Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 1055 Good And Evil Will Be Rewarded

After discussions with consortiums in big cities such as New York and Boston, they all made an important decision, that is to clean up the land along the Great Lakes and kill all the locusts on it, so as to obtain precious land to grow food, With food, you can only grasp the lifeline of ordinary people.

As a result, these consortiums are rare and generous. They have given generous rewards to the soldiers who participated in this operation. These rewards are enough to allow them to be promoted after the end of the war. However, after these soldiers received generous rewards, Still not satisfied! They set their sights on dam-building beavers whose fur is so valuable that it can fetch a good price just by peeling it off.

So, during the day, these soldiers pretended to work, and used their excellent performance to gain the approval of the officers, so as to get higher pay. At night, instead, they went to the beaver's lair and found the beavers. Kill it later.

These shameless soldiers called their actions "earning extra money" because they all regarded war as a job. extra money.

Poor beavers themselves have become endangered protected animals, but in the apocalypse, their environment has not become better, but they have encountered merciless slaughter by humans.

Countless greedy humans used the fur of beavers as a tool to make money. After killing the beavers, they immediately robbed them of their fur to keep out the cold. Some people even became rich by hunting beavers.

But these evildoers will always meet their revenge. There is a doggerel that says, "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the way of heaven is like reincarnation. If you don't believe me, look up and see who will be spared."

When many soldiers were hunting beavers in full swing, strange symptoms suddenly appeared on these soldiers. Countless people took the beaver fur after hunting with them, because it was a precious property, and if it was lost, It will inevitably cause huge losses, and some people even sleep with their arms around these furs.

As a result, a disease suddenly attacked the army. There is a special virus on these fur. Falling asleep in my arms, I have to touch it sooner or later, so the virus infected humans like this, and began to spread.

After the soldiers were infected with this kind of earthquake, their skin began to itch all over their bodies. In this case, they could only scratch continuously to relieve the itching. After all, this is the easiest way to relieve the itching, but as their scratching , but the body has not stopped itching, the skin on the body began to fester and fall off, and the whole person became extremely ugly.

Originally, people in the army were very dense, and they inevitably rubbed against each other when they were sleeping. In this way, the virus was transferred from one person to another. As long as the patient's skin was touched, the person would die. It is very likely to be infected with the virus, and large pieces of skin on the body fall off. In an instant, the entire military camp fell into panic.

Countless people are afraid of getting sick, because they are afraid that their skin will fall off. Humans have three layers of defense, the first layer of defense is the skin. Once the skin is damaged, the body's immunity will inevitably go wrong. .

After discovering this strange infectious disease in the army, they immediately started an investigation. They wanted to know where the infectious disease came from. They were all burned to death.

However, after careful investigation, the army discovered that the reason why these viruses appeared was because some soldiers quietly killed the protected animal beavers. After these beavers mutated, they had a strange virus in their bodies. It will not have any effect on beavers, but when it comes to humans, it will cause skin inflammation, which will cause the skin to fall off or abscess.

So, after the army discovered this, it immediately began to confiscate the beaver fur in the hands of the soldiers. Even if they knew that these furs were very expensive, they would have to burn them. These things are the source of infection. If the beavers had not been hunted and killed , then any problems on the soldiers will not appear.

In the end, the soldiers who hunted and killed the beavers were severely punished. They were isolated together and treated with special drugs. If they could not be cured, they would be sent to the outside to be doused with gasoline and burned to death, because this is the solution to infectious diseases. best way.

In addition to the pain and suffering they suffered, these soldiers who committed crimes were also severely criticized by others. Almost everyone pointed their finger at these soldiers who made extra money, because their irrational actions would make the whole The army was in danger, and some excited soldiers rushed into the ward and shot at these sinners.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now, things have already happened, and the infectious disease has spread in the army. It is impossible to clean up the locusts at this time, and the army's actions have been forced to stand still.

Shen Feng thought things were going very well in the sky, and then as long as he was responsible for forming a cyclone, thick snow would continue to fall from the sky.

But at this time, Shen Feng received unexpected news that a virus had appeared in the army, and now he had to stop and rest, and he could only continue to act after the virus was over.

Shen Feng never expected this kind of thing to happen. Obviously things went very smoothly, but now there is a sudden virus attack. What does this mean?

"I have long heard that there are many strange viruses in North America, most of which escaped from the laboratory, and now it seems that this is indeed the case." Shen Feng thought silently in his heart.

Now that the army has stopped moving, it doesn't make sense for Shen Feng to continue floating in the sky. He can only descend from the sky.

