Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 1053 The Great Lakes Of North America

Shen Feng and Xu Xing enjoy a luxurious life in the manor, but they also feel at ease, because they have reached a deal, and the materials they enjoy are also obtained from the big family, instead of plundering the people's fat and anointing, so it's okay to enjoy it It doesn't matter.

After a week, almost all consortiums in the New York area participated in this plan. They gathered a large number of conscripted soldiers. Those who have been killed have long been killed, so as long as you give money, you can gather a large number of troops in an instant.

Originally, only New York participated in the plan to clean up the locusts in Tom's plan, but later Philadelphia and Boston also participated in the plan, so the number of troops reached hundreds of thousands. This scale is rare in the apocalypse .

Shen Feng and Xu Xing sat alone in a car, and then headed towards the Great Lakes area. There are many fertile soils near the Great Lakes in North America. After all, there are abundant water sources here. However, in recent years, North America has encountered drought, so , The ground was extremely dry, and locusts appeared. Not only did the crops decrease, but the only crops had been eaten by locusts.

"It seems that not only China has suffered from drought and floods, but other countries have also encountered such extreme weather. Now that the Little Ice Age has appeared, it is really worse!" Xu Xing couldn't help shaking her head and said.

It was already difficult to cope with the Little Ice Age in the peaceful and prosperous age, but now when human beings are in the doomsday, the earth has entered the stage of the Little Ice Age, so extreme climates have appeared near the equator one after another. The high temperature of a few degrees can completely heat people to death, while in the north, tens of degrees below zero can freeze people to death, which is worse for human beings.

"Don't sympathize with other countries now, here is much better than China, because the plains here are much better than China, and the area is vast, as long as the locusts are cleaned up, they can eat for three to four years once they have a good harvest! "Shen Feng couldn't help but said to Xu Xing.

As the army was advancing, a lot of gunshots suddenly came from the front, and soon after the gunshots, Shen Feng couldn't help but asked the interpreter beside him, "Is there any powerful force in North America?" Enemy? Why is there a fight while marching?"

"Honorable Fengshen, this is not a powerful enemy, but a group of small thieves. As long as you clean it up, you will be fine. In North America, the biggest power will always be the big cities, but there are always people in some places who think that they They can defeat us, so they often block roads to collect tolls, and it is enough for us to directly shoot such people.” The translator quickly explained.

"It turns out that there are bandits in North America. I thought that only Eurasia has bandits. It turns out that there are such private armed forces everywhere!" Shen Feng said with a nod.

The so-called blocking tolls is actually another name for robbery. Generally, only the local government is able to block the roads and tolls. As a result, any small thief can block the road and set up a card when they reach the side of the road. These people Of course they are bandits.

Xu Xing whispered in Shen Feng's ear, "City Master, you watch too few movies. If you know western movies, you will know that there are horse bandits in many villages. A person who shoots duels at the slightest disagreement."

"I really haven't watched this kind of film much, and now I know that the western region of North America is not peaceful, but the Great Lakes should belong to the eastern region, right?" Shen Feng asked.

"I don't know about this, but it looks like we will reach our destination soon." Xu Xing said afterwards.

At this time, the army is advancing on the road. If there are blind thieves who dare to rob at this time, there are cannons in the army. As long as the cannons are fired, no matter what kind of obstacles they will be smashed.

As a result, many small thieves immediately chose to avoid the road far away after learning the news that there was an army marching, so as not to be targeted by the army and wiped out.

After a day of sailing, the army finally reached the edge of the Great Lakes. Now the Great Lakes have shrunk because the river banks have receded towards the lake.

There are many locust nests in the surrounding areas of the Great Lakes. The soil dug by these locusts forms soil bags one by one. In addition to locusts, there are also many termite nests. These termites have more advanced construction technology. High towers are formed, and usually no one lives in these places, because as long as people appear here, they will definitely be eaten by termites or locusts.

"I didn't expect that there are so many locust nests here. It seems not easy to clean them all at once?" Xu Xing couldn't help but gasped after seeing the destination.

In the past, Xu Xing thought the task was very simple. Anyway, it was just to kill a bunch of hibernating locusts. Such a simple task was easy to grasp. But when she arrived at the destination, she realized that her thinking was still too simple, because the territory was too huge, and an army of hundreds of thousands seemed extremely small on this land.

"If we rely on manual cleaning, we really can't complete the task in a month, but don't forget, my ability is specifically to affect the climate!" Shen Feng then said confidently.

After saying these words, Shen Feng flew directly into the sky, and actually began to patrol back and forth in the sky, as if looking for something.

By the time Shen Feng fell from the sky, he had already made up his mind.

