Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 3 Ambition

Chang Jianyi placed the cardboard in the corner of the room to form a cardboard bed. Shen Feng was lying beside her, and she was curled up beside her, full of panic, and now she was particularly worried about the situation outside , was even more worried about the situation of her family. However, when it came to the situation, she herself was not much better. She and a junior student who was comatose with a high fever were locked up, and the water and food did not know how long they could last.

Chang Jianyi also hopes to be rescued, but she also knows that zombies have broken out all over the world, and rescuers may not give priority to rescuing herself.

Suddenly, Chang Jianyi remembered the problem of the water source, so he acted immediately. Now that the network and electricity are cut off, if the water is cut off, it will be really desperate. Fortunately, there are two tin buckets in the utility room, which can be used to hold water. Anyway, she dare not drink the rainwater outside, which probably contains a lot of viruses. Fortunately, Chang Jianyi responded in a timely manner. After receiving a bucket and a half of tap water, the water source was also cut off! No more water came out of the tap.

"Is it really the end?" Chang Jianyi thought pessimistically in his heart.

In the past, when Chang Jianyi heard about the legend of the end of the world, she still thought it was nonsense. Now that the technology is so advanced, how could the end of the world happen? I am afraid that this will only happen when many countries drop nuclear bombs.

At this moment, Chang Jianyi could only observe the outside through the window. The rain had stopped, but the number of zombies had not decreased. In the distance, some lights could be vaguely seen, perhaps the light of a flashlight, or the light of a candle. In short, the scene of bright lights is gone. Since the beginning of the electrical age, Luzhou has always been brightly lit, but now the city has been plunged into darkness for a long time.

"Senior, I want to drink water." Shen Feng woke up again, but he was still weak, and his eyes could only be opened a crack. Through the faint light outside, he could see that the face of the always confident senior was covered. It was full of sorrow, but he couldn't look at it for too long. After drinking the water, he fell into a coma again.

Shen Feng felt like his head was going to explode, his whole body was so hot, and it was accompanied by severe pain. He felt that he was going to die, but he didn't know why, he didn't want to admit defeat, he didn't want to die in such an unknown way, so he struggled while suffering. He felt weak all over his body, whether there was still severe pain coming, he didn't know how long he could last, and he didn't know how long this state would last.

Shen Feng felt as if he had fallen into the boundless darkness. This feeling was really bad. He couldn't see the light, couldn't hear the sound, his whole body was in pain, and sometimes he felt like there were ants biting his body. , It was extremely uncomfortable.

Although it was summer, Chang Jianyi was only wearing short sleeves, and it had just rained outside, so she felt the cold. Chang Jianyi couldn't fall asleep because she was cold and worried about her own situation, so she could only curl up in a corner, looking extremely helpless.

The cold continued to invade, and Chang Jianyi gradually couldn't stand it anymore. In the end, Chang Jianyi saw Shen Feng lying beside her. She had no choice but to hug her scorching junior to keep warm, hoping that Manman Chang Ye could pass by soon. "If I had known, I would have asked for some clothes, but now I can't go out!" Chang Jianyi thought silently.

Chang Jianyi stretched out his hand and touched Shen Feng's forehead. He couldn't help being a little surprised, and said in his heart, "It's obviously over forty degrees, right? Can he still hold it? Such a high temperature, normal people are I can't bear it. However, the virus will probably be killed, right?"

Chang Jianyi hugged her junior, and could feel his heavy breathing, which showed that he was in pain at the moment, but what else could be done in the current situation? We can only wait for rescue!

Shen Feng's body has been running a high fever, and Chang Jianyi also has someone to keep warm. Although it is unsightly when hugging his junior, but for keeping warm and for being able to survive, he can't care about these now, anyway, others Can't see what's in the house.

The two spent the night hugging each other, Chang Jianyi was able to rely on his feverish junior to keep warm, but Shen Feng was different, he was still in a chaotic situation, his brain was like a paste, he couldn't remember anything clearly, The only thing I can think of is that there seems to be a senior sister next to me. If you want to drink water, you can call her, and if you want to eat, you can call her.

So, early in the morning, Chang Jianyi was woken up by the junior in his arms, and he said weakly: "I want to drink water, I want to eat, senior sister, help me..."

The water is easy to deal with, but Shen Feng doesn't even have the strength to chew. The beef jerky in the package was delivered to his mouth, and he couldn't chew it and swallow it. Chang Jianyi looked very anxious, and hurriedly searched for other food, but found that the softest food was also Shaqima, this kind of thing, if the student didn't chew it, he would definitely not be able to swallow it. However, if you can't replenish your energy, how can you carry it through? After all, fever needs energy.

