When Shen Feng was ringing the bell, zombies kept pouring in from the gate of the temple. These zombies kept attacking Shen Feng, and Shen Feng had to fight the zombies after the bell hit, although he could cut it down with just one knife. The heads of ordinary zombies, but there are too many zombies, forcing him to deal with them carefully.

The most dangerous time was when a speed zombie appeared behind Shen Feng. At that time, this small zombie was hiding under the high platform. When Shen Feng hit the bell, he went forward and attacked. Fortunately, Shen Feng was at that time. Hearing the sound of the wind, he escaped the fatal injury, but was still scratched fiercely at the waist.

Afterwards, Shen Feng turned around and took care of the speed zombie. In normal times, he could have chopped off the zombie's head and taken it away. fight. Due to too many zombies, the threshold of the gate of the temple was broken.

"Dang!" Shen Feng hit the bronze bell again, making a deafening sound. He knew that he couldn't stop the impact, otherwise, the zombies would disperse again, and by then, the construction site would be in danger.

Seeing that there were more and more zombies, a strong zombie rushed into the temple, chasing Shen Feng, but Shen Feng had to fight with this zombie. After half an hour, he finally succeeded in killing it . However, this also means that the bell stopped for a while, and Shen Feng hurriedly continued to strike.

Zombies keep appearing and rushing up the high platform. Today's zombies are no longer the kind of things that can't climb stairs. Their mastery of the body has risen to a higher level, and the way of attack has become much faster. It seems that zombies will also gradually learn to evolve. If the zombies are always walking dead, there will be no danger at all. However, if the zombies continue to mutate, it will lead to terrible consequences.

Unknowingly, the land under the high platform has been covered by zombies, because all the killed zombies were kicked down by Shen Feng. Shen Feng did a rough calculation, and he had killed nearly 200 zombies, but, For the zombies that were like tides in the distance, these two hundred were nothing.

Shen Feng took the time to look at his watch to confirm the current time. As a result, only two hours have passed until now. If this continues, more and more zombies will rush into Shifo Temple, and they will also become stronger. Shen Feng also felt a little tired.

Before he knew it, Shen Feng's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his breathing became heavy. He felt that there was a strange breath in his body that was about to burst out, which made Shen Feng's head a little bit. Pain, he felt bad.

"Could it be that after killing so many zombies, I'm going to have a mental problem? It shouldn't be!" Shen Feng had to stop now, because he was worried that his mental problem might occur. Ever since he became an evolutionary, Shen Feng has been feeling that something is wrong in his body, but he can't tell what's wrong.

At this moment, many zombies have been killed, and Shen Feng thinks that he is gradually becoming tyrannical. If he continues to kill zombies, he may really become a mentally ill patient as the senior sister said.

At this moment, a strange sound came from outside the temple, and Shen Feng hurriedly looked. However, he found that a section of the temple wall gradually began to collapse. At this time, Shen Feng could already see the densely packed zombies outside the temple!

"Boom", the wall fell to the ground and made a heavy sound, and the zombies behind the wall showed their true colors. The row of zombies standing in front were not ordinary zombies, but a group of potbellied guys, the most eye-catching The only thing is that these zombies have swollen stomachs, as if they are sick. Their mouths are constantly spraying light green liquid, and the masonry on the wall seems to have been corroded, so the wall will fall down so easily.

"Mutated zombies!" Shen Feng felt something was wrong. He didn't expect that new mutated zombies appeared at this time. These zombies' fighting abilities were not strong, but the acid they spewed out could definitely corrode the walls.

Even the walls were corroded by the acid and collapsed. Shen Feng had no doubts about the power of the acid. If it was sprayed on the face, it would disfigure the face on the spot. If it was sprayed on the eyes, it might cause blindness in the end. !

"It seems that after these zombies have mutated, there is a lot of stomach acid in their bodies, and the acidity has been strengthened, so they can spew out so much liquid, but is this too exaggerated?" Shen Feng began to speculate about the current situation. The reason for the formation of zombies, but no matter what, his situation is already very dangerous.

The collapse of the wall made it easier for the zombies outside the temple to enter. In an instant, hundreds of zombies rushed in inside the temple. Now, Shen Feng let alone continue to ring the bell, and now he can't even protect himself. Somewhat dangerous.

Shen Feng looked around, at this moment, he had to protect himself.

At this moment, Shen Feng saw the main hall not far away, and suddenly had an idea, it seemed that striking a wood was not necessary to ring the bell. Shen Feng killed two zombies blocking the way, and climbed up to the top of the hall from the position of the pillars. The zombies chased after them, but they couldn't climb the wall, so they could only linger under the hall.

