Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter One Thousand And Fifty-Four

With the help of Shen Feng, blizzards kept falling on the ground from the sky. The snow on the ground was at least four or five feet deep. Such deep snow could completely freeze a person to death, but the same bugs hiding in the ground Once encountering ice and snow, insects will be the first to be frozen to death.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the soldiers quickly cleaned the ground. As long as they found the nest where the locusts were, they would soon dig it up and let the snow into it. The melted snow would freeze the locusts to death in an instant underground.

Tom and the heads of several consortiums also discussed that the original Great Lakes area did not belong to them, but after the end came, the local organization had collapsed, and in the end there were only a lot of gangs left. Now Their army has arrived here, and they can take over the Great Lakes area.

"I suggest that several major cities in the east will jointly manage the Great Lakes area in the future, and the food produced in the future will be enough for us to unify the entire North America again!" Tom said to several consortia.

"Your plan is very good, but we didn't expect that Fengshen, who is far away in the east, could be invited by you. This is really a great thing! It will be of great help to our next actions. In the Great Lakes There is actually very fertile soil in the north, and there is no one to take care of it now, why not take this opportunity to snatch the apprentices from the opposite side." The rest of the consortium leaders said greedily.

The Great Lakes region is actually not just the lighthouse country. There is another country on the opposite side, that is, Canada in the north. However, in the end of the world, the northern countries have already collapsed first. Now the land of the Great Lakes in the north is not managed by anyone. It is also a good way to snatch this opportunity. After all, their ancestors made their fortunes by robbing, and now there is no problem in robbing the opposite land.

Tom nodded when he heard the plan, and said, "Although this plan came up on the spur of the moment, it is indeed executable, but there is one thing, I want to remind everyone here that we need to increase investment in the future. Know what you think?"

"Isn't it just to increase investment? We followed suit!" Afterwards, a consortium expressed the need to increase investment.

Right now, these consortiums have seen the benefits of acquiring land. As long as they can snatch enough land, they will be able to control a lot of food in the coming apocalypse, especially in the area around the Great Lakes where there are many plains, which can be used to produce agriculture. It is very suitable. The abundant water resources can prevent them from being affected by the drought. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity to snatch more apprentices, they can have a better future, and the family behind them will definitely agreed.

Shen Feng didn't know that his task had become heavier. For the past few days, he had been floating in the sky, communicating with the people on the ground through the walkie-talkie, and there were helicopters delivering supplies to Shen Feng's place every day. Around me, these supplies include a lot of drinking water and food, as well as books to relieve boredom.

Human beings are always social animals, so human beings need social activities to avoid mental illness. When Shen Feng was floating in the sky, there was no one to communicate with. Even if he used a walkie-talkie, he couldn’t get a cold reply. , In this case, you need to read a book to relieve loneliness.

However, when the plan to clean up the locusts was being carried out in an orderly manner, many soldiers on the front line discovered an abnormal state. The reason was that when some soldiers were cleaning the area by the lake, they suddenly found a strange-shaped animal. This animal was abnormal. It is tall and can reach a height of 5 meters, but after seeing humans, it does not fight, turns around and runs away, and disappears when it gets into the water.

"There are monsters in the lake. These monsters seem to have very little courage. As long as they see humans appearing, they will immediately hide in the lake." A soldier reported this incident.

After the officers in the army heard about this incident, they immediately paid attention to it, and then set up many cameras by the lake to capture the images of these monsters. If they find that these monsters are a threat to humans, they will not hesitate. to strike.

However, after the army's cameras captured the images of these monsters, they became happy after analyzing them, because they all discovered what this strange animal was.

Of course, they are mutated beavers.

There is a very strange animal in North America, which is the beaver. This kind of beaver has a very strange appearance and looks nondescript. It looks like a mouse, but it is not a mouse. This kind of beaver is a vegetarian. Strictly speaking, it likes to plant trees For food, and likes to cut down trees and build dams.

A long time ago, people living in North America discovered that beavers were cutting down trees, and they regarded beavers as a killer of natural ecology, because cutting down trees would lead to soil erosion. This is a well-known thing, but in follow-up research, scientists It was discovered that these beavers actually cast dams, which is conducive to the formation of swamps. With swamps and wetlands, water is easier to preserve. The wetland system is called the "kidney of the earth" and has a very important impact on the climate. Ever since, after understanding this point, scientists immediately began to call for the protection of beavers so that the beavers can recover their populations, but unfortunately it was too late.