Chang Jianyi thought silently: "It would be great if you were a fat house. With so much fat on your body, you will definitely be able to survive, but you don't have any fat on your body!"

Of course, on second thought, if it was a fat house, Chang Jianyi would not have invited them out. After all, walking side by side on the street, most people would say, "Flowers stuck on cow dung, wild boars on Chinese cabbage "Although Shen Feng is a bit of a coward, as long as he doesn't speak, he is a cute and handsome guy who everyone loves when he walks on the street, and no one can talk nonsense.

"Senior sister, save me..." Shen Feng continued to murmur, he no longer has his own consciousness at this time, he is only relying on his subconscious to ask for help.

Chang Jianyi suddenly thought of a way. Now that the situation was urgent, she had no choice but to do so, so she sent Shaqima to her mouth, chewed it up, and fed it to Shen Feng. This time, Shen Feng swallowed it smoothly. After all, it has become liquid food, but Shen Feng is still very hungry. Seeing that it was useful, Chang Jianyi could only continue to feed his junior. In short, he had reached the current point, and it was impossible to watch him fail to resist the virus because of insufficient energy.

If the resistance to the virus fails and the body temperature fails to kill the virus in the body, Shen Feng may turn into a zombie.

"You bastard, let me do such a shameful thing, when you wake up, I will make you double compensate me!" Chang Jianyi thought silently in his heart.

Chang Jianyi herself has never had a boyfriend, so she has never even had a kiss. Now at this time, in order to protect Shen Feng, she can only sacrifice her innocence. In short, at this moment, Shen Feng must be rescued first.

When staying in the room with nothing to do, Chang Jianyi always likes to look outside and see how people outside avoid zombies. She checks her mobile phone from time to time to see if she has received news of the country's rescue, and if she can The solution to zombies.

It's a pity that the Internet has also been disconnected, and it is obviously very difficult to get the latest news from the Internet!

Three days passed without knowing it, and on the fourth day, Shen Feng still had a high fever, but when Chang Jianyi carefully felt the temperature of his forehead, he could still keenly discover that Shen Feng's fever had subsided a lot. No, the temperature on his forehead is dropping, which means that Shen Feng is about to recover. During this period of time, Shen Feng can survive thanks to Chang Jianyi's considerate care. Every bit of food he eats is "second-hand". Otherwise, Shen Feng would have starved to death.

In these days, the country’s rescue has not yet come. People in the city have already started to save themselves. Many people rushed out with food and clothes in their cars as a family unit. However, only five of these people One-third of them were able to get out of the city smoothly. Chang Jianyi could see clearly from the second floor that the condition of the roads was not good. What's more, there was a car accident, which made the road full of scattered cars. If you want to rush out of the city, you will probably be blocked by these obstacles, and you have to consider whether you will be surrounded by zombies.

Zombies can't avoid vehicles, they don't even have consciousness, they will pounce on the advancing vehicles, the final result is that the zombies will be hit by the car, and the speed of the car will be slowed down, and the dark black blood of the zombies will Blocking the line of sight, many people were slowed down and intercepted.

Fortunately, the zombies can't open the car door, they can only bite around the car, but how could the animal's mouth bite open the steel? They had no choice but to stay around. Now, these people can be sentenced to death, because once they open the car door, there is only one dead end, but if they don't open the car, the food and water sources will only be consumed.

After much deliberation, it seems that staying at home is the safest, but if there is no rescue, it can only be a slow death. Chang Jianyi was thinking about how to leave Luzhou after the junior recovered. It seemed that he could go down the river by boat after leaving the city. The provincial capital should be the earliest aid target? As long as he arrives in Yuzhou, it is equivalent to being rescued, but his brother is still in the city, so it is impossible to abandon him, right?

"Otherwise, take the junior to the school to find the younger brother, and then leave? But this is really too dangerous, right?" Chang Jianyi thought silently in his heart.

On the fourth night when the zombies broke out, Chang Jianyi hugged her junior and fell asleep as usual. As a result, at this moment, she heard a small sound. When she listened carefully, the direction of the sound source turned out to be the utility room Someone is opening the door in the dark!

In the past few days, Chang Jianyi and Shen Feng stayed in the room and did not go out. Of course, the door was actually locked, and it was impossible to go out from inside! But at this moment, someone is quietly opening the door while the moon is dark and the wind is high!

Chang Jianyi didn't dare to imagine who the people outside were, because no matter who was opening the door outside, it represented danger. She immediately rushed to lock the door and resisted it, shouting: "Who is outside?"

Chang Jianyi thought that she and her junior were the people outside to be wary of, so she didn't lock the door. Who would have thought that at this moment, someone would want to sneak in? What are they coming in for? Do you want to kill to avoid future troubles?

