With the car as an obstacle, the speed of the zombies really slowed down. However, the people in the battle group couldn't stand the attacks of these zombies one after another, and the speed of waving the steel bars was obviously slowed down. It was noon, and the construction site also started to eat, so the work was temporarily suspended.

The zombies didn't hear the sound anymore, and they gradually dispersed. However, in just one morning, two thousand zombies had been killed, and the people in the battle group felt their arms were sore. If there was such a level of fighting in the afternoon , they are about to strike! Of course, if there is a strike, I am afraid that they will be suppressed by force. Thinking about the horror of the president and vice president, they can only grit their teeth and continue to work hard, hoping that they can become evolutionaries in the future. In this way, the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved promote.

While eating, Shen Feng was looking at the construction results on the construction site, and couldn't help frowning. The construction in one morning did not even complete a quarter of the expected one-fourth. Finished, the main problem is that the people in the battle group can't stand it anymore, and they can fight for another afternoon at most!

Chang Jianyi came to Shen Feng's side and asked, "Look, can the plan continue? There are really too few people in the combat team, but once people are dispatched to fight, the construction progress will be even slower !"

Shen Feng frowned and said: "Twenty days have passed since the zombie outbreak. Your brother's current situation is not clear whether it is safe or dangerous. Moreover, the plan has already begun to be implemented, so we can't give up halfway, otherwise there will be no chance next time." Already!"

Looking at the potholes on the construction site, Chang Jianyi felt powerless. It seemed that time and manpower were not on her side. Next, what should I do?

Afterwards, Chang Jianyi looked at the people who were eating in the distance, and she knew very well that these people were not lazy, and they were really digging hard. You know, even a few professors in the school went to battle in person, and their suits were already stained with mud, and the people in the hotel were all old and weak. Even if they came to the construction site, they might not be of much use!

"Vice President, what are you worried about?" At this moment, Yu Renshu also walked to Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi's side. Her body was also covered in dirt. It could be seen that no one can avoid work. , the female doctor is about to start working.

Shen Feng took a closer look at what Yu Renshu was wearing today. At this time, she was no longer wearing a white coat, but was wearing a knitted sweater on her upper body, slacks on her lower body, and sneakers on her feet. It is not gorgeous, but it still fits her well of.

Chang Jianyi saw that the junior was staring at other women, couldn't help coughing, and said, "The progress of the construction is too slow, but the combat team is already extremely tired, what can you do?"

Yu Renshu didn't mind being stared at by Shen Feng, and then she said slowly: "I can see that you want to create favorable terrain to deal with the zombies, but the zombies will always come to obstruct you in the process, but, you guys Have you ever thought that we don't necessarily need to deal with the zombies! As long as the zombies don't come and harass us!"

"You mean? To lure the zombies away?" Shen Feng shook his head and said, "Impossible, the playground is surrounded by cities on three sides, so the zombies will come from three directions, and the construction site makes a lot of noise , Ordinary voices can't attract the attention of zombies."

"The sound is not loud enough, the movement is not loud enough, so you can't attract zombies, right?" Yu Renshu continued: "Then, why don't we think of a way to make a bigger noise? As long as the zombies are attracted by a bigger noise Attraction, then the pressure on the battle team here will be greatly reduced, and the people in the battle team can also join the ranks of building fortifications!"

Shen Feng heard this, and found that what Yu Renshu said was indeed a good idea, but this idea was not perfect, because attracting zombies in the city, if you are not careful, you will be surrounded by zombies. It's a zombie that can't run even if you want to, like a tide, it's like a nightmare!

"So, who is going to attract the zombies? Are you going to show off?" Shen Feng asked back.

"How come, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. I still know this truth, so I am giving you advice now!" Yu Renshu slowly took out the map from behind, pointed to a nearby point and said: "One kilometer away, there is a Buddhist temple, and what is the thing that can make a sound in the Buddhist temple?"

"Bell!" Both Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi realized that there were bells in Buddhist temples. Normally, they would not be rung in order not to disturb the people, but at this time, it was the best thing to attract zombies. As long as the nearby zombies hear this sound, it is conceivable that all the zombies will chase after this place!

Chang Jianyi frowned and said, "However, even if we enter the Buddhist temple, the zombies will immediately surround the temple. Then, how can the person who rings the bell escape?"

Yu Renshu shrugged, left the map and left, leaving a sentence: "I'm just responsible for coming up with ideas, but I'm not responsible for considering the follow-up, so don't ask me about other things, I don't know anything!"

Shen Feng looked at the map on the ground, picked it up slowly, and said to Chang Jianyi: "I'm going to ring the bell, I'm an evolutionary, and I have a high probability of running away, so you are here to direct the construction, I'll go over there to attract zombies, and if it goes well, I'll be back at dusk!"

Chang Jianyi hurriedly hugged Shen Feng and said, "Don't go, don't go, if the construction can't be completed today, we can continue the construction tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, so don't take risks!"

"What are you worried about?" Shen Feng pretended to be relaxed and said: "I have not attracted zombies once or twice, and it is not difficult to attract zombies now!"

Chang Jianyi hugged Shen Feng's waist and didn't let go. She was afraid that if she let go now, Shen Feng would leave immediately. She said sadly: "I'm afraid of becoming a widow. You know, before attracting zombies, they were all in the suburbs. At most, it is on the edge of the city. The number of zombies is not particularly large, but this time you are going to the city. Once you ring the big bell, it means that you may be surrounded. Then, how do you run? There are thousands of zombies Come rushing over, even if you are an evolutionary alone, it is impossible to resist."

