When the mountain-like sea beasts surrounded the fleet again, almost everyone felt hopeless. Although they only lost more than 20 comrades in arms yesterday, the most morale-destroying loss was the loss of a frigate. On the other hand, on the side of the sea beasts, except for the great white shark that was injured, the other two sea beasts are all fine, and they can almost be regarded as in full condition.

Ever since, many people pinned their hopes on the reinforcements, thinking that as long as the reinforcements arrived, the current crisis would be resolved to some extent.

At this time, there are still soldiers praying in a low voice: "The people in the Ability Management Bureau are all experienced people. With their support, they will definitely defeat these sea beasts. I heard that Lord Fengshen is also here. Lord Fengshen There must be a way."

When some supernatural beings from the Tianxuan Bureau heard this, they couldn't hold back their face. They praised other supernatural beings in front of us. Isn't this a slap in the face?

However, the people in the Tianxuan Bureau also know that it is useless to show off at this time, because they really need to get support right now, otherwise, they really can't even save themselves, and they are talking about salvaging meteorites .

The ammunition consumption of the fleet is serious, and the fighter jets that took off yesterday also consumed a lot of gasoline and ammunition, and the energy consumption on board is particularly serious. At this time, the propeller of the ship was still entangled in plastic, and I couldn't walk even if I wanted to. In this case, I could only ask others for help.

The cruiser is also urgently calling for reinforcements, "How long will it take for you to arrive? The situation here is already very dangerous!"

"There are still two hours. You must persist for more than two hours. When the time comes, hand over the battlefield to us!" Such an answer finally came from the intercom.

There are still two hours for the reinforcements to arrive, so the Tianxuan Bureau and the fleet still need to persist for a while. After getting this answer, the commander finally breathed a sigh of relief, if it is only two hours , that can still hold up.

However, at this moment, the three sea beasts started to attack at the same time, and all of them started to display their abilities. The turtles were swaggeringly approaching the ship. The frigate could only keep firing shells to stop the turtles from approaching. Unfortunately, after yesterday After a whole day of consumption, the ammunition on these ships is no longer enough, and the firepower today is obviously not as fierce as yesterday.

The squid's tactics are still the same as before. First, it sprays out a stream of ink to cover its figure, then dives again, and after casting its power, it uses strong acid to attack. The strong acid wraps the hull of a frigate and begins to corrode.

If the battle is on land, let alone three sea beasts, even thirty sea beasts are no problem. These sea beasts cannot be opponents of humans, but now the battlefield is at sea, and the weaknesses of humans are obvious. As long as the ships are lost at sea, there will be no foothold. Therefore, the squid's tactics are the most vicious. As long as the ships are destroyed one by one, then the human beings will have no foothold, and the balance of victory will be completely tilted towards the sea beasts. .

As for the Great White Shark, it didn't pretend to be any more at this time, and it also started to display its abilities. Suddenly, a lot of plastic appeared in the surrounding sea water. After these plastics condensed, they turned into a big hand, and began to grab the deck of the ship.

Everyone in the Tianxuan Bureau saw this scene, and immediately realized that the Great White Shark's ability is indeed to manipulate plastic!

Previously, no one had ever had the ability to manipulate plastic. For this kind of man-made object, it seemed that the ability would not favor it. But now that the facts were in front of them, everyone could only believe the situation before them, that the Great White Shark could manipulate plastic.

Gong Changfa took out the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly: "Members of the Tianxuan Bureau, let's do it! Lin Xi, use supernatural powers to wrap the hull, so that the ship cannot be corroded!"

The situation is bad now, and the only hope of survival is to stick to it for two hours, and wait for the arrival of reinforcements. In order to persist, the supernatural beings can no longer hide their secrets, and they have to show what they have in the bottom of the box. !

Gong Changfa has no idea. Although there are many supernatural powers on his side, many of them are not suitable for fighting. The few supernatural powers that are suitable for combat may not be able to show their true strength at sea. Therefore, the next battle situation , Gong Changfa did not dare to expect too much.

The great white shark controlled the plastic particles in the seawater to condense into palms, and began to sweep towards the ship. The great white shark was also very greedy. The first target of the sweep was the cruiser. There were hundreds of soldiers on the cruiser. As long as the soldiers could be swept away, Then most of these soldiers will die in Huangquan.

"Shua", the big plastic hand was five or six meters thick, and swept across the cruiser. Even fighter jets couldn't stop such an attack, and swept down the deck on the spot.

Gong Changfa rushed forward at this moment, punched the center of the plastic palm, and shouted: "Chaos and disorder!"

"Wow...", Gong Changfa, such a small person, rushed up, and it seemed that he couldn't stop the plastic palm at all, but when Gong Changfa successfully touched the plastic, he instantly cast his supernatural ability. , I saw that the originally strong and huge plastic palm began to melt in an instant, and the plastic turned into liquid, flowing continuously on the deck, but it could no longer condense.

The principle of Gong Changfa's trick is actually very simple. Since the object controlled by the great white shark is plastic, his attack must be based on the characteristics of plastic. Plastic is a high molecular polymer, and there are many chemical bonds connecting each other, so plastic It is so strong, but as long as the chemical bonds in it are broken by using supernatural powers, then these plastic molecules cannot be combined together, and eventually become liquid.

When Gong Changfa used this ability, the people who saw it were all amazed. They didn't expect that the supernatural being on his side also had such powerful strength.

"It's amazing, it turns out that the supernatural beings on our side can also fight." Many soldiers were talking to themselves when they saw this scene.

When Zhu Kai saw that the captain had already cast his supernatural powers, he couldn't care less about it now, and then he climbed to the top of the ship's mast. There was a basket here, which is usually the place where observers stay, but now it was placed by him. occupy.

