Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 2 Hell Comes To Earth

Facing the accusations of more than a dozen people at this time, Chang Jianyi felt a little panicked, and looked at the junior lying in his arms, feeling even more uncomfortable. However, the more you are in a desperate situation, the more you can stimulate people's potential. Chang Jianyi spotted the paper cutter beside him, held one in his hand, pushed out the blade, and said sharply: "Who wants to drive us out? If you have the ability Come here, believe it or not, I cut your carotid artery with a knife? Tell you, I am a medical student!"

As soon as these words came out, the dozens of people in the hall were indeed shocked. Of course, the deterrent effect of words is not enough. The main thing that can deter them is the paper knife in Chang Jianyi's hand. This thing can kill people anyway. I was really injured by accident. There is no doctor or medicine in this place, so I might die.

Seeing Chang Jianyi showing a fierce side, the man in the suit who spoke first just now smiled and said: "Sister, listen to me, I just said in the text message that it is very likely that you will become a zombie if you get wet in the rain. With more than a dozen lives, you can't soften your heart just because he is your boyfriend."

The woman on the side also explained: "Sister, my husband was also caught in the rain just now, and suddenly something went wrong. If I hadn't run fast enough, I would have been bitten by him too, so, for your own safety, you You should have given up on your boyfriend too."

Chang Jianyi's brain was running fast, and he said calmly: "The text message only said that he may become a zombie, or he may not change. Besides, my junior just has a fever, which is different from turning into a zombie, which proves that he has not been killed. Infect!"

"Sister, you said that you are a medical student, but we don't understand what you said. What if this kid turns into a zombie at a slower speed? Isn't it just as dangerous?" the woman said.

Chang Jianyi held the paper cutter tightly, which is an important weapon for self-protection: "When we ran over just now, two zombies also rushed out of the side room, which proves that people who are not exposed to rain can become In addition, if you go online and check for yourself, zombies also appeared in cities without rain, which means that the possibility of zombies appearing has little to do with rain, my student just caught a cold! He just has a fever!"

"Fever is not normal. You see, he is a big guy with such a good physique. How could he catch a cold after being exposed to the rain for two minutes? According to me, he must be infected with a virus that turns into a zombie, so the fever is the proof! The man in the suit insisted that Shen Feng was infected with the virus.

Chang Jianyi continued: "My junior stays at home all the time, and basically doesn't exercise at ordinary times. His physique is not good. It's not impossible to catch a cold!"

"Can the cold reach the current level? You saw it. You fell down not long after entering the door. It is difficult to speak now. What kind of cold is so serious? Don't struggle, you can stay here, but your man Friends have to go out!" The man in the suit said loudly.

Chang Jianyi was at a loss for words at this time, and didn't know what to say, but if she had a knife in her hand, then everything would be fine. At this moment, she was sitting on the ground holding the knife in both hands, and she was still leaning against Shen Feng, who had a high fever, in her arms: " If you want to drive us out, it's murder, and now there are zombies outside, no matter where you run, you will die! I will not be separated from my junior, whoever wants to drive us out, I will fight with my life."

Immediately, the situation at the scene froze, and the few people on the opposite side did not dare to come forward to forcibly expel them. After all, the other party had a knife in his hand, but if he did not expel him, once this kid turned into a zombie, everyone here would probably be wiped out up! The most important thing is that this little girl is not ready to separate yet. Doesn't she know that her boyfriend has become a zombie and she will be the first to bite?

Chang Jianyi held a knife in her hand, confronting people not far away, she was also very nervous at this time, usually her junior is an otaku, hiding at home or in the dormitory and basically never going out, but she herself is not the same, Except for necessary things, I basically don't go out for a walk, and my physical fitness is not very good. If the other party really made a move, she couldn't resist it.

At this moment, a man in his forties in overalls stood up and said, "Listen to me, both of you, this place belongs to our logistics company, and I'm their team leader, so strictly speaking Get up, this place is our territory, you are all outsiders! You have no right to drive people out of our territory!"

While the team leader was talking, there were eight people in overalls standing behind him. The situation was self-evident at this time. The workers of the logistics company were the biggest force here. Not qualified to drive other people away.