Beavers have been slaughtered for many years as the killer of the ecosystem, and finally suffered a severe blow. Later, some unscrupulous businessmen discovered that the beaver's fur is very smooth and can be used to make high-end clothing, so for profit, Many hunters began to hunt beavers, and later the population of beavers was difficult to recover and became an absolute protected animal.

"Immediately inform all the soldiers that beavers are not allowed to be hunted, and must be protected. These beavers can build dams, which have a positive effect on the local ecosystem, and they are not allowed to destroy the nests and dams made by beavers." The army immediately issued an order. An order was issued prohibiting soldiers from harming these mutated beavers.

The mutated beavers still exist as vegetarian animals and have not changed their habits. Moreover, although this animal has a huge size after mutating, its fear of humans has not disappeared. Therefore, after these beavers saw humans, the first He chose to run away for a while, not daring to get along with humans at all.

The profiteering soldiers discovered this, and then became greedy, because these people know that the fur of beavers is one of the raw materials for high-end clothing, and as long as they can kill beavers, they can get rich rewards. Now such a huge temptation Right in front of them, of course they took the military order as nonsense.

"Such a good opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of us, how can we let it go? As long as we quietly kill a beaver, we can get a lot of money, and we can get rid of the status of poor people in the future." Some soldiers quietly said Coordinate beaver hunting operations.

As a result, these beavers suffered in the following time. Originally, these beavers had been hiding in the nests after they built the dams and nests and never came out. Human confrontation.

But humans don’t want to let beavers go, not only because beavers are harmless, but also because the fur on beavers is so valuable, as long as you peel off a piece of skin and bring it back, you can get countless money and even become a middle class.

So, during the day, people pretended that they didn't see the beaver, but at night, the soldiers would find the beaver's lair with the direction they remembered, remove the dam directly, and then find the beaver's lair. Kill the beavers in the den and take them away, regardless of whether they are old or young.

"It's really a bunch of gangsters who are greedy for profit. If you find an endangered protected animal, you will be the first to protect it in China. I didn't expect that in North America, they would hunt and kill them wantonly, and the higher-ups would ignore them. What a gangster!" Xu Xing saw this. After the scene, he couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

The interpreter beside her didn't dare to say more after hearing these words, because if these words were heard by the soldiers, they would definitely arouse the soldiers' resentment.

The protection of wild animals in China is very serious, and it is only in the end of the world that they can be killed casually. If it were changed in the past, once someone dared to arrest animals, they would definitely be imprisoned, but this is not the case in North America. People support all kinds of laws on the surface, but they violate them secretly. During the day, they remember the location of the beaver's nest, and in the middle of the night, they start to make extra money. After killing the beaver, they peel off their fur on the spot, and then Bring back.

But in the hearts of many soldiers, this kind of earning

There is no problem with the way of extra money, because they have lived like this for hundreds of years, especially in the end, many poor people rely on hunting to obtain meat, and now they just killed a strange prey. , it's no big deal.

Xu Xing used to have a lot of good feelings for North America, because he had heard that it has beautiful scenery, and the culture and technology are very prosperous, and everyone in a powerful country would like it.

But when she actually came here, she felt disgusted because she suddenly found that this country was full of immoral behaviors such as plundering and hunting. Even the beaver, a harmless protected animal, would be cruelly killed. In the past, there were people who shamelessly traded their own national treasures. It can be said that the people here are greedy and shameless. If it wasn't for the national treasures, she wouldn't be bothered to stay with these scumbags.

Of course, the current leaders of these consortiums don't care about the small troubles of their subordinates at all. Anyway, for them, as long as they can get the land, it is worth paying any price. As for the soldiers hunting Beavers, anyway, humans have already extinct many creatures, and beavers are not bad.

There are continuous blizzards in the sky, and when these blizzards fall to the ground, thick snow is formed, and countless insects are frozen to death in the snow, but the same human actions will be hindered, but even Being hindered, the soldiers are also working enthusiastically, because they all know that as long as they perform well, they can get rich rewards.

In this case, the disaster of the soldiers came.

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