Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 936: Trap, I know who he is

The interrogation room of the General Office.

There are state-of-the-art equipment, a heavily guarded interrogation room, and a two-way blockade of the real and nightmare worlds. No matter who is locked here, don't even think about escaping.

A middle-aged man in a vest was kept in the interrogation room, sitting on a special chair.

The chair has several locks, which lock each other's hands, waist and feet respectively.

Since he was caught, this guy has not said a word.

Carrying on dead.

Lin Mo is not in a hurry, he is looking at the information of this middle-aged man.

The other party is Xu Fuhai, a native of Qianlong City, 41 years old, with a normal family situation and no criminal record, an ordinary middle-aged man.

Has a wife and a daughter.

It should be said to be family happiness.

Just looking at the information, it is completely impossible to see that the other party is a vicious and insidious person, let alone a murderer who can torture and dismember the other party's mother in front of other people's daughters.

Of course, it's not just an ordinary murderer.

It is a murderer who is obviously targeting Lin Mo, planning and calculating, and even knows high-end hypnotism.

For now, there are many secrets hidden in the other party.

Gotta dig it out.

At first, Lin Mo wondered if the other party had been replaced by a 'dummy', because they had asked his wife and children, as well as the surrounding neighbors. According to them, Xu Fuhai was an honest and honest ordinary person.

At least what they described, and that ruthless and scheming murderer were completely two people.

In this case, the possibility of being replaced by a dummy exists, and it is very large.

But if it is a dummy replacement, Lin Mo can detect it.

He once entered the bronze doors No. 7 and No. 4, and was extremely sensitive to the dummy's breath. Basically, as long as the dummy was in front of him, it was difficult to hide his breath.

Although there were some special dummies transformed by the owner of the doll shop in the past, they could avoid Lin Mo's detection, but those were very rare cases.

Moreover, Lin Mo and the owner of the doll shop also reached an agreement, and the other party could not come back and make trouble.

So Xu Fuhai is not a dummy.

So what caused his sudden change?

Putting down the information in his hand, Lin Mo glanced at Xiao 6.

"What do you think?"

Xiao 6 said that it is better to ask the other party directly.

"Beat him first and see if he doesn't say anything. If he doesn't say anything, give him another slap."

"Then what?" Lin Mo was curious.

"If you don't say anything, drag him to the spiritual realm, or enter his spiritual realm, and don't care what secrets the other party has. For us, we can look at it at will."

"Good idea, but since that's the case, it's not better to do it in one step. By the way, can't you hypnotize him?"

"The other party is also a hypnotist. Using the same tricks to deal with an expert, he has little chance of success. As for why he didn't do it in one step, because I just wanted to beat him up."

Xiao Lu is a vengeful person. In her words, if it wasn't for this Xu Fuhai, she would still be lying comfortably on the hospital bed eating snacks and playing electric games. It was because of this person that she ran around in a broken wheelchair.

"Listening to you, I want to beat him up."

After all, when it's time to get things done, Lin Mo and Xiao Lu are not ambiguous.

Xu Fuhai is now silent and dead, so no matter how much you ask, it doesn't make much sense.

That's one step at a time.

First pull the other party into the nightmare world, and then let Xiao Lu take Lin Mo into the other party's spiritual realm.

This kind of thing can't be done by others, not even Xiao 8 can do it, only Xiao 6 has this ability.

In the real world, Lin Mo and Xiao 6 were still injured and could only rely on wheelchairs, but in the nightmare world, it was different.

The two entered the room and beat Xu Fuhai first, and then Xiao 6 used his mental power to invade Xu Fuhai's spiritual realm with Lin Mo.

This kind of thing is a daily operation for Xiao 6. It is very simple, as easy as visiting a neighbor's house.

Soon Lin Mo and Xiao Lu held hands and arrived at a pure white world. There was a dilapidated brick building in front of it. The roof was gone, and only half of the wall was left.

The floor inside was full of books.

