inside the shelter.

Urgent news is playing on the TV in the living room.

A young female reporter stands in front of the camera and talks, with crazy plants growing behind her.

How to say, the background is a bit fake.

"Today, many weird green plants suddenly appeared around the world, and quickly occupied major cities, at present, nearly 10,000 people have been killed in our city, and the police have sent

a rescue team..." "Dear audience friends, please don't be afraid, just hold on for half a day, our government will send a professional rescue team to rescue, please stay at home and wait for good news..."

Chu Antian was a little worried about Mu Yun's safety, but he didn't have a mobile phone, Now he can't be contacted, so I can only pray silently.

"Mu Yun, you must not have an accident, otherwise what should I do?"

As soon as prayers were finished, the door of the shelter opened.

Chu Antian and Coco quickly came to the door, and were pleasantly surprised to find that Mu Yun had returned.

At this moment, there are already vines in the basement that have spread to the gate of the shelter, and if they are not stopped, these vines will definitely block the gate.

Mu Yun was also aware of this problem, and immediately took out two finely crafted Tang knives.

Chu Antian reacted at once.

"Coco behaved, go back and continue watching TV, my sister and your uncle went out to deal with the vines, and they will come back immediately."

Chu Antian patted Coco's head, then took Mu Yun's Tang knife and cut at the thick vine without hesitation.

"Uncle and aunt, come on!"

Coco waved her fist to cheer the two on, and then went back to the living room to watch TV.

Mu Yun smiled, closed the gate and turned to walk towards those vines, Tang Dao brandished, one after another fierce momentum rushed to the face, and in the blink of an eye, several vines that wrapped around the gate were cut off.



With the sound of sharp objects piercing flesh and skin, the vines in the basement were cleaned up.

"This is what you call the end times?" Chu Antian withdrew the Tang Dao in his hand and looked at Mu Yun with a frown.

"Hmm." Mu Yun bowed his head slightly, "The real danger has not yet arrived, take advantage of this time to adapt well."

"These plants can't be cut down no matter how they are cut, so can't they be burned with fire?"

Chu Antian frowned, if it was burned with fire, it is estimated that these vines would have been burned long ago.

"This is a mutant plant, something special." Mu Yun explained, "There is a special film wrapped around the vine, and ordinary flames can't help it at all.

"So what to do?"

"Is that all it consumes?"

Mu Yun shook his head, "This situation will only last for a while, and it will stop tomorrow morning.

"Tomorrow morning?" Chu An Tian was stunned.

"Work for one night, we must not die of exhaustion."

Ignoring Chu Antian's complaints, Mu Yun walked straight outside.

This is where to go, the appetizer of the end times, even if there is no danger to life.

"Get used to it."


Chu An Tian pouted and followed.

Walking out of the basement, the abandoned school building has been covered with vines, and no original appearance can be seen.

"Oh my God, how could this be..."

Chu Antian opened her mouth in surprise, she never thought that the end of the world would be like this.

Shouldn't it be zombies, monsters, desolate and dilapidated cities, and the smell of blood and decay everywhere?

What the hell is this vibrant scene!

"Things are the opposite." Mu Yun said lightly, without the slightest pause in his steps.

"Take advantage of this time, I will teach you some combat skills."

Mu Yun's tone was steady, and he couldn't hear too many emotional waves.

Chu An Tian pursed his lips, "You said, I do it, I don't want to be a vase, this kind of person can't live for two episodes in the last days."

"Consciousness is quite high."

Mu Yun glanced at her appreciatively, and the brain circuit Qingqi seemed to be also beneficial, at least more thoroughly than ordinary people.

Chu An Tian grinned, revealing a row of neat white teeth.

"Swords, guns, swords, halberds, these four weapons are the most suitable cold weapons for the end times, and you will know the reason later."

"Now, with ready-made weapons, you can learn the knife technique."

"Cut, cut, chop, cut, chop, stab, guillotine..." Mu

Yun began to describe the basic knife technique, while teaching Chu Antian to practice hand in hand.

Although he had Mu Yun's personal guidance, Chu Antian still stumbled to learn things, especially the basic knife technique, which was simple and easy to understand but extremely complicated.

"You just need to keep these moves in mind, and you will slowly understand them when you use them in actual combat."

"Now you, let's cut down the plants first to find a feeling."


Chu Antian excitedly held the Tang knife and played a newly learned knife flower, although it was useless, but handsome.

Take a deep breath.

She swung her knife and slashed at the plants beside her, still chanting in her mouth.

"Hack you to death, let you not play with your mobile phone, hack you, hack you..." Chu

An Tian looked serious, as if he was treating an enemy, ruthlessly, without mercy.



A few knives fell, and a large area of plants was cut off in response, thanks to the fact that the Tang knife was sharp enough, even a girl with relatively little strength like Chu Antian, it was not very difficult to cut.

"Hahaha, I'm awesome." Chu Antian jumped up excitedly.

Mu Yun: "..." I

don't know why, he suddenly felt cold behind him.


Night falls, the stars are shrouded, and the moon is high.

Chu An Tian slumped on the sofa and came to lie down with Ge You.

"I'm exhausted baby." She rubbed her sore shoulders and raised her head to look at Mu Yun resentfully.

"You said, did you mean it!"

"I don't." Mu Yun spread his hands innocently, "I'm just letting you adapt to the apocalyptic environment in advance."

"I believe you're weird!"

Just now, Chu Antian had been busy for several hours, ready to fight until dawn.

Those plants grow like no money, cut a stubble and come again, this endless scene is really desperate, if not for her strong psychological quality, it is estimated that she would have gone crazy.

Until the end, even Mu Yun was tired, and the two stopped to rest.

By the way, Mu Yun lit a bonfire at the door of the basement.

Miraculously, the plants did not continue to spread towards their side as usual, but bypassed the doorway and extended towards other places.

Green tide mutant plants are not afraid of fire, but this does not mean that they like fire.

The instinct of plants makes them stay away from the flames, and other places are more suitable for growth, so why come to your side to find abuse?

Then Chu Antian found himself being played.

"You said, obviously there is such a trouble-saving method, why not use it early."

Chu Antian glared at Mu Yun indignantly.

"This is to exercise your knife skills, didn't I also cut with you for so long." Mu Yun glanced at her lightly, "Fool." Hearing

this, Chu Antian instantly froze, hanging his little head low, and the tips of his ears quietly reddened.

It turns out that it's all for my own good....

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