"Frenzied electric waves!" Zhu Kai also began to display his abilities. He can release violent electric waves to the surroundings. The electric waves can penetrate the hull. As long as they are within a certain range, human beings will be affected.

The moment Zhu Kai cast his power, the soldiers and power users on the cruiser were all affected by the radio waves, their eyes became blood red, and they felt manic for no reason, and this feeling reacted on the body, making Everyone's strength and speed have improved.

Gong Changfa was also affected by this radio wave, and he felt that he was full of energy all over his body, and his thinking was a little confused: "Zhu Kai, you did a great job. Now, with me on board, these strange sea beasts It is impossible to damage the ship!"

Zhu Kai's supernatural powers can not only act on the human body, but also supernatural beings. Those affected by the radio waves will become manic. However, correspondingly, everyone's sanity will also be affected. Strength and speed are strengthened, but thinking ability will be weakened instead. At this moment, the fleet can't run away even if they want to. There is no other way but to fight to the death, so Zhu Kai will use this ability at this time.

And the range that the radio waves released by Zhu Kai can affect is very small, only the surrounding area, so except for the people on the cruiser who were affected, the people on the other ships did not respond at all, and the radio waves could not reach such a far place .

After a night of rest, Lin Xi regained her physical strength. It just so happened that the squid was hiding under the boat she was on. After casting the supernatural power, the sea water around the frigate instantly became sour, and Lin Xi had no choice but to take action. , There are all kinds of ions in seawater, as long as they can form colloids, they can protect the hull from being affected.

"Nie Yuying, come here and grab the rope. If you find danger, pull me up immediately!" Lin Xi said to the man beside her.

After finishing speaking, Lin Xi tied a rope around his body, and handed the other end of the rope to Nie Yuying. His ability is to strengthen muscles, which is exactly the same as Jiang Kui's ability, and it is not very useful in naval battles. However, his strength was enough to ensure that he handed over the rope to him. As long as he found danger, Lin Xi might be pulled up at any time.

Nie Yuying grabbed the rope, twisted it around her hand twice to make sure she would not let go, and then said, "Okay, don't worry, I will hold on to it firmly, just go on!"

Lin Xi got the assurance from her companion, so she didn't say much at this time, she jumped directly into the sea water, and the moment she touched the surface of the water, she immediately began to cast her supernatural power, "Change for me!"

Lin Xi punched the sea water, and the surrounding countless ions instantly formed a gel, but in an instant, the gel disappeared, and Lin Xi just fell straight into the sea.

"Help me!" Lin Xi didn't expect such a situation to happen. Before that, Bai Ling's supernatural ability had been tried a lot, but now it failed in an instant, and he could only call for help in a hurry.

If the process of casting the ability went smoothly, Lin Xi should have landed on the gel just like yesterday, but Lin Xi didn't expect that her ability would fail, the gel disappeared in an instant, and she fell into the water.

Nie Yuying didn't dare to be negligent, she grabbed the rope and pulled it up hard, pulling Lin Xi back to put it on again. A soldier nearby brought a bucket of clean water and said, "Rinse it quickly, don't be corroded by the acid water!"

Lin Xi still cared about her own image, it would be too miserable if she was disfigured by acid water, so Lin Xi grabbed the bucket and poured it on her head, washing away all the acid water on her body.

"Unexpectedly, my ability has failed, and I can't condense the colloid around the ship." Lin Xi said with an ugly face.

Nie Yuying thought for a while and said, "This may be due to the acidity. Now the seawater around the hull is all acidic. In this environment, colloids cannot be formed. Even if they are formed, they will still be dissolved."

"Then what should we do now? Do we have to watch the boat under our feet corrode?" Lin Xi asked hastily.

Nie Yuying shook her head, expressing that there was nothing she could do.

The artillery fire on the ship suddenly became rarer, and the shells were almost exhausted. Taking advantage of this moment, the turtle suddenly accelerated, and began to charge towards a frigate.

"Boom", the turtle slammed into a frigate and made a dull sound. Feeling such a violent vibration, the soldiers on board almost failed to stand still.

The frigate tilted, but the captain had no choice but to order an electric shock to shock the turtle and make it leave.

Now the situation is getting worse, ammunition is running out, and the sea beast side is almost undamaged. Many people present are desperate, including many people from the Tianxuan Bureau.

Not all supernatural beings are as powerful as Gong Changfa, and many of them have only been strengthened physically, unable to even control other substances, and their lives are threatened at sea, even if they want to run, they can find it. Without a place to escape, these people immediately became pessimistic.

"We were deceived by Gong Changfa. He said that after salvaging the meteorite, we can become famous and admired by the world, but he can protect himself. What should we do now?" It was for meritorious service, but now it seems that meritorious service is hopeless, and now even my own life is not guaranteed, it is like losing my wife and losing my army!

The captains knew that the cannonballs could no longer pose a threat to these giant sea beasts. Sea turtles have a strong ability to recover. The purpose of exposing their shells before was to consume the cannonballs. Its purpose has been achieved, and the speed of the great white shark underwater is extremely fast. Quick, underwater missiles can't hit it either. As for the underwater squid, as long as they find that a missile has locked themselves, they will immediately run into the deep water, and come up again after the missile loses its target.

It can be said that in sea combat, the fleet's advantage has been completely lost.

"All ships, turn on the high-voltage electricity to avoid the approach of sea beasts!" The commander responded to the situation in front of him.

The ships reacted quickly, putting the high-voltage coils in the water one after another, and then began to energize. Now, I can only hope that the sea water after energization will make the giant sea beasts inaccessible. As for the next battle, most of them can only rely on supernatural beings .

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