Xiao 6 told Lin Mo that this is Xu Fuhai's spiritual realm. These books are the memory of the other party and contain all the secrets of the other party.

"Here, he has nothing to hide."

Xiao 6 is full of confidence, then picks up a book and flips through it.

Lin Mo also watched.

Nothing special was found.

The book of memory records Xu Fuhai's experiences, including his secrets hidden in the depths of his memory. Even when he was a child, he peeked at the widow taking a bath, and secretly set fire to the straw pile next door to Uncle Wang's house. .

Peering into a person's innermost secrets is certainly exciting.

This is still a stranger, if it is a familiar person, it will be more exciting to think about it.

"Huh?" At this time, Xiao 6 made a puzzled sound.

Lin Mo leaned over and asked what happened.

"There is something hidden in this man's body." Little 6 pointed to the page in his hand.

There is a weird little door painted on it.

Thick black lines depict this small door full of weird colors, making people understand at a glance that there is a secret hidden in this door.

huge secret.

Then Lin Mo and Xiao 6 found this small door under the pile of memory books.

It's mounted on the floor.

It looks exactly like the drawing in the book.

The small door is about one square meter in size, has a handle, and is locked.

Of course, the lock couldn't help Lin Mo and Xiao 6. They easily destroyed the lock.

"Open it and have a look." Lin Mo said to Xiao 6, the latter nodded, she was also curious, and then opened the small door.

A dazzling white light shot out from the small door, and then it seemed like a spiritual nuclear bomb had been detonated. It exploded suddenly, and Xu Fuhai's spiritual domain was instantly annihilated.

In the real world, in the interrogation room of the General Administration.

The device responsible for monitoring the prisoners suddenly alarmed.

Immediately, someone stepped forward to check the value on the device.

"No, Xu Fuhai is dead."

"how come?"

The monitoring staff looked at a loss, but there was a similar situation before, where a prisoner who was caught died suddenly. Usually they are killed in the nightmare world, so they will also die in the real world.

The staff is re-checking the equipment to confirm whether Xu Fuhai is really dead.

At this time, Lin Mo in the wheelchair suddenly opened his eyes.

He first looked around, saw Xu Fuhai in the interrogation room in front of him, and then showed a look of surprise, as if an old lottery player suddenly won the first prize.

excited, excited.

"Successful, hehehe, successful, calm down, don't get excited, or you will be seen."

At this moment, Lin Mo took a few deep breaths, but because he was already injured, the wound suddenly hurt a little, and he began to cough.

A medical staff next to him immediately stepped forward to ask.

"I'm fine, push me back first."

"Good forest expert."

The medical staff came up and pushed Lin Mo's wheelchair out.

When passing by Xiao 6's wheelchair, Lin Mo turned his head and glanced at Xiao 6 who was motionless, and there was an imperceptible sneer in his eyes.

When he got to the room, he told everyone else to leave, and when there was only one person left, Lin Mo let out bursts of smug laughter.

"Finally, to achieve what I want, it is not in vain for me to plan for so long."

He seemed very proud, but he was afraid that people would hear what he said, so he had to keep his voice down. It looks like after winning the lottery, I am excited, but I am afraid that others will know my thoughts.

"Lin Mo, Lin Mo, in the end, I still want to replace you and become you. This is fate. Although it took a few years, it's not too late for a good meal. I finally achieved my goal."

After that, he took a deep breath.

"This is the air in the real world. It really is fresher and sweeter than in the nightmare world. Let me think, what should I do next? Get familiar with the environment here, and then live comfortably as Lin Mo."

At this time, there were footsteps outside, and an action team member ran in and reported something to Lin Mo.

"Little 6 has no vital signs? Come on, I must find a way to save her... I have tried my best? Well, I see, you can go out, I want to be alone."

"Little 6, what is this place?"

"I don't know. It seemed that something exploded just now. I remembered that there is a problem in Xu Fuhai's spiritual realm, and there is a trap in that small door on the ground."

