of women can often be heard in the cold palace in this place. Another example is the dilapidated and locked yard. There is a well. Because many people have died in that well, it is sealed, and no tourists are allowed in this yard. near.

Anyway, how to spread the evil.

Lin Mo didn't believe this.

Again, since the birth of Xinhua Kingdom, this place has become a well-known tourist destination both at home and abroad. For decades, I don’t know how many tourists it has received.

There are tens of thousands of people who come here every day. Don't say that there is no gloomy atmosphere in this place, even if there is, even if there are ghosts, people come and go every day, and ghosts will be scattered.

"The front is thirty-six dragon pillars, each of which is carved from high-quality white marble. At that time, there were almost all skilled craftsmen from all over the country..."

In the empty square in front of the hall, the voices from the explanation app have a contagious power, making people unconsciously feel the history that has happened here, and the unique sense of history.

On the communicator, Zhong Kui spoke well.

Lin Mo said that everything is normal here, the moon is bright and the scenery is very good.

Zhong Kui said that in the nightmare world, this place is not bad. Although it is not dark and the visibility is not high, there is nothing special about it.

Then go ahead.

Xiao 6 protested at this time, saying that it would disturb her to listen to the explanation by asking Lin Mo and the others to speak in a lower voice.

"In front are the Taihe, Zhonghe and Baohe Halls of Qianlong Palace. This is also the place where ancient emperors exercised their power and held holy scriptures. It can be seen that the three halls are all on the central axis, and the materials used are the best at that time. Yes, any piece of wood to be taken down here is invaluable..."

Lin Mo put his hands behind his back, listened to the explanation, and strolled in this Qianlong Palace with a strong ancient charm.

It felt like a member of an elderly tour group.

As for 416, this two-year-old girl who was born in the laboratory of the White Eagle Country has long been stunned by the rich history and rich cultural heritage here, and the one who listened to it was the most careful and serious.

"Have you found anything?" Lin Mo asked into the walkie-talkie at this time.

Mainly because everything is fine on his side.

Lin Mo's own perception ability is very strong, but he has not found anything, not only him, but also the two powerful spiritual bodies 416 and 418.

This shows that the Qianlong Palace in the real world is indeed not abnormal.

Then, there may be a problem with the Qianlong Palace in the nightmare world.

"Nothing has been found, at least so far." Zhong Kui's voice came. At this time, Lin Mo heard Lin Nan's voice and said that he had found nothing.

At most, they have only entered less than one third of the Qianlong Palace, and there are more buildings behind, gardens, rockeries and places where the palace maids and eunuchs live.

Therefore, it is too early to say that this investigation has not found anything.

Then take your time.

In the next time, according to the route and explanation of the self-help app, Lin Mo and 416 started a serious night tour of Qianlong Palace.

All the way to the back garden.

Similarly, the three Zhong Kui in the nightmare world also reached the same position.


Lin Nan said something in the communicator.

Lin Mo was also refreshed and hurriedly asked what he found.

No one spoke on the communicator for a few seconds, but fortunately, Zhong Kui's voice came over very quickly.

"Hey, Bai made us happy. It's a water ghost in the lake, and it's not a threat."

If it's just a water ghost in a nightmare world, it's really no threat.

But is that really just an ordinary water ghost?

Lin Mo said whether or not to go to trial?

"Okay, the trial is the trial." Zhong Kui had no objection.

Lin Mo said wait a moment, I'll go down and try with you.

So Lin Mo fell asleep on the spot, entered the nightmare world and joined the other three, and began to interrogate the water ghost.

After a set of means was used, the other party only said that it was a nightmare hidden here, and the others were completely unclear and did not know.

"Don't tell the truth!"

As soon as Lin Mo went up, he was executed, and Zhong Kui, who looked at his proficiency, frowned.

some torture.

The water ghost can't stand it, saying it's not an ordinary nightmare, anyway, what do you think I am, what I am, I just ask you to stop fighting.

Asked if he knew the secret hidden here, the water ghost directly admitted that it was the biggest secret in Qianlong Palace.

Zhong Kui walked over and said, "It's a trick of yours, it's not good."

After he finished speaking, he waved his actually put this water ghost into his sleeve.

This is a great thing.

"Okay, you go out, let's continue to investigate."

Zhong Kui waved his hand.

Lin Mo smiled awkwardly and woke up from the nightmare world.

It was just a small episode just now. In fact, Lin Mo knew that the water ghost probably didn't know anything, but if he knew anything, he should ask.

Many times in the past, some inconspicuous little characters were often the key to breaking the game.

Lin Mo has suffered losses and gained too much in this regard, so he will be tortured to ensure that the opponent can be squeezed dry.

In the end, there was only a small part of the unopened area left, and Lin Mo also walked forward, ready to take 416 to see it.

It stands to reason that such places are not recorded with tour guides.

But just as Lin Mo and 416 walked over, 416 habitually opened the app and scanned together.

At this time, an unexpected thing happened.

The front was obviously pitch black, but when the phone swiped over, there was a beep, and it swept into something.

What's even weirder is that the voice of the explanation came out immediately.

It was the same voice, but the tone seemed to be completely different from before.

"This is where the palace maids live. It's on the crooked-neck tree in the front yard. No less than seventeen palace maids have been hanged. The white silk is wrapped around the branches. A dead man?"

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the early morning, asking for a monthly ticket, it is still a long way from 2000, more than 100 a day, it should be able to achieve the goal, a lot of support, vote if you have a vote, thank you everyone!


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