Hearing this, the man in the suit had an ugly expression on his face, but Chang Jianyi felt a sense of gratitude in his heart. He never expected that someone would stand up and speak for him at this time. There are so many good people. Of course, with the support of the workers now, that is to say, the two of them can stay here!

However, what the team leader said afterwards made Chang Jianyi feel bad, because what the team leader said was: "However, we can't just watch the danger and ignore it. Wujian, you pick one to live in, and don’t go downstairs if you have nothing to do! If he doesn’t turn into a zombie, then forget it, but once he turns into a zombie, we lock him up, how about it? No problem, right?”

The people around quickly said: "No problem, no problem, it's really no problem to be locked in the utility room."

The team leader continued to say generously: "Of course, there is a high probability that this little girl is not infected, so it's enough to lock this young man up. What do you decide?"

It seems that the team leader's meaning is very simple, that is to lock Shen Feng up alone to prevent Shen Feng from turning into a zombie that cannot be dealt with. As for Chang Jianyi, he only needs to stay together. Shen Feng was completely powerless and fell into a coma. Once he decided to be locked up, he couldn't resist.

Chang Jianyi didn't wait for other people to agree, and said directly: "No, no matter where I go, I will be with my junior, you don't want to separate us."

From Chang Jianyi's point of view, the junior gave him his coat at the risk of getting caught in the rain, so as to avoid getting caught in the rain, but he himself developed a fever due to the rain. If these people lock up the junior, Then I have nothing to rely on.

A hint of helplessness flashed in the team leader's eyes, and he said, "Then there is no other way. For our safety, we can only let the two of you go to the utility room. If you think about it clearly, you might die if you go there!"

After saying that, several workers came up, holding folding stools and table legs. If Chang Jianyi did not submit, they would force them. Facing the eight big men with weapons, Chang Jianyi had no choice but to make a final request: "You can lock us up, but the water and food must be guaranteed! Otherwise, you will murder us!"

The team leader spread his hands helplessly, and said, "How can we have food and water here? There is water on the tap, but there is no food at all!"

After all, Chang Jianyi is also a college student, so she is not so easy to deceive. She pointed to the hills of couriers not far away and said: "Don't lie to me, a large part of these couriers are snacks, as long as you take them apart, there is no need to eat them. Lack of food, one or two months can always survive, in short, if we don’t give me food and water, we won’t go up!”

Today's online shopping is very fast, and many people use online shopping to buy snacks. Therefore, in the logistics center, there is still no shortage of food, because you can get food just by unpacking the express delivery.

The team leader saw that the college students in front of him were not easy to deceive at all, so he stopped pretending immediately, and said in a cold voice: "Ah Qiang, Ah Hua, find some food and water and send them up so that the two of them are not allowed to go out if they have nothing to do. , There is a way to heaven, you don’t go, and there is no way to hell, you break in!”

Chang Jianyi has already seen clearly after what happened just now. This so-called team leader is a duplicitous guy. While pretending to be a good person, he wants to solve himself and his juniors effortlessly. It's really sinister. However, she didn't change her mind. The best way is to either go out, or go upstairs and be locked up.

In the end, Chang Jianyi had no choice but to walk into the utility room on the second floor with her junior on her back. Aqiang and Ahua each held two packages in their hands and threw them in. Afterwards, they closed the door of the utility room. Jianyi looked at the empty room, except for all the tools, there was only a pile of cardboard, and these things did not even take up a quarter of the room. Fortunately, there were windows in the utility room, so she could see the outside scene. After carefully observing the outside, he found that the road was full of zombies walking around. There are still trapped zombies in some cars, but they can't open the door, so they are locked in the car.

Looking into the distance, there are people running on the street, and zombies have been chasing after them. Someone upstairs made a small flag and waved it out of the window, as if reminding that there are still people alive here, come to the rescue quickly. Of course, there are also people who stayed at home, but were killed by family members who turned into zombies, and then became the food of zombies. Few people could stand up after being bitten by zombies.

Chang Jianyi was also a medical student at any rate. After observing for a while, he found something abnormal. The movements of these zombies were really too slow and purposeless. "This means that they are all thoughtless, and their nervous system is damaged, so they can't control their bodies. Their vision is not good enough, and they don't chase after a little distance. However, their sense of smell seems to be extremely developed."