Shen Feng quickly comforted: "I know it's dangerous, but our chance is really fleeting, we delay day by day, only your brother will suffer, and I'm not unsure, because you sent me The samurai sword has already been sharpened, no matter what kind of zombies I am dealing with, I can fight! As for dealing with ordinary zombies, I can move between street trees, don't worry!"

"Where is there a street tree in the Buddhist temple? Don't lie to me, it's really dangerous for you to attract zombies now!" Chang Jianyi said sadly, she didn't want to watch her husband go out to take risks.

Shen Feng hugged the senior sister and said softly: "If it is dangerous, tomorrow's action is still very dangerous. I am going too. Sooner or later I will take risks. Let's make an agreement. If there is no danger by tomorrow morning When you come back, you bring people to rescue me, I promise, I will hide on the roof and wait for you!"

"Well, attracting zombies is second, and the most important thing is that you must protect yourself! Don't die, otherwise, my life will be meaningless!" Chang Jianyi finally compromised, knowing that Shen Feng was about to To take risks, she still can only watch helplessly.

Afterwards, Shen Feng gave some instructions to the combat team, and then left with his sword in hand. Now, his samurai sword has been sharpened. When chopping zombies, it’s like chopping melons and vegetables. Of course, no matter what What a sharp sword, after a long period of use, it will eventually break, and at the last moment, it will also break!

Shen Feng hurried towards the direction of the Buddhist temple. He was always moving above the canopy of the tree. Although the zombies under the tree could see him, they couldn't catch up. Therefore, Shen Feng kept moving on the tree, but the zombies still couldn't get him. Shen Feng was lucky, there were no mutant zombies along the way.

If there are mutated zombies chasing Shen Feng, Shen Feng's progress will not be so smooth.

Finally, after advancing up the tree for 20 minutes, Shen Feng arrived at the gate of the Buddhist temple. After that, he quickly climbed over the wall and entered. There is a pavilion on the high platform of the Buddhist temple, and inside the pavilion is a big bell made of bronze. When Shen Feng saw the big bell, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that he didn't make the trip in vain!

Looking around, there were only a few scattered zombies, probably the tourists and monks in the temple before, these zombies could not threaten him, Shen Feng quickly went to the high platform after judging his current situation. Pull the bumper and hit it on the bronze bell, "Dang", a loud sound spread far away, and immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding zombies.

"Dang!" Shen Feng continued to ring the bell. He knew that the sound of the bell could only attract zombies for a while, so the zombies would only come if they kept ringing the bell. Moreover, there is a wall around the temple, so that if zombies want to enter the temple, they can only enter through the door!

"Dang", the bell continued to ring, which not only alarmed the zombies, but also the nearby residents. They hadn't heard the bell for a long time. Generally speaking, the bells in the temple would ring only during festivals. , otherwise, they generally would not hit them. Once it is considered a nuisance to the people, the temple will also be interviewed by the relevant departments.

In a nearby three-story building, a girl opened the window to look at the Buddhist temple, and at the same time shouted behind her: "Mom, come and see, someone is ringing the bell!"

A middle-aged woman in her forties rushed to the window, looked at the young man who was ringing the bell in the Buddhist temple, and said helplessly, "Isn't this young man looking for death? If he dared to ring the bell to attract the attention of the zombies, wouldn't he?" Aren't they going to be surrounded?"

"All the zombies have really gathered!" The girl exclaimed. After hearing the bell, all the zombies in the surrounding streets rushed towards this place, not only the nearby streets, but even those in the distant streets. The zombies have all come in this direction.

Zombies were densely packed. Looking upstairs, it was like watching a piece of soybeans rolling, and these soybeans were nothing more than the heads of zombies. There were at least a few thousand zombies walking on the street, and zombies from afar were also gathering.

After the zombies gather, a tide of corpses is formed, because as far as the eye can see, the densely packed zombies have formed an ocean, walking shoulder to shoulder on the street, every action is like the tide hitting the rocks, the endless zombies are They are coming here, and their goal is Shen Feng who rang the big bell.

The sound of the bell also spread around the construction site. After hearing the sound, the zombies walked towards the Buddhist temple in a daze. As a result, the zombie crisis around the construction site was eased.

Chang Jianyi didn't dare to miss this opportunity, and hurriedly directed everyone to continue to work, but she couldn't let down the opportunity Shen Feng finally created, and at this moment, she must seize the opportunity to rush to work. Otherwise, it is a waste of time.

Chang Jianyi left one person to stand guard outside the baffle, and the other fighters joined the ranks of digging. With the addition of fresh troops, the progress of the project was finally much faster. However, Chang Jianyi was somewhat worried, what if something happened to Shen Feng? This time, he was facing endless zombies like a tide!

However, Chang Jianyi's worry did not come true, because the bell was ringing all the time. Although there were occasional intermittent situations, the bell still kept ringing. The bell sounded like an encouragement to everyone, and it kept going.

Once again, the bell stopped for half an hour. Chang Jianyi suspected that something had happened to Shen Feng. However, half an hour later, the bell continued to ring, and the people present were also encouraged to dig the ground hard. , they all know that the president is now attracting zombies from a distance, how can he waste the good opportunity he created at this time?

"You're quite courageous, but I don't know if you can survive!" Yu Renshu couldn't help thinking in her heart when she heard the bell.

In fact, when this suggestion was put forward, Yu Renshu was wondering whether Shen Feng would send someone to the Buddhist temple, but now it seems that he went out in person. One rushed out to face it, no wonder he was able to become the president.

However, Yu Renshu then looked at Chang Jianyi, who was directing, and thought silently in her heart: "It's really a talented woman with a clear division of labor. Shen Feng dared to go all out, and she also insisted on her plan. It seems that my cooperation with them It's no problem."

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