"Ride my beloved little donkey, it will never be stuck in traffic~"

Mu Yun happily rode the little white donkey, shuttling through the city where the traffic collapsed.

The first natural disaster that came to the end times, the green tide.


Large areas of green vegetation have sprung up in the green belts of the city, and they are growing and spreading rapidly.

The thick vines are like roadblocks, blocking the road and blocking the footsteps of humans.

The green vegetation in the original green belt began to quickly turn yellow and decay, and it was accompanied by the smell of decay.

Their nutrients are absorbed by the crazy green vines, leaving only shriveled branches and leaves.


", what the hell! Help me! "


There were screams of people in panic and fear on the streets, all because the appearance of strange vines had caused various car accidents, and people fled around in panic, trying to avoid the vines that suddenly appeared.

The number of vines is exaggerated, and in less than an hour, they have turned the urbanization into a green ocean.

The high-rise buildings are all covered with green vines, making people feel like they are in the jungle.

As long as it is in the soil bordering the earth, it is full of these vigorous plants.

Strangely, some flower beds do not appear in potted plants, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Otherwise, the interior of those houses will also be covered with plants, and if the door is blocked by plants, it is really called unworkable every day.

The target of these vines seems to be purposeless, growing arbitrarily, and irregularly.

With superb technology, Mu Yun rode a little donkey through the green ocean.

His target is the Red Light District.

There is a very important thing that needs to be operated by Dongxin.

Come to the familiar neon flashing alleyway, which is also covered by many plants at this moment.

Mu Yun will put the donkey into the space, this is also a matter of no way, if not in the space, may come back when the time comes, the white donkey will become a green donkey.

Ignoring these crazy plants, Mu Yun knew that these plants were not dangerous for the time being, and the real danger had not yet come.

In the alley, many scantily dressed young ladies scattered and avoided.

Mu Yun saw a familiar figure, a black and white young lady.

Stepping forward to ask where Sister Lan was, Mu Yun quickly found her.

In the hall of a clubhouse, Sister Lan was fiercely holding a fire axe to chop down the vines extending from outside, and her subordinates also held various weapons, following Sister Lan to help her clear the vines.

"Old lady hacked you bastards!"

Mu Yun walked over, "Sister Lan, let the brothers stop." "

President Mu, what's wrong?" Sister Lan looked up suspiciously.

"These things can't be cut down, and it's not too late to cut them when they stop for a long time."

"Oh oh good, listen to the boss." Sister Lan nodded, "Brothers, take a break."

Everyone did so, and then looked at Mu Yun blankly, not knowing why he suddenly said to give up resistance.

"Sister Lan, find a place to talk, for the future of Dongxin."


Mu Yun and Sister Lan sat in a private room.

"Boss, if you have anything to say."

Sister Lan drank her saliva, her expression relaxed, and she was not at all nervous because so many green plants suddenly appeared on her territory.

This is also the reason why Mu Yun appreciates her more, not chaotic, calm and calm.

No wonder it was possible to establish such a force in Yunlan Heaven in the future.

Mu Yun didn't say nonsense, and directly took out a pistol and threw it to Sister Lan.

Sister Lan was taken aback, "Boss, how did you come to this thing, I saw that you came back empty-handed before."

"Don't care how I got it, protect yourself first, there are fifteen rounds in this gun."

Sister Lan is a smart person, knowing that there are some things that cannot be asked more, and then remembering the changes this morning, she knew in her heart that the way of this world was about to change.

So he decisively took the pistol into his arms, and then stared at Mu Yun seriously.

"Boss, do you know something, what should we do next?"

"Hmm." Mu Yun smiled with satisfaction, and Sister Lan's reaction was similar to what he expected.

"Tomorrow morning, these plants should stop, and fruits of various colors will grow on them, remember that you are not allowed to eat a single bite without my orders."

Mu Yun instructed Sister Lan.

"Remembered." Sister Lan replied seriously.

"Well, I'll transfer you five billion here, and you use this money to buy this fruit for me, but remember, you can't expose your identity."

"It's okay if the price can open high, and then the money will depreciate more and more, so there is no need to feel distressed."

"These weapons are left to you, as for how to arrange it, you decide for yourself, I will receive the goods in three days, and the rest will be discussed at that time."

"Got it." Sister Lan solemnly took the large wooden box handed over by Mu Yun, opened it and took a look, it was full of all kinds of weapons.

Ten M4A1s, and five thousand rounds.


Looking at the neat rows of firearms in the box, Sister Lan couldn't help but gasp.

What kind of divine is this mysterious boss!

"Take advantage of it." Mu Yun stood up and patted Sister Lan's shoulder, "And if an old man contacts you, you will take someone over." Sister

Lan took a deep breath and nodded solemnly, "En! I understand, rest assured, boss, I will definitely live up to your expectations.

After Mu Yun left, Sister Lan began to gather the people under her and ordered them to work today.

After leaving the red light district, Mu Yun left in the direction of the international caravan show.

In addition to this, it was time for the dog man and woman to settle down.


The little donkey came to the auto show hall in Dongcheng District at a gallop.

At the moment, there is no one in the empty hall, who is still in the mood to watch a car show when such a strange thing happens.

They have fled home and hidden, and some smarter people have begun to go to the supermarket to grab supplies.

The staff of the auto show are also people, and they have long run away.

The hall was surrounded by green belts, and a large number of plants were spreading towards the exhibition hall, Mu Yun did not dare to delay, and quickly put the expensive and fully functional RVs into the ring.

Since it is used for car shows, the keys on the car are plugged in, and there will be no situation where you can't drive the car because you don't have a key.

Mu Yun bought a total of ten family lightly armed three-person RVs and three large five-person RVs.

The focus of this exhibition is a double-decker villa-type RV, which is almost in size and is about to catch up with the truck.

The bathroom, kitchen, and bathroom are very spacious, and the second floor can be divided into four bedrooms with partitions, which is simply a mobile villa.

Mu Yun naturally accepted it unceremoniously.

There are a few other models in the show, three off-road vehicles, four commercial vehicles.

Although the appearance is relatively old, but the victory is in the strong performance, Mu Yun holds the principle of not wasting all of them.

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