After Shen Feng landed from the sky, Xu Xing came up immediately, and then explained the situation, "City Master, these people are doing their own thing. Recently, someone discovered that there are beavers near the Great Lakes. Although this kind of wild beast has mutated, it is not harmful to humans. Instead, it will build dams, which is beneficial to humans. As a result, these people hunted beavers for their fur, and as a result, the beavers were infected with a virus. It killed humans, which led to the emergence of infectious diseases in the army!"

"It seems that this is the inferiority of the Onsa race. They are cruel and hypocritical, but I don't know how long we will spend here!" Shen Feng said helplessly.

In Shen Feng's original plan, he only wanted to stay here for a month, and after a month, he would get the news, and then take the national treasure to the place where he could find meteorites and alien materials, but looking at the current situation, one month The time was simply not enough to clear the ground in the area around the Great Lakes.

"Otherwise, you stay here for treatment first, because I see that the illnesses of these soldiers will not be cured for a while, you tell me the information about aliens first, and I will bring them back first, don't worry , I am very trustworthy, and I will definitely come back in the future.” Shen Feng directly approached Tom and told him his purpose.

It's a pity that Tom immediately refused after hearing what Shen Feng said, because he knew one thing very well, that is, Shen Feng's ability is now their greatest weapon. Encountered difficulties.

"Mr. Shen, please don't say such things. In the future, we will definitely use the fastest speed to control the infectious diseases in the army. Please believe this. There are sufficient means to deal with viruses and bacteria in North America." In order to keep Shen Feng, Tom said hastily.

"I believe that you have sufficient means to control the spread of the virus, but I also want to make it clear that I really don't have much time at this time. I must complete the task immediately and then return to China, so a month's time is really too tight , I’d better complete the task of searching for alien information first!” Shen Feng explained seriously.

"The guy who took the data away is very far away from here, and he lives in a very dangerous area. You can't complete the task in a short time. Let's concentrate on cleaning up the locusts. I promise I will give more Shen, so as to keep Mr. Shen you." Tom said seriously.

"Then what kind of gift are you going to use to keep me?" Shen Feng then asked.

"Of course, it is the Chinese cultural relics that have been lost in other places. I will send a precious cultural relic every more than 10 days.

Objects are absolutely priceless, even if Mr. Shen wants to evacuate a museum, then we will agree! "Tom replied seriously.

Xu Xing whispered next to Shen Feng, "Chancellor, our glider cannot carry too many items!"

As a result, this sentence was actually heard by Tom on the side. After all, everyone is a supernatural being, and their hearing is very keen. It is normal to hear whispers.

Tom then said, "It's okay, I'll send you a private jet at that time, you can fly directly from here to China, and you can carry as many cultural relics as you want!"

Tom's current plan is very simple, which is to keep Shen Feng at all costs and not let him go to other places, not to mention whether Shen Feng will just leave, if time is delayed, then the plan to wipe out the locusts Another delay.

Now the consortiums in big cities such as New York have joined together, and they all want to occupy the surrounding areas of the Great Lakes, produce food, and then control the lives of ordinary people, but now if Shen Feng leaves, their plan will go bankrupt, so No matter what, Shen Feng must be allowed to stay. As for some cultural relics that are taken away, just take them away, it doesn't matter anyway.

Shen Feng and Xu Xing discussed it, and it seems that this is the only way to do it now. After all, the news channel is in the hands of the other party. The other party has not revealed the whereabouts of the aliens. They have no way to find them. Now they can only pray for this virus. The attack passed quickly.

"Since this is the case, then I can only believe that you can control the spread of the virus. Fortunately, this time the virus is transmitted by contact. As long as the patients who are quarantined at the water source are controlled, these soldiers will be cured soon." Shen Feng also had no choice but to say helplessly.

Shen Feng really felt that these North American armies were completely self-inflicted. If they didn't covet the benefits brought by the fur, they wouldn't have caused this series of subsequent accidents. It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now.

Where the troops in the Great Lakes region have passed, basically all the beavers have been killed, the dams built by the beavers have been dismantled, and their nests have been destroyed. It was going to be extinct, but fortunately there was a turning point at this time.

There is a special virus on beavers. This virus will not cause any impact on beavers, but humans will get sick once they come into contact with it. This is a zoonotic disease. It is because of this virus that Successfully dispelled the soldiers' thoughts about beavers. five

Countless soldiers have died from the infection of the virus. The first time these soldiers saw beavers was not how to kill them, but how to avoid them so as not to cause disease.

In this respect, the reason why beavers can ensure the continuation of the population is thanks to the viruses that host them.

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