Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 935: wanna die? not so easy

I have to say that this possibility of Xiao 6 is very large.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that there are actually only two people who have actually seen the neighbor who looks exactly like him.

One is Zhou Xiaofei, and the other is the action team member who has been staring at the cat's eyes.

It's hard to hypnotize a lot of people, but it's easy to hypnotize just two people.

The others, through oral narration, through the many photos of themselves in the other's house, created the illusion of course, that the person to be hunted was a person who looked exactly like him.

Actually they never saw it.

What is the purpose of the other party doing this?

All Lin Mo can think of is to create an opinion and a fact.

That is, outside, there is a dangerous criminal who looks exactly like him.

It may seem like nothing, but as long as you think about it carefully, there is a lot of room for maneuverability.

Because the pursuit will never stop.

If in the future, if the other party uses some means, come to a dove to occupy the magpie's nest, and the civet cat changes the prince, what will happen?

Say the simplest and most direct way.

After creating such a fact, if you are secretly killed by someone in the future, then someone who looks exactly like you will come out, pretend to be yourself, and then treat your real self as a criminal.

Will something like this happen?

It sounds a bit nonsense, but in fact, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Even if this possibility is very small.

"Little 6, you are a master hypnotist and a special spiritual body. I ask you, if you meet another hypnotist, can you find him."

Xiao 6 thought about this very seriously.

"If the other party also uses mental power to hypnotize, I can detect it."

"Looks like we have to go out, how is your injury?"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"That's good."

Lin Mo let the action team outside come in and arranged for them to go out.

For this matter, Lin Mo also had a quarrel with the attending physician. The other party didn't agree with it, and he was unwilling to sign the word. In the end, there was no way, it was Xiao Lu who hypnotized the other party, and the matter was settled.

"If Xiao 8 was here, it would definitely not be so troublesome."

Lin Mo mumbled.

Xiao Ba directly controls people, and is more efficient than Xiao 6, and in terms of lethality to the enemy, Xiao 8 is also stronger.

However, Xiao 8 did not come out of the underground palace.

Lin Mo suspected that Xiao 8 was still parasitizing in a certain human head fruit on the strange human head tree.

As for why Xiao 8 didn't contact him, why didn't he go with him, this Lin Mo didn't know, he could only try to solve this mystery when he went to the underground palace next time.

Of course, Lin Mo also thought that Xiao 8 might be dead, but Lin Mo felt that it was more likely that Xiao 8 was lurking on the head tree and was waiting for an opportunity.

A car parked under Zhou Xiaofei's building, and Lin Mo looked out from the car glass.

It is very late now.

The action team has already evacuated, and the residents here have all returned home and started their normal lives.

There are many families with the lights on, and people at home can be vaguely seen.

"According to our previous analysis, the 'neighbor' used some kind of hypnotism to make Zhou Xiaofei and the action team think he looked like me, but he was not. So this person must have been hidden among other residents at that time. And the other party can escape the multiple searches and investigations of the action team, which shows that there is no problem with the identity of the other party, I suspect that he still has a house in this building, and even has family members."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Xiao Lu also nodded.

"Then, he must never have imagined that we would kill a carbine. At this time, he would even secretly secretly rejoice and be proud, thinking that no blade could discover his ingenious plan, and he played a big change in the eyes of everyone. In this case, he may let his guard down and reveal his flaws."

"Yes, then let's go upstairs and investigate door to door. This time, he will definitely be invisible."

Lin Mo and Xiao 6 were not the only ones who came.

This time, they brought five more squads of action players.

Only Lin Mo can do this kind of thing.

The previous one said that he saw an action team member who looked exactly like Lin Mo. Xiao 6 specially checked him, and the result showed that the action team member was indeed hypnotized.

The opponent is a master.

Hypnotizing a trained operative without knowing it is a powerful technique.

But the more so, the less able to hide his spiritual power at close range.

Then, in the next door-to-door visit, according to Lin Mo's estimation, there is a good chance that the other party can be found out.

They started on the ground floor and worked their way up, with heavily armed operatives deployed on each floor.

This time, Lin Mo even asked Xiao 6 to give hypnotic suggestions to every action team member in advance.