"I know that, we were recruited, so now, have we been bombed to death?"

"According to the law of existence of spiritual energy, if the spiritual power dissipates, people have no ability to think, let alone chat, so strictly speaking, if our spiritual power is still there, from the perspective of spiritual power itself, we are not dead. "

"Since it's not dead, don't worry about that for now. Let me ask you, where are we now?"

"I don't know, but it looks like we're in a tree."

"I don't think so, I feel like we're not in a tree, we're like a tree ourselves."

In a quaint little yard, a quirky tree swayed gently in the night wind, making a rustling sound, as if someone were talking.

In addition to this tree, the small yard also has a hut.

Candlelights can be seen in the hut, and a person is photocopied on the window, standing still for a long time, as if he was contemplating, or thinking about something because of something.

After a long time, the people in the house came out.

The green cloth is tied, the robe is hung, and the elegance is unusual, and the stature is tall. The man walked up to the tree, reached out and patted the trunk.

"The sacred tree of Fusang, with two trees attached together, is a bridge connecting the three realms. I cultivated seeds from the depths of the dream, so that you can support the palace of the three realms, and at the same time guard the entrance, I hope you live up to my expectations."

"The three worlds are divided into a great formation. I hope that the day when the formation is formed, my dream of becoming a fairy can be fulfilled..."

After that, everything here starts to shatter.

Lin Mo and Xiao Lu saw it very clearly. They only realized it at this time. What they saw just now was just a fragment of memory.

whose memory?

Not surprisingly, it's a tree

The next moment, Lin Mo felt as if he had burst out of a deep sea, and his whole body was instantly transparent.

Turning his head, he found that he had come out of the trunk of a big tree.

The big tree looked very much like a human head tree.

Not only Lin Mo, but he also saw a hand grabbing from the gap in the tree trunk he climbed out of. Lin Mo stretched out his hand to grab the other side and yanked it violently.

Xiao 6 was dragged out.

The two looked at each other and looked around.

Next to it is the cozy hut in Lin Mo's spiritual realm.

"Advanced house!"

Lin Mo said hello, and the two pushed the door in.

In the room, Lao Bai found Lin Mo coming in and stood behind him as usual.

After a short silence, Lin Mo asked Xiao 6 to talk about what he thought.

"No accident, we should have fallen into a trap before and been calculated." Xiao 6 said that Xu Fuhai's spiritual realm, those memories, and the small door hidden below are all bait.

The purpose is to make them think they have found a clue and open the small door.

Lin Mo asked, is there actually a bomb in this spiritual realm?

"It's a mental power mixed with a lot of despair and hatred. It's like a can of coke that has been shaken to the extreme. The moment it is opened, it will burst out."

Xiao 6 has drunk Coke, so she thinks this analogy is the most appropriate.

Lin Mo thought about it carefully.

If this is a game, the opponent must have prepared for a long time.

If nothing else, the ultimate ultimate move is hidden in the depths of a person's spiritual realm. From this detail, the other party's understanding and mastery of himself is extraordinary.

Most people don't know about the spiritual realm.

Don't ask, Xu Fuhai is just a pawn.

What the other party did before, Lin Mo was still a little bit puzzled, why did he attack Zhou Xiaofei, why did he provoke him, and now, all this is to make himself 'relaxed his vigilance'.

Even the flaws were revealed later, which should have been intentional, so that he caught Xu Fuhai.

The other side did this very beautifully.

Because the process of catching Xu Fuhai completely relies on reasoning and control of details, the other party did not directly give the bait, but hid the bait tightly, so that when the bait was found, there would be no doubt that it was bait.

Quite clever.

This was something I didn't understand at the time, let alone realize it in advance.

Especially if this kind of thing happens in the real world, even if it is Xiaoyu or any other strange existence that can be predicted, it is impossible to calculate the future direction of the real world.

Maybe the other party has even considered this.

The more you analyze, the more you can see how powerful the opponent is.