The roof of the Buddha Hall is an old-fashioned brick structure. Shen Feng picked up a tile and threw it in the direction of the bronze bell. "Dang", the bell continued to ring, but the sound was obviously not loud enough. After all, the weight of a tile cannot be compared with the weight of the wood.

After reaching the top of the Buddha Hall, Shen Feng's situation is finally a little safer. After all, at this time, ordinary zombies can't catch him, and mutant zombies have not appeared yet, but because of the existence of the bell, it is still There are a lot of zombies wandering around.

The IQ of zombies is not high, they only follow the direction of the sound to act. And Shen Feng stood on the top of the main hall and kept throwing tiles, which immediately attracted the zombies to the high platform, and could only bite the big clock in vain, but obviously, it was impossible for them to destroy the big clock.

While throwing the tiles, Shen Feng began to think about how he should run next. The road when we came here is obviously dead, the road is full of densely packed zombies, it is impossible for these zombies to disperse in a short time, so we need to find a shortcut, otherwise once we fall into the crowd of zombies, the will be torn apart in an instant.

Shen Feng has great strength and can throw tiles or bricks like a baseball, and his accuracy is not a problem, because every tile or brick can hit the bronze clock.

Soon, the tiles on the top of the Buddha Hall lost a large piece, and Shen Feng could directly see the golden Buddha statue in the hall from above. From Shen Feng's perspective, the eyes of the Buddha statue were closed, as if he couldn't bear to look directly at the world Painful, but in fact this is what the designers did on purpose.

Under normal circumstances, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have lowered eyebrows. In this way, it is nothing to look at from a distance, but when you kneel down and raise your head, you will find that the Buddha statue is staring at you. This is a psychological hint. , indicating that the Buddha is looking at you in the sky.

Shen Feng didn't understand Buddhism either, but he had torn down someone's roof after all, so he could only say: "Buddha blesses me, if I can escape today, I will definitely return the tiles to you in the future!"

In fact, Shen Feng was also looking for a psychological comfort. He couldn't really place his hope on an empty Buddha. If the Buddha really existed, why didn't he show miracles? Why not just kill all the zombies present? So, at its root, if you want to survive, you still need to rely on yourself.

At this time, Shen Feng saw the buildings around the Buddhist temple. On both sides of the main hall, there are actually wing rooms, and the eaves between the two are connected. Looking at the distance, there is a gap between the buildings. The distance between them is not very far. It seems that they can move on the roof, but after leaving the Buddhist temple, there is a section of road without street trees. In this way, Shen Feng will inevitably fall to the ground, and then he still has to face a lot of zombies .

"Let's take one step at a time, at least for now, we still have to continue to attract zombies here." Shen Feng said to himself.

There are too many zombies, and there is no lack of mutated zombies. Some strong zombies did not catch Shen Feng on the roof, but killed ordinary zombies in the crowd and ate their brains Lose. The acid-spraying zombies had no scruples and began to eat the corpses of the zombies.

Shen Feng watched the fight among these zombies, and felt a little depressed. Although the ordinary zombies are dead, the mutated zombies will become stronger. In the future, if the ordinary zombies disappear and all the mutated zombies are replaced, then The problem is serious.

Finally, at dusk, Shen Feng also understood that his task had been completed, and the construction progress on the construction site should have improved a lot after attracting zombies for a whole day, so he also needed to retreat here. Speaking of retreat, The temple is already densely packed with zombies, not only ordinary zombies, but also mutant zombies.

Shen Feng knows that these mutated zombies are all intelligent, so they haven't made a move yet, not because they are kind-hearted and want to let him go, but because they are afraid of their own force and want to attack when they show their flaws .

However, Shen Feng didn't want to stay here anymore, so he started to move on the roof of the temple. Now he can also temporarily fly over the walls, because the distance between the buildings here is relatively small, as long as Shen Feng jumps hard, then It is possible to reach another roof, but it is impossible to leave the temple. The distance between the outer buildings is more than ten meters. Such a long distance, only Spiderman can move smoothly.

Afterwards, Shen Feng came to the wall that had not yet collapsed, looking for the next foothold. Fortunately, although there are no street trees around to settle down, there are still telephone poles. Moreover, now that the city has been cut off, there is no threat of electrocution when climbing a utility pole, just to get to the other side of the street through the cable.

So Shen Feng immediately climbed onto the pole, grabbed the cable, and moved with the help of the cable. Shen Feng began to pray in his heart: "The cable must not be disconnected, if it is disconnected, I will fall into the crowd of zombies."

Perhaps Shen Feng's crow's mouth appeared. At this time, he looked back inadvertently, but found a strong zombie grabbing the jet zombie. They were standing next to the electric pole. Not long after, the jet zombie The acid began to be sprayed honestly, and the acid immediately began to corrode the utility poles.