This prevents the opponent from hypnotizing the action player again.

If the opponent's ability is very strong, he can control living people like Xiao 8, occupy their minds, and let them attack their own people, then there will be a big mess.

So this loophole must be plugged in advance.

With Xiao 6 here, Lin Mo is relieved.

In the same way, Lin Mo also hopes to find Xiao 8 in the end. After all, in the real world, Xiao 8's ability is very practical. With it, Lin Mo can be unmatched.

Generally, Xiao 6 only needs to stand at the door of the corresponding house and stop for a while, and then he can sense the number of people inside and whether there is the 'neighbor' they are looking for.

This will minimize the possibility of stunned snakes.

They just wanted to take advantage of the darkness to get this thing done and find out that 'neighbor'.

There are only six households on the first floor of a building, and it is easy to search it again.

could not find it.

This residential building has seventeen floors, and they will investigate floor by floor. Next is the second floor, the same six households, but one is empty, and there is a paper on the door.

But just to be on the safe side, even in an uninhabited house, Xiao 6 will stand at the door and sense it carefully.

What I want to say here is that Lin Mo and Xiao 6 have not recovered from serious injuries, and this time they are working with illnesses and injuries.

Neither of them could actually get up, they were in wheelchairs and were pushed around by the action team.

Not only the wheelchair, but also the infusion medicine bag, it can be said that in order to catch each other, two people are enough to fight.

The second layer is also excluded.

Take the elevator to the third floor.

Occasionally, residents upstairs will be encountered during this process. Generally, they will be controlled by the action team at the first time, and Xiao 6 will check it first, and then send it to the downstairs to continue the investigation.

But that takes time.

This kind of thing drags on for a long time, and it is easy to startle the snake.

The third floor, the fourth floor, and the eighth floor had not found the person they were looking for.

Before, Zhou Xiaofei lived on the eleventh floor.

"Accordingly, the other residents on the eleventh floor are the most suspicious, followed by those on the tenth and twelfth floors. The other party fled at that time and could not be found soon, so it is judged that after the other party left from the eleventh floor, he quickly disappeared. hiding."

In other words, the closer the top and bottom are to the eleventh floor, the greater the possibility of the existence of that 'neighbor'.

At this time, Xiao 6 put forward a new point of view.

That is the 'neighbor', and it may not be just one person.

"What do you mean, is the gang committing crimes?" Lin Mo asked.

"There is a possibility." Little 6 pointed to No. 804 in front, and the team members slowly pushed her wheelchair over.

She was just about to sense when something unexpected happened.

The door of No. 804 was opened with a click.

A middle-aged man carrying a garbage bag was about to go out, only to find Xiao 6 in a wheelchair at the door, stunned.

The people outside were also stunned.

At this time, Xiao 6 looked at the middle-aged man who already had a big belly, and the middle-aged man also looked at her.

At that moment, the expressions of both of them changed.

"It's him!"

Xiao 6 responded quickly and suddenly shouted.

Lin Mo in the back was refreshed, but the middle-aged man responded quickly, pulling out a knife from his back waist with one hand and stabbing Xiao Lu.

An action team member immediately rushed over and hit the opponent, but the middle-aged man was so powerful that he stabbed the action team member with a knife and pushed the opponent away.

At this time, he knew that he had lost the first move, and immediately retreated into the room.

Don't look at this guy's but his skills are really fast, and most people are definitely not as sensitive as this guy.

At this time, there were inquiries from women and children in the room, but the action team members filed in. Lin Mo asked him to push him in, just to see such a scene.

The middle-aged man had already stood by the window and leaned out halfway.

It looked like he planned to commit suicide.

Of course, from the current point of view, this is not suicide, but an escape.

Because the person fell, the body immediately fell to death, and then entered the nightmare world and escaped.

The other party is also very decisive, even if the women and children in the room screamed in fright, the other party did not hesitate at all.

The next moment, he jumped off.

But instead of falling, he stared at him, twisted his neck, grabbed his hands unconsciously, and hung in the air, as if he was being hung by something.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand at this time, controlling the noose of spiritual power, and gritted his teeth at the same time: "Want to die? It's not that easy."

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