A deep voice came from outside: "Sister, don't be so loud. I am the team leader Zhou Changkun. You haven't slept well for so many days. You must be cold? I'm here to deliver clothes for you. These are famous brands. Clothes, if you wear them, they must look good, open the door quickly!"

Zhou Changkun is of course the team leader of this logistics center, and it was he who suggested to lock Chang Jianyi and Shen Feng together.

"Why don't you come during the day to deliver the clothes? It's late at night, what are you worried about?" Chang Jianyi's vigilance appeared when he heard that the team leader of the logistics company was outside the door. The junior was locked up, and now he still wants to play tricks, do you really think that I am not deeply involved in the world?

"Sister, don't be nervous. If I send you clothes during the day, other people will definitely disagree. They are all afraid of zombies. I am kind-hearted and don't want to see you suffer, so I help you quietly. Let's be honest. , I just came here to deliver clothes!" Zhou Changkun said in a low voice.

It's simple, but it's not so simple once the door is opened. Chang Jianyi is not so easy to deceive, and said directly: "Put down your clothes. After you leave, I will take it by myself and put it at the door. Anyway, I won't let you in."

Seeing that the other party was not easy to deceive, Zhou Changkun had no choice but to use a unique trick, and said directly: "Sister, don't blame me for talking too much, your boyfriend, I'm afraid he can't survive without medicine. I opened the express today and found out Two bottles of antipyretics, as long as you meet my conditions, these two bottles of medicines will be yours, think about it clearly!"

Zhou Changkun has already spotted the weakness of this little girl, isn't she her boyfriend? Now that the medicine is in his hands, isn't this little girl at his fingertips? This is wisdom, you can't force it, you have to coax and lie, and when you get to bed, you can't control anything else!

"What conditions?" Chang Jianyi thought of the medicine in the other party's hand, and asked with the disgust in his heart.

Zhou Changkun didn't hide it, and said: "I think you are young, and I don't make things difficult for you. I want you to do things you can't do. As long as you are willing to stay with me for one night, these two bottles of medicine will belong to you. Don't worry. I am a person who is absolutely trustworthy, and I will never lie to anyone!"

Chang Jianyi cursed: "You are a hungry ghost, you want to lie to my old lady, go to hell! Let me tell you, even if I die here, I won't want your medicine!"

Zhou Changkun sneered: "You bitch, why are you still pretending to be arrogant? Let me tell you, you will give up sooner or later. There is not much water and food in it, right? If you don't agree with my conditions, I will starve you to death inside!"

After saying this, Zhou Changkun walked away, and Chang Jianyi slowly returned to the cardboard bed, feeling ashamed. She never thought that the danger came not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Someone actually took a fancy to her If he agrees with his body, he might really be put on the bed by the guys outside. In this way, he will really lose his innocence!

Zhou Changkun walked to the stairs, and the man in the suit was already waiting here, and asked, "How is it? Did it work?"

Hearing what the man in the suit said, Zhou Changkun said angrily: "If it succeeds, will I come back so soon? I've enjoyed it a long time ago. What's your idea? That little girl is determined to die."

The man in the suit has hooked up with Zhou Changkun now, and the two of them are working hand in hand, planning to make a career in this troubled world, so the two of them first fell in love with Chang Jianyi, such a pure girl, I am afraid that she has not yet been human, so watery Of course a tender woman has to succeed, so she started to threaten and lure her, but she didn't expect Chang Jianyi to see this clearly, so she just wouldn't be fooled.

The man in the suit said helplessly: "Then we can only wait until the little girl is hungry. If you don't believe it, she will not give in."

"I think so."

After speaking, the two laughed hey hey, both thought they would succeed.

Zhou Changkun knew very well that the food he had someone throw in at that time was actually not much, and there were two people inside, and it was estimated that there would be no food in a few days.

Zhou Changkun thought of Chang Jianyi's figure, with protruding front and back, fair skin, and not bad looking, if he could get it, he would die without regret, but it's a pity, before going out to spend money, you can meet There are only women in their thirties and forties, who have no charm at all.

At the same time, Chang Jianyi hugged Shen Feng and said in a low voice: "Student, what should I do?"

Chang Jianyi refused the harassment just now, but as soon as she thought of the danger she might encounter in the future, she felt sad. Before, she was thinking about saving her younger brother and finding her parents, but now it seems that she is completely unable to protect herself, and she is still worried about others , is too naive.

In the dark night, Chang Jianyi felt the sinister heart for the first time. This world was obviously not like this before, but as a result, zombies broke out, the world was in turmoil, and all kinds of people appeared! Obviously everyone is in the same boat, but someone is staring at him with good intentions. Chang Jianyi became more and more frightened. She was always worried that if someone broke in from the door, wouldn't she just be ravaged by that kind of greasy middle-aged man?

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