The other party has almost figured out his own abilities, the abilities of the people around him, and even his character and his own way of doing things, and set up traps and traps based on these.

In fact, Lin Mo didn't notice it at the moment he was hit.

Although he was a little unwilling, Lin Mo had to admit that in this match, the opponent won.

Completely won.

I am also convinced.

But admiration is admiration, and what should be revenge, it must be revenge.

Xiao 6 holds grudges, and Lin Mo holds grudges even more than she does.

But before taking revenge, there are still a few things to figure out.

One is why he and Xiao 6 were not killed, but came back to life. This refers to mental power; the other is who is behind the scenes.

For the first question, Lin Mo actually already had a guess.

"It must have something to do with the head tree."

Lin Mo said.

Small 6 agrees.

The reason is very simple. They were resurrected from the human head tree. Although, it was a newly grown human head tree, but the species was the same.

It's all so eerie.

And the memory fragment that I saw earlier.

It must be the memory of the head tree in the underground palace of Qianlong Palace, and the tall man with the robes of green cloth and twigs that they saw was unusually elegant and tall, in all likelihood, Mr. Chunfeng.

From Mr. Chunfeng's mouth, we know that the human head tree is actually the 'Sacred Fusang Tree' recorded in ancient books.

As for why he and Xiao 6 could see that memory, and why they could be resurrected from a newly grown human head tree, there was only one explanation.


The tree species that the human head tree penetrated into their flesh and soul before.

Originally, this kind of seed was used by the human head tree to threaten them, but they didn't expect it to save their lives in the end.

Without those seeds, Lin Mo and Xiao 6 would probably be cold this time.

Therefore, Lin Mo felt that the person who calculated him was powerful.

If it wasn't for luck this time, if it wasn't for his own **** luck, then the other party really had the last laugh.

But what is there to say in this world?

Man counts as God.

Even if the other party is extremely smart, even if the plan is flawless, but yes, God is not on his side, no one can blame others.

It's all life.

At this time, Lin Mo actually had a guess.

He closed his eyes and tried to wake up.

But found not to.

"What's wrong?" Little 6 asked.

Lin Mo glanced at her and said, "My account is already online."

"What do you mean?" Xiao 6 has never played online games, so he doesn't understand this stalk.

Lin Mo told him that his body had been occupied by a person.


"The one who calculated us."

"Do you know who this man is?"

"You can probably guess."

"who is it?"

"number 1!"

Little 6 asked which spirit body No. 1 was, why she had never heard of it.

"My name is Xiao 6, and 418 is called Xiao 8. Is the number 1 Xiao 1?"

Faced with this problem, Lin Mo could only explain patiently and tell the general situation of No. 1.

Speaking of which, No. 1 calculated that he failed several times before, and then he stopped moving. He didn't expect that he suddenly attacked after such a long time, and it was so fierce.

If it wasn't for luck, Lin Mo would have been planted.

And the reason why it is judged to be No. 1 is based on the fact that his body is now occupied.

According to what Lin Mo knew, No. 1, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is actually the 'spare tire' that my brother prepared in order to resurrect him back then. Since it is a spare tire, it is not surprising that it fits his body well.

Before he disappeared for a short time, the other party took advantage of the emptiness to enter and occupy his body, which is very logical.

When Xiao 6 heard the origin of No. 1, he directly said that the other party was dead.

"How are you going to take revenge?" Little 6 asked.

"Of course, it is to eliminate future troubles forever. In this way, you wake up first and go directly to the director. I will tell you a secret key. You report it to the director and let him do this..."

Lin Mo explained it carefully.

In fact, it is not difficult for Lin Mo to regain his body if he wants to.

You only need to 'online' while the other party is 'offline'.

But this makes it easier for them to escape.

Since Lin Mo wants to avoid future troubles forever, he can't be so reckless.

To get revenge, you must do it in one step and directly kill the other party, so that you can enjoy it.

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