At this time, Shen Feng, who was lying on the ground, opened his mouth and said weakly: "Sister, I want to drink water, I want to drink water!"

Chang Jianyi saw tap water not far away. It seemed that the only source of water for the two of them was tap water, but there was no container at present. Fortunately, there were a few discarded mineral water bottles in the corner. Chang Jianyi cleaned it and connected it to tap water , to Shen Feng's mouth.

The workers in the logistics center didn't throw any water in, so Chang Jianyi only had tap water to drink.

Shen Feng immediately drank a bottle of tap water, and then continued to close his eyes tightly, seemingly falling into a coma. Chang Jianyi touched the junior's forehead, it was still hot, this is really abnormal! If it's a cold, it's really too serious, right? Moreover, with such a high body temperature, shouldn't the fever be over 40 degrees? Will the brain burn out?

Suddenly, Chang Jianyi thought of an important content. In fact, fever is a way for human beings to defend themselves. They raise their body temperature to kill the viruses that enter the body. After the viruses are all killed, the body temperature slowly drops. Therefore, the body temperature of human beings will remain stable. Now that the student is having a severe fever, does it mean that his body is killing the virus that enters the body?

It was not enough to always lie on the ground, Chang Jianyi quickly put a coat on Shen Feng, and then moved a cardboard not far away, and let Shen Feng lie on it. Just after finishing this, the cell phone in Shen Feng's pocket rang, and Chang Jianyi quickly took it out to answer it: "Hey, who are you looking for?"

A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "I am Shen Feng's father, and I have something to say to him."

Chang Jianyi looked at Shen Feng lying on a stack of cardboards, and said in embarrassment: "Uncle is good, Shen Feng has a fever and can't talk now, do you have anything to tell me? If he wakes up, I'll pass it on to him."

However, a middle-aged woman's voice came from the other end of the phone, saying: "I am Shen Feng's mother, girl, who are you from Shen Feng? Are you safe now? At this moment, you But don't go out!"

Chang Jianyi looked at the locked utility room. Even if she wanted to go out at this time, she couldn't get out, so she said helplessly: "Hello, Aunt, we are still safe now, don't worry, I am from Shen Feng." Senior sister, the two of us are together now!"

When Shen Feng's mother heard this, she felt a little relieved, and said: "It's good to be together, it's good to be together, I finally have a companion by my side, you must take care of your health, we are here in Rongcheng, the country will definitely Those who are rescued, if you persist for a while, the country will definitely not give up on you. We don’t have to worry about it here.”

Hearing these words, Chang Jianyi felt a little comforted in her heart, "Well, I believe we will be saved in the end."

However, a female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, my younger brother is now free from your care, and our whole family will thank you. Of course, I also hope that you will be together forever and never leave."

After saying this, the call was cut off suddenly. Chang Jianyi found out that Shen Feng's parents seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of "together" she just said, and it was the same with those people downstairs just now. There is no need to explain so much to strangers, but now being misunderstood by Shen Feng's parents, it's a bit wrong.

After being reminded by Shen Feng's parents, Chang Jianyi also quickly called her parents, but no one answered. Immediately, Chang Jianyi had a bad feeling. Could it be that something happened to her parents? She didn't dare to think about it, so she quickly called her younger brother who was in elementary school, and the call was successfully connected. The younger brother's voice came from the phone: "Sister, help, there are many monsters outside."

Chang Jianyi quickly said: "Xiaojie, just wait, my sister will definitely..."

Before Chang Jianyi finished speaking, the phone was automatically disconnected. The mobile phone signal was too unstable at this time. After all, there was an outbreak of zombies, and there were too many people calling, so the connection would be disconnected if not careful. For this, Chang Jianyi was very helpless, and continued to call, but she couldn't get through at all. After a long time, Chang Jianyi completely gave up making calls, because the mobile phone signal was gone, and it was impossible to get through if she continued to make calls.

Chang Jianyi thought of something, and quickly turned on the switch in the house, only to find that the power was cut off in the house, that is to say, she was completely unable to understand the information outside because of the power outage!

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