Seeing this scene, Shen Feng was immediately stunned. Seeing the behavior of these two zombies, he couldn't help blurting out: "The zombies are still cooperating, what's the matter?"

Shen Feng then looked at the group of zombies below, and could only see heads looking up one by one, and the mouths of these hateful zombies were growing, as if they were waiting for Shen Feng to fall from the cable above. Shen Feng didn't dare to stay any longer, and quickly grabbed the cable to move.

Now it's time to race against time. Once you fall into the crowd of zombies, you will definitely be bitten to death. At that time, even the whole body will not be left behind.

However, at this moment, seeing that Shen Feng was about to run away, the strong zombie couldn't help but get a little impatient, kicked the jet zombie away, and then started shaking the telephone pole. The telegraph pole is made of concrete with steel bars inside for support, so it is difficult to break it for a while, but it is difficult for Shen Feng, who is holding the cable on it, to move forward.

However, at this moment, the strong zombie became so ruthless that it began to hit the electric pole with its head. Suddenly, the electric pole could no longer support it. It had been corroded by acid for a while, and then it was shaken for a long time. The impact immediately caused the utility pole to fall sideways.

Shen Feng was caught off guard, his body fell down uncontrollably, and fell into the crowd of zombies in an instant. The zombies rushed up with claws and claws, ready to have a big meal. This scene was seen by the surrounding survivors. They thought that Shen Feng, a man with outstanding martial arts skills, would be able to escape successfully, but now, they are still about to die .

The surrounding area is a residential area, and all kinds of buildings are very far away from Shen Feng, and the people in the residential buildings have no intention of helping. After all, tens of thousands of zombies are besieging. If they are surrounded, they can only Went to see the Buddha.

The moment he was surrounded by zombies, Shen Feng aroused his desire to survive. Even in the crowd of zombies, Shen Feng didn't want to give up his life, so he resorted to the "Night Fight Eight-Fang Hidden Knife Style". He closed his eyes and slashed around. Of course, this slapping move was also very effective. In an instant, there were fewer zombies around Shen Feng. But then the zombies continued to charge up.

However, at this moment, a strong figure rushed out from the group of zombies. This zombie had already set his sights on Shen Feng's brain, so after breaking the electric pole, he rushed towards Shen Feng directly. Along the way, the ordinary zombies standing in front of the strong zombies were knocked away, and what's more, they were knocked into the air.

"Boom", after the strong zombie rushed over, it punched Shen Feng in the chest. In an instant, Shen Feng's body was blown into the air. He is very physically fit, so the strong zombie didn't interrupt him. However, Shen Feng couldn't breathe at this time, the blood in his mouth surged, and in an instant, blood spewed out.

Shen Feng's body flew away like a broken kite, and then hit the residential building heavily. After that, the strong zombies continued to rush over. He couldn't wait to enjoy the food now.

Shen Feng looked at the strong zombies that were getting closer, as well as the ordinary zombies that were like a tide, and his strong will to survive began to burst out. Then, an unknown force began to surge on Shen Feng's body, and then, Shen Feng slowed down. Standing up slowly, the clothes on his body rattled, as if there was a wind blowing, but at this moment, there was no wind in the street!

The strong zombie rushed in front of Shen Feng and punched out. The target was Shen Feng's head. As long as it hit the head, Shen Feng would definitely die.

At this moment, with Shen Feng as the center, suddenly, a gust of wind radiated to the surroundings, forming a whirlwind around Shen Feng, and the strong air pressure instantly rolled up the ordinary zombies around, and the pace of the strong zombies was also affected. affected.

"Huh—" The whirlwind disappeared after only one breath. However, all the zombies within five meters around Shen Feng disappeared, and the previous zombies were all blown away!

At this time, the strong zombie had already arrived in front of Shen Feng, and punched him. Shen Feng dodged sideways and stabbed the strong zombie's chest with a knife. pieces.

The strong zombie fell to the ground, and the rest of the zombies continued to surround him, and Shen Feng also felt exhausted. After the whirlwind appeared just now, Shen Feng felt his body became weak. After finally killing the strong zombies, he had reached his limit now.

"Am I going to die?" Shen Feng thought in a daze.

However, at this moment, a rope hung down from above, and a female voice appeared from above: "Hero, come up quickly!"

Shen Feng looked up, but found a girl on the third floor of the residential building opened the window and was yelling at herself, and the rope was naturally put down by her, Shen Feng didn't have time to think, grabbed the rope and quickly went Climbing up, after arriving at the window, he climbed in forcefully, then collapsed on the ground, dressed roughly, and finally survived among the zombies.

At this time, Shen Feng was extremely weak, and he had already consumed a lot of energy to climb up just now.

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