"Mr. Shen, I don't know what kind of idea you have, how to kill a large number of locusts, now we can't dig locust nests continuously!" Tom found Shen Feng to ask about the situation.

"In the next few days, I plan to cause the weather to become colder. At that time, heavy snow will fall in the sky, and the entire ground will be frozen, and my men can trigger an earthquake, and the entire ground cave will be collapsed by then. At this time, the army can dig the nests sequentially, as long as the ice and snow can enter the nests, that's enough!" Shen Feng said confidently.

"It's a good idea, but can it really be done?" Tom couldn't help feeling suspicious.

"I'm sure about this, but I also need the assistance of your weather satellites. At that time, while the cold wave is heading south, I will form a huge cyclone in the sky, causing the cold wave to stay in the north, so that the ice and snow will continue. fall, the whole north will be covered with ice and snow!" explained Shen Feng.

Tom nodded and said, "No problem, I will definitely let the soldiers cooperate. I wonder when Mr. Shen is going to do it?"

Shen Feng replied, "Do it tonight!"

Tom nodded, and went off to give his orders.

After dinner, Shen Feng flew into the sky, and immediately cast his supernatural ability. The surrounding dozens of kilometers have been affected by the strong wind. A huge cyclone was formed between the howling wind, and this cyclone pulled the cold wave. It went south quickly, but stagnated near the cyclone. The collision of the cold wave and the warm front directly caused heavy snowfall.

In the middle of the night, the soldiers discovered a strange thing, that is, the temperature became more and more severe during the howling wind. Soon, these soldiers were shivering from the cold, so they could only hide in tents to keep warm. In the middle of the night At that time, heavy snow fell from the sky.

Fortunately, there were enough materials in the army, and soon someone distributed napalm for heating. Don't ignite these napalm, and you can generate heat for a long time.

Xu Xing hid in the tent and looked at the map. This was the first time she had come to the Great Lakes region. The Great Lakes appeared very small on the map, but when she got here, she realized that the lake region was too vast. She wanted to do this Cleaning up the surrounding locusts is definitely not a simple matter.

Fortunately, there is a blizzard falling in the sky at this time. After the blizzard falls, it will kill the insects on the ground. Countless insects will choose to hibernate in winter. This is their means of survival. Entering hibernation in winter can reduce Energy consumption in the body, and shoveling the eggs into the soil, they can grow in the spring.

But the natural enemy of these insects is the extremely low temperature, no matter how deep the insect eggs are in the ground, they will be frozen to death by the ice and snow.

Shen Feng maintains a cyclone in the sky and cannot come down for a short time, but he

You can get in touch with the ground through the walkie-talkie you carry on your body.

"Mr. Shen, please hold on in the sky. We will clean up the locusts as quickly as possible. Don't leave during this period. If you need any supplies, we will send them to the sky by helicopter. Yes!" Tom said to Shen Feng.

"As long as I can continue to give me supplies, then I can continue to maintain the existence of the cyclone in the sky, but you have to send me supplies as soon as possible, because I consume a lot of energy, if I starve , I just fell to the ground!" Shen Feng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, we will send the supplies to the sky immediately!" Tom said quickly.

In the next few days, the army began to clean up the bug nests on the ground. Most of these nests are locust nests. You only need to dig the entrance of the locusts, and then the ice and snow will naturally pour into the holes. No matter how many locusts there are, they will be frozen to death by the extremely low temperature.

In the process of cleaning up the bug nest, Xu Xing performed the best, because Xu Xing also knew very well that the reason why Shen Feng agreed to this deal was because of her own emotions. She hoped to bring the national treasure home, so Shen Feng only agreed, so Xu Xing couldn't let Shen Feng work hard alone, she also had to work hard.

When Xu Xing started to make a move, her action was very simple, that is to let all the people around leave, and she stepped on the ground with one foot, and the whole ground would start to roll, forming waves of waves. Extending away in the distance, all the bugs under the ground were shaken out, and finally appeared on the ground, and the ice and snow would cover these bugs in an instant.

"It's amazing, so this is the strength of the Chinese supernatural beings? It's so strong!" After seeing this scene, many soldiers were very surprised, because they had never seen such an efficient cleaning. Way.

But in the ensuing conversation, the topic has obviously gone off track.

"I heard that this beauty from Asia is not married yet. If you behave carefully, you may be able to win her favor!"

"This kind of thinking is completely nonsense. How can a supernatural being like ordinary soldiers like us? I heard that women in Asia are very realistic. Even if they like foreigners, they like to be rich and handsome. of."

"If you just give up like this, then the opportunity is mine alone, because I have strong capital!" An old black said, and he moved his waist while talking, as if he was showing off something.

The soldiers were already shocked by the strength of Shen Feng and Xu Xing, and their confidence doubled at this moment.

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